He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1206 Wake up, Kiraqi

"Is this Kiraqi...?"

In the jungle, Xiaozhi was running at high speed while holding a purple-brown spiked rock.


But before he ran far, two roars came from behind.

Xiaozhi turned his head subconsciously, but saw a blood-winged dragon flying in the air, rushing towards him rapidly.

There is also a black wolfhound on the ground, jumping and running in the jungle, its pitch-black hair is completely integrated with the night.

"Um, are quasi-gods rotten now...?"

Xiaozhi saw a person standing on top of the blood-winged dragon...

It was the fanatical scientist who was kicked out by Team Lava.

After catching up with Xiaozhi, Barrett jumped off the blood wing dragon's back.

"Boy, how dare you steal my things...!"

It's just that at this moment, his whole face is extremely livid, with a look of anger.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense... I put a fruit there, it's an exchange of equal value."

Xiaozhi quickly propped up his palm and corrected seriously.

Immediately, he stopped running away, holding the stone egg in his arms majestically.

Indeed, why should I run?

He can't beat me again.

Although this Blood Wing Wyvern looks very fierce.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Sensing the contempt on Xiaozhi's expression, the Blood Winged Wyvern jumped violently and leaped forward, opening its dragon's mouth along the way, and the dangerous orange energy began to condense.


The hyena dog next to him didn't take the initiative to attack, but howled in place, increasing his attack power.

"Are you going to fight...then it's up to you!"

Seeing that the opponent was two Pokémon, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly threw out two Poké Balls.

boom! boom!

Before the two beams of red light were fully finalized, the figure within them turned into two streamers of light, one red and one green, and rushed towards the attacking blood-winged dragon at the same time.

On one side, there was a scythe blade shining with a sharp green light, and it was slashing at the chest of the Blood Wing Wyvern with an incomparably tricky posture.

Leaf Blade Slash!

The figure on the other side jumped into the air, then turned around and kicked back in midair, and the flying kick that ignited the fiery flame also kicked the blood wing dragon's slender neck.


Faintly, even the sound of bones cracking could be heard.

Flame Kicks!

The slashing and kicking were added at the same time. Before the blood-winged dragon's destructive death light could be emitted, the whole body quickly retreated and fell heavily into the depths of the jungle.

Looking at that embarrassed appearance, it is obvious that he is already unable to fight.

"What?! How is it possible?!"

Barrett looked at his proud Bloodwing Wyvern, flying past him and backing away, with a horrified expression.

He is a powerful quasi-god, how could he be instantly killed after meeting him? !

But he didn't know that there were differences between quasi-gods.

If this Blood Winged Wyvern is really strong enough, he can at least become a thug for the Lava team, instead of being thrown out like a wild dog.

On the other side, the two red lights were completely finalized, and the lizard king and the flame chicken stood side by side in front of Xiaozhi.

Both of them ignored the opponent in front of them, but turned around and stared at each other.


The Lizard King picked up a branch in his mouth, indicating that it was the one that hit the Blood Wing Wyvern's body first.


Naturally, the flame chicken did not show weakness, and immediately stated that it kicked the blood wing dragon's neck first.

Two fully evolved Yusanjia, head to head pressed together, shouting at each other, no one would obey the other.

Those who play with knives are naturally at odds with those who play with legs.


The remaining big wolfhound still wanted to attack, baring its teeth and barking.

This made Lizard King and Flame Chicken turn their heads at the same time, the green light blade of Leaf Blade Slashed, and the hot flame of Flame Kick ignited...

The ferocious appearance of the two of them directly suppressed the evil wolfhound.


Then there was a whine, and he ran away in embarrassment with his tail between his legs.

slip away...

It's just a vase coyote in a magic show...

For a moment, Barrett became a loner, standing there with a messy expression.


"I'm sorry, this thing belongs to me now, you can go find other Kiraqi."

When the battle came to an end, Xiaozhi took back the flame chicken and the lizard king, and waved his hands in disgust, indicating that Barrett could leave.

Seems like an evil scientist from Team Lava... that kind of guy doesn't need to have such a good face.


Barrett's expression changed rapidly.

He is eager to regain Kiraqi's stone cocoon, but the power displayed by the young man in front of him is simply beyond his ability.

In the end, Barratt watched Xiaozhi's figure walk away, gradually disappearing into the jungle of night.


He could only slam his fist on the ground angrily.

Boom boom boom...!!

Behind him, there was a sudden explosion of flames, and the movement was impressive.

His girlfriend Diane finally made up her mind to completely blow up this ominous recovery device, including Gulardo's fingernails.

Turning around and staring blankly at the explosion, Barrett's expression was filled with loneliness and despair.

"Forget it, I'll just be a magician from now on..."



After a while, Xiaozhi came to a no man's land in the jungle.

He placed the purple stone cocoon in his hand on the rock platform.

"Go away, I want to come out~"

A soft telepathic sensation sounded, and Xiaozhi quickly took a step back, staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.


The purple-brown stone cocoon bloomed with a strange light, flickering to the extreme.

The next moment, the stone cocoon disappeared, and a light yellow object appeared in the air, shaped like a human baby, with most of its body wrapped in yellow cloth.

With the yellow cloth fully opened.

But it was a yellow-white Pokémon with a milky-white body and head covered with three yellow protrusions. From a distance, it looked like a star.

At the end of the three protruding stars, there is still a blank wishing note attached.

The big jet-black eyes have a small light green imprint downward, as if there are teardrops hanging from them all the time.

The yellow cloth that wrapped the body before was now tied on the back like a small cloak, floating with the wind.

"Is this Kiraqi?!"

Xiaozhi was very surprised, and quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Kiraqi, wishing Pokémon, steel attribute and fairy attribute. It is said that the wish can be fulfilled by opening the eye of truth in the abdomen. It is said that it will only wake up once in a thousand years, and the cycle of one time is only seven days, and it will come back again. sleep."

Xiaozhi took a closer look, and sure enough, he could see a hook mark on Kiraqi's little white belly, like a closed eye.

"You can only wake up for seven days?"

But the description in the illustrated book made him feel a bit chilled.

Waking up once in a thousand years, only seven days at a time... Such a cycle of reincarnation is too outrageous!


After waking up, Kiraqi ignored these things, showing a cute and smiling expression, and flew around Xiaozhi lightly.

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