He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 102 Xiaozhi may be in danger! (third change)

A dragon language communication...


"Tch, there's no information about chickens, but this is the core cadre of the Rockets."

Bilan casually threw the lambda on the ground like a dead dog.

"I don't even know the password to the safe in Boss Sakagi's room."

But now that he has told all the information that can be said, even the Rockets stocks he is holding are "willingly" offered with both hands, Bilan didn't do anything to him, but just said to quickly take the Rainbow Group to leave Golden City and fight. Dizzy each other.

What's worth mentioning is that when she knocked Lambda unconscious, the shivering team member behind him also fell down.

Bilan curled her lips, puppetry was just something she hadn't played since she was three years old.

"Oh, I forgot to ask the password for Silver Tower."

Looking at the console in front of him and the control buttons of the teleportation device in the entire building, Bi Lan felt dizzy for a while, and turned to look at Lambda, who had also stopped moving now.

"It doesn't matter, blue girl, I will leave the rest to you~"

Speaking of which, Bilan directly returned control of her body to Xiaolan, as if throwing her hands away from the shopkeeper.

Xiaolan: "?"

After regaining control of her body, she shivered, rubbed her face with her slender hands, frowned, and also couldn't understand the various device buttons in front of her.

There is no exit from the top floor, she hesitated for a long time thinking of this, and decided to press one to try her luck.

The core cadres she faces are so strong that no novice trainer can deal with them at all, and according to Lambda, there are four core cadres in total.

Three of them are about the same strength as him, but the fourth one is the scariest, and his strength is a step higher than any of them.

If Xiaozhi met him, he would probably kneel down.

Well, we have to save him, Xiaozhi must be in danger now!

"Well, I've always been lucky! The harder I work, the luckier I get!"

Xiaolan clenched her fist to secretly encourage herself, and then pressed the most special button among them with her backhand.


The next second, a white light flickered on the floor tiles in front of her, and then a boy with a hedgehog head scratched his head and appeared in front of her with a dazed expression.

Xiaolan: "!"

The most unlucky option can be met by her?

"Yo, isn't this a silly girl?"

Xiaomao quickly came to his senses, looked at the fainted man in the Rockets uniform, whistled, and couldn't help joking:

"It seems to be a cadre, can you defeat it at your level? Oh, it's a trainer fighting melee, so there is indeed a little chance of winning, hee hee."

Xiaolan: "..."

She pressed the special button again with her backhand, and suddenly the floor tile shot up into the sky with white light, and she was about to send Xiaomao back to the 41st floor of the illusion.

"Hey, I jumped over~"

Xiaomao jumped horizontally and landed on the floor tile next door.


Xiaolan looked ruthless and indifferent, and pressed the button again, and sure enough, the floor tile under his feet lit up again.

"Hey, I jumped back again~"


"Hey, I jumped out again~"


"Aren't you angry, I'm jumping back~"

Xiaolan: "..."

Seeing Xiaomao jumping from side to side like a flea, and posing a "come and hit me" movement, her veins suddenly popped up, the strength of her palm was uncontrollable, and she directly crushed the button into powder.

After she exhaled several times in a row, putting her brain in a state of extreme hypoxia, the urge to blew herself up together with Xiaomao slowly stopped.

"Hmph, I'm not poor with you, Xiaozhi may be in danger now."

Speaking of which, Xiaolan stopped looking at Xiaomao, and turned her gaze back to the operation screen.


I don't know if it's really worried, or it's just that no one interacts with Xiaomao, so he lost the desire to play tricks, so he hurried over to look at the console together.

Although it is said that there is a great god like Mrs. Chi behind him, but who knows if Xiaozhi, a stunned young man, will be directly missed at the beginning of the game.

At that time, no matter how strong Chisao is, she will probably meet Xiaozhi, who was killed and became a new ghost, floating in midair with an embarrassing face...?


Thinking of this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

Xiaolan: "?"

She didn't understand that Xiaomao could find something funny by looking at the screen, and his shoulders trembled. Could she think of anything funny?

