He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1127 VS Double Mega Evolution! !

With the right to shoot, Fu Rong immediately aimed at the Megalodon in front of her.

"Use will-o'-the-wisps!!"

This is a shark that relies on physical attacks for food. It was in a state of burns, and most of it was destroyed directly.


I saw wandering Ye Ling waving his hands, and several groups of eerie and misty flames flew out.

"Qixi blue bird, use the mysterious guardian!!"

However, the Tanabata blue bird above flew down suddenly, and the surface of the blue-white body was glowing with a strange light of dark green.


The eerie will-o'-the-wisp fell on the Tanabata blue bird, but it simply dissipated, completely ineffective.

Mystic Guardian is a move that can ignore abnormal status.

"Megatooth, use water jet!!"

And with the Tanabata blue bird take off again.

Whoosh! !

Under the cover, a water arrow roared out again, piercing the air.

This time, it even bypassed the wandering night spirit at the front, and then bumped into the coal turtle in an instant. Its movements were extremely flexible, as if there was an ocean around it.

The effect is outstanding!

Trick space has no effect on preemptive moves.

The powerful impact of this blow directly knocked the coal turtle overturning a somersault.


Shui Wutong looked up at the sky and snorted coldly, the dazzling sunlight weakened the power of water attribute moves...

"Qixi blue bird, use the power of the moon!!"

"Megatooth, use the tooth of the spirit!!"

Just when the two were about to attack again, the figure of Wandering Yeling suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next moment, it appeared directly in midair, at the same height as the Qixi blue bird.

In the one-eyed eyes, there is even a dangerous black electric light bursting out...

"Use Night Specter!!"

Boom! !

The black light of energy roared out like a long snake, and exploded on the Tanabata blue bird first! !

This is a move whose power is linked to its own level, and as the main Pokémon of Heavenly King Furong, its power is definitely not low.


On the other side, the coal tortoise let out a high-pitched sound, and gusts of heat and gusts spewed out from the cracks in the turtle's shell, and it also hit the megalodon shark first.

Whoosh! !

The hot wind swirled and spread, even covering the Tanabata Blue Bird above.

With the blessing of trick space at this moment, the attack of the two is in a state of complete preemption.


"I can't tell, you're not bad~!"

"You're not bad, Heavenly King Furong."

Taking advantage of the suppression, Xiaozhi and Furong even had time to look at each other and say something to each other.

Unexpectedly, the first cooperation was unexpectedly very well timed.

But such a situation made Sijana and Shui Wutong on the opposite side frown.

It's so disgusting once the opponent opens the room for tricks... especially in doubles.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

In an instant, a powerful aura rose from the two of them, which made Xiaozhi and Furong turn their heads quickly.


However, Sijana stepped forward with her right foot, and at this moment, the snake-like decoration wrapped around her right calf began to glow strangely.

Especially a round bead at the apex of the decoration shines even more.

As for Shui Wutong, she raised her palm, and on a ring on her index finger, there was also a bead that radiated brightly.



The Qixi blue bird and the megalodon shark screamed towards the sky at the same time, revealing the hidden props orbs on their bodies.

In the next moment, the strange white light that lit up on the two people and the two beasts turned into a connected energy current...

boom! !

boom! !

There was a sound like breaking an eggshell. After the light disappeared, the appearance of the giant tooth shark and the Tanabata blue bird had changed drastically.

The body of the megalodon shark became more slender, and the giant mouth became more spit out. There were many yellow cracks on the body, and even the outer skin with sharp teeth and bones.

If the previous big mouth could easily bite through the boulder... at this moment, it is estimated that even steel can be directly crushed!

As for the Tanabata blue bird, its body has turned light blue, and the white cotton covering it has become more fluffy and wider, covering almost its entire body. Below it is a slender and elegant silk ribbon tail.

Mega Megalodon!

Mega Tanabata blue bird! !

The coercive aura brought by the double mega evolution immediately made Xiao Zhi step back and his expression sank.

Can't afford it, you two! ?


As for Heavenly King Furong, she had expected it long ago. The Wandering Yeling's detection characteristics had already let her know that the props carried by the other two were their respective mega stones.

Furong was born with the ability to communicate with ghost Pokémon, and can understand the call of wandering night spirits.


"Hmph, let them see your current power...mega Tanabata blue bird, use the giant sound!!"

Sigana said with a fierce face.

The coal tortoise wanted to interrupt it with jet flames, but saw that the megalodon had blocked between the two of them, and its mouth was wide open, devouring the flames to pieces!

After completing the mega evolution, the characteristic of the megalodon has also become a strong forehead, which has made a qualitative leap in its bite force.

"Woo ah!!!"

And the mega Tanabata blue bird was fully charged and neighed loudly towards the sky above the entire rooftop.

The violent sound turned into a real air wave at this moment, and even pale pink energy ripples could be seen with the naked eye.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The next moment, the giant sound detonated the coal turtle and wandering night spirit at the same time, and the powerful force even blasted them several meters away at the same time.

"What a powerful force..."

Xiaozhi was stunned, and why is your giant voice still pink?

"Didi, the mega Tanabata blue bird, its own attributes have been transformed into dragon attributes and fairy attributes, and its characteristics have also been transformed into fairy skin... When using normal attribute moves, it will transform into fairy attribute moves."

The illustration book automatically recognizes the road.

Juyin directly became a goblin Juyin.

"Is there still such a saying..."

Xiaozhi is facing a big enemy, a dragon bird turned into a goblin bird... no wonder others say he is a traitor to the dragon clan.

"Megatooth, use the tooth of the spirit!!"

The megalodon shark on the side made up for the attack, biting the wandering night spirit with a mouthful of energy teeth that shone with pink light.


Although it only doubled the effect, it couldn't hold back the bonus of the opponent's strong forehead, which made the Wandering Night Spirit let out a wail.

However, Fu Rong's command was equally stern, and she suddenly said:

"Use to share the pain!"

As the wandering night spirit waved its hands, its expression immediately felt better.

"Roar Wu..."

The megalodon shark in front of it let out a low cry.

Sharing the pain can force the physical strength of the two to be equally divided.

But this also means that the stamina of the wandering night spirit is also not very optimistic.

Facing an opponent with double mega evolution at the same time is definitely not an easy task.

"Xiaozhi, let me assist you this time, and attack with all your might!"

Heavenly King Furong's eyes turned hard, and the two lost orbs must not fall into the hands of these wicked people casually.

Hearing that Xiaozhi nodded, taking advantage of the trick space and the number of rounds, he immediately shouted:

"Coal turtle, use the smoke directly!"

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