He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 117 Traveling Through the Electronic World

The outskirts of Jinhuang City.

"Mr. Dache, there is no need to send it away, we have already left Jinhuang City."

Xiaozhi said with a smile.

After defeating the Golden Gym, it was time for Xiaozhi and his party to leave Golden City.

Little clever ghosts like Xiaolan ran away overnight last night.

It is said that I saw a small advertisement on a telephone pole, saying that the Rockets are urgently recruiting 50 interns to discuss the world's plans, and it is estimated that there will be a big move soon.

The interview venue was in Yuhong City next door, so Xiao Lan bid farewell to everyone and left overnight.

She is working hard towards her dream.

Seeing this, Dache also stopped, and took out a watch-shaped bracelet from his pocket, with a colorful glass bead inlaid on the top of the middle, which was the keystone that Xiaozhi had given him earlier.

"According to the agreement, I have turned your keystone into a mega bracelet."

As the most traditional craftsman, he did not turn the keystone into fancy earrings, nose rings, tongue rings, navel rings, but a black bracelet, which looks simple but handsome.

Now Xiaozhi is not only a benefactor of Golden City, but also a great benefactor of their German company.

Each region has its own boss-level companies, such as the Rockets Group and Silver Company in the Kanto region.

A German company in the Hoen area.

The Ethereum Foundation in the Alola region and more.

However, there are not many companies that can achieve cross-regional development, and Devon is only just getting started.

"In the future, if you come to our Fangyuan area, you can come to our German company as a guest. The headquarters is in Kanaz City."

Dache said with a smile, thinking of Xiaozhi's identity as a trainer, he added another sentence:

"At other times, I can also introduce my cousin, who is now the champion of Fangyuan Alliance, Dawu to you. He is a powerful trainer, and he may be of great help to your fighting skills."

However, Dache seems to have heard his cousin say that 996 is about to vomit every day, and he has no skills at all. He doesn't want to care about the mundane affairs of the league at all. He just wants to be an ordinary absentee and is looking for someone to replace him as the champion.

It is said that he has found his target recently. Dache has seen the photo of that person, and he seems to be a tall, enchanting and graceful woman with blue hair.

Xiaozhi took the mega bracelet with a curious face, and put it on his arm immediately with undisguised joy like a child who has been rewarded.

The unicorn arm with black bracelet really looks a bit more handsome.

As for the champion of the Fangyuan region that Dache mentioned, he raised his eyebrows, and secretly thought that it was the Fangyuan region that was smashed and dizzy again.

I really have a relationship with him.

However, since the powerful trainer was mentioned, he became interested, and secretly wrote down the two key words "Kanaz City" and "Dawu". If he is really destined to come to the Fangyuan area in the future, he will go to ask for advice. one two.

"Speaking of Mr. Dache, now that I have a mega bracelet, where can I buy a mega stone?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

The hardware of mega evolution needs one person and one pet each with a stone, and the software needs the fetters of one person and one pet. The conditions are somewhat harsh.

But if it is really possible to mega-evolve, just listening to it will make people's blood boil.

"Hehe, mega stones are scarce. There won't be any in the market. Everything depends on chance."

Dache explained with a wry smile.

It is impossible to buy.

Now some Pokémon mega stones have been found in the Carlos area and the Yoshien area, and there is no record of production in Kanto.

But it's hard to say, after all, the keystone that Xiaozhi obtained in the Kanto region is not recorded on the surface.

It may be that no one is digging here at all, but their Devon company can dig one step ahead of time, and maybe they can make a lot of money.

Anyway, mega stones are all metaphysics.

If you are lucky, you may be walking, and a mega stone will fall from the sky and hit your head.

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something again, and couldn't help asking:

"By the way, speaking of saving Silver Company this time, my best friend Xiao Mao was also a member of the battle. It seems that he hasn't received his reward yet?"

Although he and Xiaomao didn't deal with each other, they still had to take what should be taken. He was not familiar with Silver.

Besides, he didn't really want a reward for Xiaomao, and it was a wonderful thing that he cut off his beard halfway.

"Oh, you're talking about the boy with the hedgehog head. He took away the reward on the first night. It was a Pokémon named 3D Dragon and an upgrade patch."

Da Che explained.

In terms of benefits, Xiaomao, a poet, would not passively wait for others to reward him, so he made an unannounced visit to Silver that night.

Play dungeons, drop treasures, of course.

"3D dragon?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, the name sounds a bit cool, subconsciously took out the illustrated book.

"Didi. 3D dragon, information is unknown."

For the first time, the Pokédex has become less useful than a brick.

"The information is unknown!?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, the general information is unknown, it is a legendary Pokémon, abominable, that guy Xiaomao actually got such a rare Pokémon! ?

Xiaolan took half of Zhenxin Town's worth of stocks.

In the end, I was the one who lost the most, and took some bad street poke balls! ?

Like a dumbass! ?


"Hehe, it's actually not a legendary Pokémon. It's a man-made Pokémon. The technology is not yet mature, so it hasn't been formally named to the Pokémon Alliance."

Dache explained that the 3D dragon is not particularly powerful, but it will be useful in certain fields, and it can be regarded as a rare Pokémon.

"It is said that it has the special ability to take humans through the electronic world, but it is only a conceptual idea, and it has not been really tested yet."

If the young man named Xiaomao can use the bonus upgrade patch to complete the evolution of the 3D dragon, he may really become a powerful Pokémon in the future.

In short, this is a Pokémon with a promising future.

Xiaozhi is still complaining, just like Lemon's expression.

Chi, who was drinking tea and watching a play in his soul, suddenly raised his eyebrows and found the key point in Dache's words.

His eyes deepened, and he fell into deep thought, constantly thinking about all the memories about the 3D dragon in his mind.

In his memory, Zeng Jin saw this kind of Pokémon in the casino in Yuhong City, but it was not sold with normal money, but exchanged for something called game tokens.

The exchange price was ridiculously high. Chi was too old to compare at the time. He almost lost his underwear after playing the slot machine several times.

But he knew that Qinglu exchanged for a 3D dragon.

Although the other party is also a veteran, but he is rich.

Krypton can change his life, and he kept krypton gold, which allowed him to successfully get the game tokens for exchange.

In this way, the boy named Mao and Qinglu now have two 3D dragons in their hands?

Chi seemed to think of something, and a bold idea spit out from the corner of his mouth.

"Through the electronic world..."



"Out of Jinhuang City, head west all the way, you can see Yuhong City, there is a grass attribute gymnasium there."

Dache gave a final hint.

Grass attribute gym?

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, the grass-type gymnasium sounded very weak, so they don't have to fight so hard this time, right?

"Understood, then goodbye Mr. Dache."

The three of Xiaozhi bid farewell to Dache for the last time, and started heading west along the outskirts of Jinhuang City...

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