He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 109 vs Magic Wall Doll! (superior)


Xiaozhi pressed his hat, if there were three, it would be just right for his three generals.

On the opposite side, Nazi, as the head of the gymnasium, naturally wanted to shoot the Pokémon first. She saw a blue light in her eyes, and an elf ball floated from her waist inexplicably and landed on the field.

Red light flashed, this is a humanoid upright Pokémon, with a cute head like a child, a few pink dots on the white body, slender limbs, and a pair of pointed hooks on the feet Boots, arms waving in mid-air, doing a mirror-cleaning motion.

Like a clown in a circus, his movements and demeanor are a bit funny.

"Didi. The magic wall puppet, the wall-wiping Pokémon, will create an invisible wall in front of itself. It is said that a certain circus clown turned into a Pokémon the next day because he didn't take off his headgear. It is one of the top ten most popular Pokémon this year (Housewife Xiang)."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

Xiaozhi scratched his head, glanced at the Pokémon called "Paris Paris" across the street, thinking that housewives like this kind?

He didn't understand the female-oriented list last time either.

However, the magic wall doll didn't show any overpowering aura, and Xiaozhi threw his elf ball.

"It's up to you, Jenny Jenny!"

"Jenny Jenny!"

The little blue tortoise stepped on the playing field. The transparent and shiny floor gave it a big jump at first, but after stepping on it, it found that it was a solid floor before it stabilized.

The surrounding neon lights and cheers also made Squirrel stunned for a moment, it had never seen such a posture.

Really makes the turtle nervous.

"It's not the Geng Gui who sent it?"

"It's also interesting to send Ba Dadie or Bibi Bird. If you think about flying out of a tall building, the sky below is 40 stories high."

"I guess Xiaozhi has some other strategy."

The relatives and friends discussed.

Don't look at Xiaozhi who is usually stunned, but when it comes to fighting, his brain is still very fast.

Xiaozhi took back the elf ball.

It's really not that he didn't want to send Geng Gui, the problem is that the latter hasn't come back since he came to Jinhuang City to find true love.

Geng Gui, the strongest urban beauty hunter?


"Golden Gym Challenge, the game begins!"

Following Nazi's father's shout, Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

"Squirtle, use the water gun!"


The Squirrel focused his eyes, took a deep breath, and created a jet of water. Although it was not particularly wide, the rate of fire was very fast.

Nazi didn't say anything, and the magic wall puppet didn't dodge, just made a glass-cleaning motion on the spot, as if there was really a wall in front of her.


The water gun approached, as if it was really blocked by a wall, it was blocked in front of it, and the water splashed around. Only a small amount of water flowed through the wall, but it basically did not hurt the magic wall doll.

A vague rectangular wall is visible only in the occasional shot of neon light.

"Tsk, is this making a wall..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to encounter such a strange ability, and then he turned his eyes and ordered again:

"Run and keep using the water gun."


The Squirrel nodded, and started running on its short blue legs, spitting a jet of water at the magic wall doll while running.

Nazi's eyes began to flash with excitement, and she ordered in a low voice:

"Magic wall puppet, let's move too."


The magic wall puppet nodded and began to run. Whenever a water column hit, it would wipe out a wall of air in front of it, and then continued to run.

One puppet and one turtle just attack on one side and defend on the other side, and the distance is constantly getting closer.

When Xiaozhi reacted, the magic wall doll was already less than 1 meter away from the Squirrel.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Great opportunity, use shock!"

After all, superpower Pokémon is a long-range mage. Once it is close, it can be knocked down with a brick.

The Squirrel showed a confident expression, and the chubby head of the turtle shone with a cold light, and he bumped out without thinking.


Suddenly there was a sharp pain in his head, as if he had hit a thick wall, causing Jenny to sit upside down on the ground, constantly kneading his head with tears in his eyes.


Gan! Since when is there an extra wall here!

When the Squirrel reacted, he realized that his body was surrounded by several blurred transparent light walls, the kind with 360 degrees and no dead ends, confining him in a narrow space with a volume of 2 to 3 meters.

