He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 999 Final, Xiaolan vs Xiaoyao!

Soon, this gorgeous contest came to its final climax.

Xiaolan and Xiaoyao are standing on the field respectively. They are both pretty girls. Although they are not very old, they can vaguely see the splendor of the future.

"Tsk, Xiaoyao...!"

Off the court, Xiao Shun, who had just been defeated, watched closely one of the girls on the stage.

In the next gorgeous contest, I must beat you! !

"Come on, Xiaolan!! Zhenxin Town is proud of you!!"

Xiaozhi sat under the stage and roared loudly, the voice of one person can be louder than dozens of people.

Even with a throw of his palm, he released his strong chicken.

Xiaoyao's strong chicken has a different fighting style from his own chicken, and he may still be able to steal a trick or two today.


With this restless sound, Xiaolan's face looked rosy under the light, and beads fell on her smooth forehead.

The fighting power of the woman in front of her is definitely not simple...


Xiaoyao's eyes also scanned the field, seeing that the white-haired boy disappeared, he couldn't help frowning secretly.

So this guy, ran early?

On the stage, the two looked at each other, fighting intently, and finally threw the poke ball forward at the same time.


What Xiaoyao sent was naturally her original Yusanjia Lizhuang chicken, which moved its body on the spot as soon as it appeared on the stage, with vigorous movements.


On Xiaolan's side, there is the big-mouthed baby who is a perfect combination of cuteness and curiosity. The strange big mouth is hidden behind the head, only revealing a cute and charming face.


With the five-minute countdown turning, the game officially begins!

I saw Big Mouth Baby's expression suddenly changed, revealing a dangerous look.

The intimidating feature was activated successfully, and the strength of the strong chicken dropped slightly.

But Xiaolan's expression didn't relax much because of this... If it wasn't for Big Mouth Baby's fairy attribute, otherwise the steel attribute would be restrained to death by the opponent's fire + fighting attribute.

"Strong chicken, use Bodybuilder!!"

Xiaoyao also wanted to stop the loss first.

"Use the scare trick!"

However, the strong chicken had just put on its bodybuilding posture, and the big-mouthed baby on the opposite side once again put on a fierce expression. The extreme contrast made the strong chicken's movements froze.

Bodybuilding moves failed.

"Tsk, this Pokémon is weird..."

Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows, if that's the case, then start attacking directly.

"Use Charged Flame Strike!!"

The strong chicken understood, and immediately let go of its feet and galloped on the stage.


The whole body was ignited with bursting flames, turning into a huge fireball.

It keeps running around the big mouth baby, but it just doesn't attack... It's just that the speed of the strong chicken is increasing visible to the naked eye.

"Oh, isn't it the acceleration feature?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin. He couldn't accelerate himself, so he needed to use the move of Accumulated Flame Strike to actively accelerate...

But now this move is mine!

With the acceleration feature combined with the energy storage flame attack, the speed of the strong chicken can reach its peak in a short time.

"Keep your eyes wide open and steal all the opponent's moves!"

Xiaozhi patted Lizhuang Chicken on the head.


The Lizhuang chicken next to him looked even brighter, staring at the female Lizhuang chicken on the stage.

The unique filter of the Gorgeous Contest gives Xiaoyao, a strong chicken, a charming atmosphere...


"Use Fairy Wind!!"

Surrounded by the energy-storing flames, the figure of the big-mouthed baby danced and spun, and a pink whirlwind suddenly blew up and spread out.

The power of Fairy Wind is not low...but the power of Accumulated Flame Wash is not high. In the stalemate, it actually blows away the flames on the opponent's body.

Xiaolan focused on the field and did not take the initiative to attack.

In such a game, it is obvious that the backhand defense has a better effect.

Seeing that the opponent completely gave up the opportunity to attack, Xiaoyao naturally would not be soft-hearted.

"Use a double kick!!"

The strong chicken understood, and immediately jumped forward, kicking the target back and forth with its two paws and hind legs. "Use the iron wall to block it!"

Big Mouth Baby didn't dodge or dodge, and put on a defensive posture on the spot, and his whole body shone with a silvery white luster.

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

Only two blunt and heavy collision sounds were heard, and Li Zhuang Chicken's second kick completely hit the opponent, with a surge of force, kicking Big Mouth Baby a certain distance on the stage.

But in the end it still resisted.

The addition of the fairy attribute makes the fighting attribute moves have no outstanding damage to the big mouth baby.

"Now, use the flame fist!!"

However, this strong chicken is extremely flexible.

The second-stage kick was completely kicked out, and the figure had not yet completely landed, but he changed his movements again in mid-air, clenched his right arm with sharp claws, and raging flames were already ignited on it.

Boom! !

The Flaming Fist hit Big Mouth Baby!

The effect is outstanding!

The flames were scorching, and the big mouth baby immediately let out a muffled groan.

It seems to be infected by the opponent's fighting spirit, and today's Xiaolan also appears to be full of offensive meaning.

"Don't let it get away, use the tooth of the spirit!!"

Big Mouth Baby forcibly held back the unaccustomed scorching heat, and used his whole body to embrace Li Zhuang Chicken's outstretched fist.

But at this moment, the strange big mouth connected to the back of his head can move freely.

With the bloody mouth open, a mass of pink phantoms with sharp teeth appeared...

Bang bang! !

The mental teeth also bit down on Li Zhuang Chicken's body.

The effect is outstanding! !

When the contact point came out, a burst of explosive smoke and dust exploded, causing the two Pokémon to retreat at the same time.

Tick...! Tick...!

On the electronic screen, the blood bars of Xiaoyao and Xiaolan also dropped a lot.

It's just that Xiaoyao's attack was like a storm, without the slightest stagnation at all.

"Use Jet Flame!!"

The strong man understood, and as soon as the backward figure fell to the ground, a thick beam of flame light shot out from his mouth, burning the air.

"Use Fairy Wind to block it!!"

Xiaolan didn't dare to neglect, and quickly instructed.

Big Mouth Baby flicked his strange big mouth, and a pink storm swept out instantly.

Boom Boom...!!

The collision of the two long-range moves, it is obvious that the power of the flames is much greater, within less than a moment of stalemate, it completely overwhelmed the air waves of the Fairy Wind.

Da da da! !

Hasty footsteps sounded.

I saw that the strong chicken even broke through its own flames, and the incomparably raging flames ignited again on the fist of its right arm, and punched the target again at a fast speed.

Flame fist! !

Boom! !

The blazing flame fist was hitting the target, which caused both Dazuiba's physical strength and Xiaolan's blood to be wiped out by the wind in an instant.

But at this time, Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of cunning in her nimble eyes.

"Now, use tit for tat!!"

In the next moment, the big-mouthed baby who took a flaming punch forcefully, burst into a burst of dark red light all over his body...!

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