After a short operation, the two quickly found the teleportation device leading to the roof of the building. Xiaolan pressed the button, and Xiao Mao, who was smiling with a smile on his face, walked onto the floor tiles of the teleportation device.



On the rooftop of the Silver Building, two people were drinking coffee in front of the white dining table.

"Apollo, what do you mean by the stadium here and the surrounding seats?"

Xiaozhi took a sip of his cappuccino, and since he couldn't leave here for less than half an hour, he simply stayed to check with the other party for information.

"I've only heard about this. It is said that this place used to be the battle arena of the Golden Gym."

Apollo replied truthfully.

Don't look at him now that he has gone to sea to join the Rockets, but who wasn't a passionate trainer who challenged the gym when he was young?

Even their boss, Osakaki, is said to have been a bug catcher when he was young.

And the rumors of the Golden Gym were a long time ago, this is a long-standing gym.

Apollo took a sip of coffee and said slowly:

"It is said that in the past, ordinary challengers would only fight in the Golden Gym, but when they met a trainer approved by the Gym owner, they would choose to fight on the roof of the Silver Building, which is here .”

He pointed to the white marks and drawn lines under his feet.

"And there are no stairs to leave here. It is directly transmitted to the top floor by the transmission device of the Silver Building, and the owner of the Golden Gym relies on his own super power to move here in an instant and start a new relationship with the trainer. fighting."

Said Apollo and pointed around.

"The surrounding buildings have upward stairs, and the citizens of Golden City will gather on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings to watch this battle. Those seats are naturally prepared for them."

"The battle on the roof of the building..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help clenching his fists. Just thinking about this scene made his blood boil.

"Hehe, but recently, you know, our Rainbow Group... and that crazy Nazi, it's been several years since this kind of competition happened..."

Speaking of this, Apollo is a little embarrassed.

But all this is for the development of the Big Rockets, it's worth it!

"Speaking of which I have something like please."

Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep tone:

"Can you leave Golden City with the Rainbow Group? This is not the place for you to stay."

Hearing that Apollo didn't show a surprised expression, he secretly thought that the other party finally asked this question.

There is no need to guess the purpose of entering the Silver Building aggressively.

"Do you want to go?"

He also gave himself a question mark in his heart, but another question mark was added after it.

"Who is more important with the help of a big man who joined the WTO, or the ruling power of the Rainbow Group in a city?"

Soon, Apollo had the answer.

Naturally, it is important to join the WTO boss!

His picture is of the Rockets. The Rainbow Group is just a subsidiary of the Rockets.

Besides, the Rainbow Group is not all his own, but also includes Lambda, Athena, and that guy's shares. If it is gone, it is not only him who loses, but everyone loses.

Everyone loses, that is, there is no loss.

Then, the next step is to consider how to drive the Rainbow Group out of Jinhuang City without exposing the fact that he is a wolf.

Immediately, a haughty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was holding a pearl of wisdom.

As the number one smart general of the Rockets, he will always think of a way.

Thinking of this, with a smile on his face, he raised his glass to indicate a happy cooperation.

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but he was able to drive the Rainbow Group out of Jinhuang City without bloodshed, which is also very good.

As for revenge for Ibrahimovic, let's pass through that city area in the future, and then anal the chief culprit, Dr. Lanu.

Immediately, the two smiled at the same time and clinked glasses.

"Pleasant cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."



Suddenly, in a corner of the roof, two white lights lit up.

"Don't be afraid, fellow, I'm here to save you!"

"With my uncle here, you can't die today!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Xiaomao and Xiaolan looked around alertly, then suddenly his expression changed, and he looked at the two people who were clinking glasses and drinking coffee with a dazed expression. One of them had a big Rocket team "R" drawn on his chest. ".

Two people: "?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

Apollo: "?"


(There are two more chapters to be posted on time at 6 pm~)

(The picture of the golden gymnasium fighting on the roof is from the game Peeling. I will post the picture in the comment area and the group after two chapters. It is quite shocking...)

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