There is also a magic wall puppet outside that keeps screaming "Ba Li Ba Li", which attracts hatred very much.

It really annoys the turtle!

Thinking of the Jenny Turtle hitting directly, constantly impacting the transparent wall in front of him.

"Squirrel, calm down!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded.

He didn't expect that in addition to being able to defend, the transparent wall could also be used to control the enemy. It seems that even if she doesn't use superpowers, Nazi can't be underestimated in Pokémon battles.


Hearing that the Squirrel calmed down a bit, it planned to find a weak point and then concentrate on attacking.

It's just that the tortoise wants to be quiet, but there are more magic wall dolls. Its eyes suddenly glowed with blue light. With a wave of its finger, the blue light instantly penetrated the wall and hit Jenny Turtle.

"Magic wall puppet, use mind power!"

Nazi instructed.


In the next second, the Squirrel's body uncontrollably began to slam into the surrounding walls crazily, hitting it four or five times in a row before stopping, directly causing several big bumps on its chubby head.


What a headache!

But before the Squirrel came back to his senses, the blue light covered it again, controlling it to slam into the air wall again.



A series of crashing sounds suddenly made Xiaozhi find a way to break the game, and shouted loudly:

"Jenny Turtle, just use this strength to use high-speed rotation!"


Hearing this, the Jenny Turtle's eyes turned serious for a moment, and he suddenly put his limbs and tail into the turtle shell, and spun at a high speed, relying on the hardness of the turtle shell to continuously bombard the surrounding walls.



After three times of acceleration, the high-speed rotation successfully smashed the light wall, and the rotating turtle shell shot out from inside, and the person in front of him was the magic wall puppet that was displaying the power of thought.


Before it could react, the high-speed rotation had already hit its chest head-on, and the force like a spiral ball knocked it several meters away, dragging a long trace on the ground before gradually stopping.

"Can you still crack the combined skill of reflecting wall and mind force like this?"

"This young man really understands a little bit."

The audience around applauded Xiaozhi's operation, applauding as if adding buf to him, Xiaozhi's momentum rose instantly, and he shouted again:

"Just keep using high-speed rotation in the air!"

The turtle's shell began to spin continuously in the air, but it only surrounded the magic wall puppet, but did not attack it.

When the time was right, Xiao Zhi waved his thumb again: "Then use the water gun to attack it!"


The Squirrel stopped suddenly in the air and stretched out its head. After shooting a jet of water, it retracted instantly, and then switched back to the high-speed moving state to change positions.

This action continues for 7 or 8 rounds, attacking the magic wall doll from all angles.


This time the speed was much faster than the previous ground turtle. When the magic wall puppet just propped up the wall and was about to move, the water column had already shot from another direction. It had no choice but to turn its body and support the light behind it. wall.

"Hey, this scene."

The audience around God's perspective quickly noticed the strangeness.

Sure enough, within a few rounds, the light wall set up by the magic wall doll around his body surrounded him, just like the trapped Squirtle before.


Nazi's eyes showed a look of emotion.

Seeing the bewildered expression of the magic wall doll trapped by the light wall he built, Xiaozhi laughed, and then showed a determined expression, and shouted in a deep voice: "Now it's our time, Squirtle, prepare Use the Rocket Head!"

This is a great skill with general attributes, its power is not even inferior to the ultimate impact, but the only disadvantage is that it needs to be stored for a while.

But it is extremely adaptable to the current environment!


The white light on the Squirrel's glans is soaring, and the energy is constantly rising!

Just when the latter was about to fully charge and launch, Nazi suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and spit out a word softly.

"Magic wall puppet, use the exchange site."


Trapped by the light wall, the flustered magic wall puppet instantly changed its face, and suddenly showed an evil smile, as if it were some kind of villain, and then lightly hooked its fingers, and a strange light shrouded it and Jenny at the same time. on the turtle.


In the next second, the two switched places.

The magic wall puppet came outside, and the Squirtle returned to the inside of the wall.

Squirtle: "?"

Are there still high-quality players who bring exchange venues? !

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