He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1106: The Lightning Pillar's Instant Kill!

"Come out!!"

With a flip of Naqi's palm, her first Pokémon appeared first.

Huge hill-shaped body, long dragon-shaped body, the whole body is covered with blue ferocious armor, and the huge dragon head has a big mouth with sharp teeth.


Xiaozhi was taken aback, Flying Gymnasium, will you give me a Gyarados first?

Wait a minute, it seems that Gyarados are indeed flying.

"Ah, this is a bit different from the appearance of the gymnasium owner..."

The ferocious Gyarados made Shota and his three futures take a step back, silently speechless.

But in his heart, he was looking forward to what Pokémon Xiaozhi would send to fight.

"Then it's up to you!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also threw his elf ball.

He has fought against a Pokémon like Gyarados several times. Despite its fierce appearance, it is not invincible.

A red light flashed, and a golden crystal pillar appeared on the field below the high platform.


The torso of the body began to stretch out the electric limbs, bouncing and bouncing on the ground, never pausing.

Electric God Pillar!

Since it is a flying gymnasium, Xiaozhi intends to let the Electric God Pillar he subdued show off a wave of operations.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?!"

Naqi and Xiangta looked puzzled, completely unaware of what kind of existence it was.

"Three Divine Pillars?"

After all, Na Qi's knowledge needs to be broadened. The dot matrix imprint on the torso of Dian Shen Zhu seems to be somewhat similar to the Three God Pillars she has seen on murals.

"Get ready, Electric God Pillar!!"

"Beep beep~!!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Na Qi trembled even more.

Is it really a divine pillar?

But there is no Lightning God Pillar in the legendary Sanshen Pillar in the Fangyuan area!

And this is a legendary Pokémon, so it just appeared in the hands of a trainer so easily?

Na Qi frowned, and her expression instantly became extremely serious... She already knew that the opponent in front of her must be a strong enemy.

In any case, it is a joy to hear and hear about using electricity-type Pokémon to challenge flying-type gyms.

The battle begins!

"Electric God Pillar, use the electric shock wave!!"

Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking, and compared to the former's lengthy name, he was more accustomed to directly calling it Dian Shenzhu.

Whoosh! !

The current arms of the Dian Shenzhu merged forward, and in the blink of an eye, a current beam flew out.

Naqi: "?"

Are electric shock waves this thick now? !

You must know that the water + flying Gyarados, the electric attribute can completely restrain it four times, and basically touch it is a candle in the wind.

Naqi didn't dare to be careless at all, and quickly directed:

"Use Iron Tail!!"

The slender and huge body of the Gyarados twitched, raising its tail high, and the end was already covered with a strong metallic luster.

Boom! !

However, it didn't directly attack the front, but directly inserted into the ground in front of it.

The next moment, the dazzling electric current completely fell on the Gyarados, dyeing it into a long golden dragon.


It's just that in the dangerous lightning, the Gyarados's expression didn't change much, as if it wasn't hurt.

And the violent current spread all the way to the end of the Gyarados, and finally flowed along the tail to the earth...

"A manual lightning rod? There is still this kind of operation..."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and immediately reacted to the opponent's operation.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the flying attribute gymnasium, and it has a perfect countermeasure against the unfavorable electric attribute moves early in the morning.

"Hmph... Gyarados, use Tornado!!"

After blocking the next blow, Naqi made an attack.

The tyrannosaurus pulled its tail out of the ground again, and flicked the long whip tail in front of its body...

Whoosh! !

The spiral wind swept away immediately, with a strong traction.

The tornado power of the dragon attribute is average, and more of it has the effect of controlling and restraining.

However, Xiaozhi's eyes did not waver in the slightest, and he planned to drop ten meetings all at once!

"Electric God Pillar, use 100,000 volts!!"

When the words fell, the arms of the Electric God Pillar converged, and the thick electric current turned into a curved electric snake, which pierced and shattered all the surrounding whirlwinds with overwhelming voltage, and shot straight towards the target! !

With the addition of the characteristics of transistors, the power of this one hundred thousand volts has surpassed the normal lightning trick or high-voltage electric shock.

"What?! Use Iron Tail!!"

The dazzling golden light made Na Qi's face change drastically, and she responded quickly.

This strength is outrageous! !

The Gyarados also gave a jolt, and quickly stopped blowing, the metal iron tail activated again, and plunged straight into the ground in front of it.

Zizizi! !

The golden electric current fell on the Gyarados again, and then flowed down the tail end to the ground.


Only this time, the Gyarados was clearly injured, and the figure in the electric light let out a whine.

The power is too high, causing it, the lightning rod, to bear part of the damage...

Xiaozhi was not forgiving when he was in power, and immediately roared loudly:

"If that's the case, then directly use the thunder trick!!"

As soon as the words fell, thunder and lightning shot out from Dian Shenzhu's body, and the curved electric snake that shot out expanded several times in an instant. This power has reached an exaggerated level.

Even the air was filled with a pungent burnt smell.

Boom! ! !

But this time, the thunder trick didn't completely flow into the ground, but was transmitted to the general, and it completely exploded on the Gyarados! !

Lightning erupted, and the smoke and dust violently spread and rolled in the strong wind!



And when the smoke cleared, the huge Gyarados had already fallen to the ground.

His whole body was covered with scorched black marks, and his eyes were circled, obviously he had completely lost consciousness.

"The Gyarados lost the ability to fight, the first match was that... Electric God Pillar won!!"

The referee pronounced the verdict, with a somewhat messy tone.

Completely overwhelming victory!

This made Xiangta, who was watching the gymnasium competition for the first time, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"So strong...!"

With such a Gyarados, his three Pokémon probably won't be able to please him together, but now he is easily defeated? !

It seems that this man is several times stronger than he imagined!


And watching the tyrannosaurus crashing down in front of her, Na Qi's expression also changed continuously.


She was simply killed in a few rounds, which she did not expect.


Seeing the Electric God Pillar bouncing like a spring in front of her, Na Qi had great fear on her face.

"Hmph... Then let me continue to experience your power!!"

But soon, she flipped her palm and took out another elf ball.

The gentle face also brought a strong fighting spirit.

She hadn't felt such a sense of oppression for a long time. The last person who could give her this feeling and hold Na Qi firmly under the table was Mikley, who has not yet become a champion...

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