He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1031 Seafood Dinner

Seeing that the sky was still above, Yasha did not hesitate, and attacked again:

"Continue to use the overheating trick!!"

The overheating of the second round, the terrifying power is still there.

Whoosh! !

As the coal turtle opened its mouth, a beam of golden-white flame spewed out again... Although the overheating power of the first blow was a little smaller, it was still not to be underestimated.

"Use the Crab Claw Hammer to block it!!"

But this time, after all, without the blessing of breaking the shell, Xiaozhi once again took it head-on.

The lobster soldier followed the same pattern, waving the big water pincers in front of him again.

Clang boom boom...! !

This time, there was no one-sided destruction. The overheated energy beam and the lobster soldier's water claws were in a stalemate, constantly consuming each other's energy.

But the coal turtle is stronger, pushing the lobster soldier back.

Just at the moment of stalemate, the big sun in the sky suddenly disappeared.

The sunny weather is over.

The sunlight weakened, which instantly reduced the power of overheating by a degree.

And the power of the crab claw hammer of the lobster soldier has risen to a certain level...


This also made the lobster soldier finally show the arrogant cry of victory again, only feeling that the whole body is constantly bursting out with new strength.

Puff puff...!!

The claws of the lower limbs began to move continuously, and the small figure began to rush forward against the overheated energy beam using the crab claw hammer as a shield.

Even in the end, the entire overheating move was completely broken!


The lobster soldier was even more proud, maintaining the movement of the crab claw hammer, as if he was about to smash the big turtle in front of him.

"How can it be?!"

Yasha was startled, this lobster soldier hasn't evolved yet, so why does it seem to have inexhaustible power?

Even the spirit is always in a state of excitement, never tired?

"Coal turtle, use the shrink shell to block it!!"

But Yasha didn't dare to collide with the latter's large water pincers head-on, and quickly launched a defense.

Bang bang! !

The lobster soldier jumped high, and then the crab claw hammer fell down heavily, making another burst of metal explosions!

The energy of the water flow eroded away one after another made the coal turtle hidden in the shell let out a whine.

The effect is outstanding!

"Now, use the flame wheel!!"

However, Yasha seized a gap in the air of the lobster soldier and launched the final attack.

Don't look at the special attack of the coal turtle has weakened...but the physical attack is still in the state of breaking the shell, and its power is extremely impressive.

Boom Boom...!!

The coal tortoise poked out its limbs and head immediately, and its whole body was ignited with raging flames, rushing forward like a tank.

Caught off guard, he directly bumped into the lobster soldier.

Due to the difference in size and weight, the lobster soldier was covered in flames, and immediately fell backwards on the ground.


It's just that he retreated nearly ten meters in a row, and was about to go out of the boundary of the field. The lobster soldier suddenly focused his eyes, and the raised double pincers actually forcibly supported the flame impact of the coal turtle.


No matter how the coal tortoise sprinted, it couldn't move forward half an inch.

With the small and the big, the scene seemed very curious for a while.

Not only that, bathed in the firelight of the flame wheel, the body of the lobster soldier burst out a burst of dark red light... This is the energy color exclusive to the evil attribute.

"Going to evolve?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. When ordinary Pokémon evolve, in addition to the normal white light, the body may also burst out colors related to its own attributes.

And the evolution of the lobster soldier has evil attributes!

Counting it, the experience value of the lobster minion seems to have indeed reached the point of evolution.


It's just that the next moment, the strength was raised to the maximum, but the body of the lobster soldier did not change at all.

The turbulent energy was transferred to the pair of clamps, exuding a rich dark red light.

In the end, he just swung straight at the coal turtle in front of him! !

Boom! !

With terrifying force, the coal turtle was immediately thrown several meters away!

"Didi, the lobster soldiers have mastered a new move, an eye for an eye!"

In the pocket, the illustration book also reminded in time.

The lobster soldier did not evolve into an evil lobster, but mastered a move with evil attributes.

An eye for an eye, after receiving the opponent's attack, the back hand returns with twice the power.


As for the coal turtle that was hit head-on, its thick body immediately retreated like a cannonball, and finally hit the ground heavily.

In the end, the limbs were completely spread out, the belly was on the ground, and the eyes were swirling, unconscious.

"The coal turtle can't fight, this game is won by the lobster minions!"

Mu La, who had been watching silently, could only sigh, and continued to pronounce the sentence:

"So this Gym Challenge will be won by player Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

“Great Lobster Minions!!”

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi naturally ran forward immediately, and lifted the lobster soldier high.

Although there is no evolution... But it's not a big problem, anyway, there will always be evolution in the future.


And the lobster soldier just swaggered and waved his big pincers, enjoying the joy of victory.


It's just that when Xiaozhi put it down, the whole body of the lobster soldier seemed to be wilting again, exhausted visible to the naked eye.

Lobster minions are not fatigue-free...

It's just that the nerve conduction is a bit slow. The body is already tired, but the brain is still showing that it is in an excited state.

To put it simply, a little rough nerve.

"It's okay, I'll let Xiaogang cook you a nourishing meal later!"

Xiaozhi quickly drew a cake and said.

Xiao Gang next to him also walked up slowly, and said with a smile:

"Well, I heard that seafood has been discounted recently, so I can cook a seafood feast to celebrate!"

Lobster Soldier: "?"

It understands this sentence.

Wait a minute, is this to kill the hero?


Compared with Xiaozhi's joyful side, Yasha's side is as dead as the end of the day.

"Grandpa, I lost again..."

Yasha lowered her head, looking at her grandfather full of remorse.

It turned out to be one and three again! !

Still three times in a row!

Yasha has been completely broken!

But this time, Mu La walked up slowly, reached out and rubbed her granddaughter's head.

"No, have you done a good job...I am very relieved if I hand over the Fuyan Gym to you..."

Well, it's really not Asha's problem, it's the challenger's problem.

This time, Mulla didn't dare to look at her with a gloomy face, for fear that her granddaughter would give up her career as a trainer and go to the next street to open a volcano hot spring hotel.

Young people still need more encouragement.

But at this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly walked towards the two of them, and his gaze was directed at Mu La.

"Senior Mulla, please, please come to a match with me!"

He said in a low voice.

After all, when meeting a former heavenly king, Xiao Zhi would never miss it.

And Yasha's strength can't be said to be weak...but it's at the level of a general novice gym owner, and it really didn't make Xiaozhi feel good.

"Sorry, I've retired and I don't accept any external challenges."

However, Mulla just waved his hand, and flatly refused.

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