He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1208 The Third Wish

"Then, what is your second wish~!"

The first wish that Xiaozhi fulfilled was to go home, which made Kiraqi feel a little lucky.

Especially when he sensed that Xiaozhi is a kind creature, Kiraqi was even more delighted from the bottom of his heart.

It's more like a wishing tool.

As long as someone makes a wish, she will unconditionally fulfill the wish, no matter right or wrong, good or evil... This makes Kiraqi actually very afraid that what he sees is an evil person after he wakes up.

For example, the human who put her on the machine before.

She could feel that once Barrett's wish came true, it would be a catastrophe!

"A second wish...?"

Hearing this, a lot of scenes suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind.

Meet more elves, meet more powerful trainers...

Become the strongest trainer, beat all the league champions, brother Chi Chaomeng and so on...

Become a Pokémon Master...

While imagining, his eyes subconsciously looked around.

The scenery outside the top floor of the Sky Pillar is only a piece of chaos, as if it is locked. The air flow in the clouds is no longer flowing, but the sky can be seen gradually turning yellow.

"Wait a minute, what time is it?"

Xiaozhi suddenly heard something, and quickly took out the illustrated book.

Time, 5:45.


Xiaozhi shuddered, the timing was not right.

After all, he is also a senior player with experience in many league conferences.

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, so the deadline for entries will be at 6:00 pm the day before...

"Only 15 minutes left?!"

Xiaozhi panicked, finally collected eight badges, and finally came back from that world, just to participate in the Caiyou Conference, there is no reason to miss it.

"Help, save, Brother Chaomeng!!"

Xiaozhi immediately chose to call for help.

With Chaomeng's teleportation, he can reach the destination in an instant and complete the final registration.


However, Chaomeng just gave him a cold snort.

Thinking of him as a teleporter?

When you have this thought, it is already humiliating him... For another person, he has been squished into a palm-sized meat ball by Chaomeng.

This made Xiaozhi suddenly dumbfounded.

From here to Caiyou Town, even if Ladias flies at full speed, it will take about 30 minutes +...

Not enough at all!

"Wait a moment!"

Xiaozhi's eyes fell on Kiraqi who was shining like a wishing star above.

Here, isn't there a ready-made teleporter?

"Please, Kiraqi, let me arrive at the gate of the Caiyou Alliance Conference registration location in an instant!"


Hearing this wish, Kiraqi was visibly taken aback.

Another instant teleportation, and this time it was just a teleportation between regions.

Does this human being not take the power of its wishes seriously at all?

This made Kiraqi even more delighted. Even if such a teleportation does not rely on her own power, she can barely send Xiaozhi to her destination.


Or take the public account!

As the light soared, the next moment, a glob of words appeared on the note on Kiraqi's right.


As the light fell, Xiaozhi's figure disappeared in place again.

...opened his eyes, this time Xiaozhi came to an island town.

At the entrance, a huge celebration banner was hung. The town under dusk was still full of people, and countless tourists and newcomers entered it.

Caiyou Town.

It's just a place similar to the Silver Town that Xiaozhi had been to before.

Relying on the annual alliance conference, the gradually expanding tourist town, even in the offseason, still has many tourists coming to visit.

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Caiyou Conference. At this moment, the town is full of lights and festoons, and the parade and celebration team can always attract a lot of applause and restlessness.

It's just that Xiaozhi has no time to care about these things at the moment.

"Only the last ten minutes left!"

Xiaozhi found the direction of the nearest elf center, and made a gesture to run.

"Xiaozhi, the third..."

Kiraqi in the sky wanted to say something, but was temporarily interrupted by Xiaozhi.

"I'm sorry, Kiraqi, I'm in a hurry now... I'll be right back with the third wish later!"

Xiaozhi could only give her a calm and calm look, and then rushed towards the elf center in a hurry.


Watching Xiaozhi's figure disappear, Kiraqi could only touch his little hands, and looked around curiously with his big black eyes.

She only wakes up once every thousand years, and the world she sees every time she wakes up is particularly different...

What the world looks like now is completely unfamiliar to her.


Inside the Spirit Center.

"Contestant Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, congratulations on completing your registration~ Please listen to the broadcast carefully when the time comes, and don't be late again~!"

Miss Joy smiled and returned Xiaozhi's eight badges, together with the illustrated book.

There are less than three minutes before the deadline... This boy registered at the buzzer, and almost missed it.

"Thank you Miss Joy!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's expression brightened, and he finally caught up.

"Uh, tell me, is my water drop badge okay..."

But what made him curious was that the badge he got from another world had also passed the test of this world organization.

Generally speaking, the badges obtained by trainers are bound to their own identities, right?

Otherwise, other people can cut off the Hu outside Caiyou Town and directly snatch and replace him.

"Oh, this water drop badge is a general badge, and it doesn't record the identity of the challenger... Generally, the gym owners rarely give trainers this kind of badge."

Miss Joy explained with a smile.

Xiaozhi nodded. He and Mr. Adam were also fighting informally, and it was reasonable to give an informal badge.

After the registration was completed, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced.

It is estimated that Xiaogang Xiaolan and the others are already waiting for him in Caiyou Town at this moment, right?

I haven't seen my friend for so many days, Xiao Zhi still misses her...

But now, Kiraqi is still waiting for him outside.


Walking outside, Xiaozhi found that there were already several people watching Kiraqi.

But it's not a big problem. Although there are rumors of Kiraqi in this world, there are very few records, far less than that world.

Most people only regarded Kiraqi as a rare Pokémon in other regions, and did not regard Kiraqi as a legendary Pokémon.


Seeing Xiaozhi's figure again, Kiraqi narrowed his small eyes, and immediately floated over, hugging Xiaozhi's hat affectionately.

When she just woke up, she was somewhat shy.

When the two came to an area with few people, Kiraqi floated above Xiaozhi's head again.

It's just that she lowered her head and sent out a weak telepathy.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, that... the third wish! Can I ask you to make another wish on the seventh day...?"

After all, if you make three wishes right now...

Then she might just melt into a cocoon and fall asleep today.

What Kira prayed for was to spend these short seven days completely.

Humble, weak.

After finishing speaking, he blinked his big eyes, held his little hands, and looked at Xiaozhi expectantly.

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