He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 991: The Swamp Leaping Fish That Sees Through Everything

In the lounge, the two people from Zhenxin Town were still watching, secretly thinking about the combination of skills they would show when they appeared on stage.

After watching several groups, the two of them probably knew a trick.

Although there is no such thing as a gorgeous contest in this world, there are five groups of beautiful and lovely...

However, players can actually forcefully develop in accordance with these five directions, and at least get a good result, which is a guaranteed ticket for novices.

Of course, there is no need for old fritters, and the gorgeous moves are easily connected.


"This person, a little familiar...?"

At this time, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan on the bench all made doubts.

At this moment, on the stage, a woman with pink and purple long ponytails appeared, about in her early twenties, with heavy makeup on her face, wearing an orange-yellow long dress, and a pair of lace glasses on her eyes.

"The next contestant to appear is Miss Musashi Wei!!"

The host introduced.

And this Musang Wei showed an extremely confident expression, as if she was born to stand under the spotlight, she threw her palm forward gracefully.


A purple-black rice spoon snake appeared on the field.

"Ah, this woman looks familiar..."

"And the name and Pokémon are familiar..."

The two rubbed their heads, as if they remembered the gods, but they just couldn't pronounce her name.

"This woman looks familiar..."

In the audience in the first row, Xiao Gang also touched his chin, frowning secretly.

"Why don't I feel anything?"

She obviously looks like a beauty, but her body doesn't even have the minimum respect...


On the stage, the person who appeared on the stage was naturally Musashi of the Rockets.

Becoming a big star is her main job, and the Rockets are just a part-time job.

"Rice spoon snake, let them see your charm!!"

Musashi gave a loud shout, appearing very confident, a group of girls who are not yet 18 years old understand the charm of adults.

"The first trick, use the big snake to stare!!"


The high-level rice spoon snake's eyes were fixed immediately, and a dangerous and fierce light appeared in the snake's pupils.

"!" "!" "!"

The terrifying look of the big snake's staring eyes immediately made the three judges who sat closest to each other tremble, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Is this contestant trying to threaten them...?

However, Musashi didn't care about anything else, and then commanded:

"Next is the black mist!!"

The rice spoon snake opened its mouth, and a thick black mist enveloped the audience, making the atmosphere suddenly weird.

"The last is the poisonous tail trick!!"

As Musashi's words fell, the rice spoon snake in the black mist immediately turned around and slashed hard, cutting the black mist that filled the sky into two from the middle, completely revealing its own appearance.

With her scarlet tongue sticking out, her dangerously dark eyes sized up the three judges and the audience.

"Um, this performance..."

"I can't say it's bad..."

"that is..."

The three judges were stunned for a moment and were speechless. They were afraid that if they said something ironic, the big purple-black snake would come rushing towards it.

Clap clap! ! !

Clap clap! ! !

However, this kind of performance seems to have received a lot of praise from the audience, with applause everywhere.

The reaction was even higher than Xiao Shun's performance before.

"Hmph, simple..."

Seeing this, Musashi exited with satisfaction.

She really is a genius on stage!

Off the stage, Kojiro and Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the automatic clapping device and automatic shouting device I invented are still useful meow..."

"Really, this guy Musashi is coming to the competition for no reason..."

Although the two were cursing, they still gave full support to Musashi, and black technology appeared frequently.


The next ones to appear are their acquaintances.

"Xiaoyao contestant from Chenghua City!"

Xiaoyao in a gorgeous dress released a hunting swallowtail. The appearance alone has already attracted the attention of many people.

Under the combined moves of silver whirlwind and morning light, it even showed a magnificent artistic scenery on the stage.

Finally, Xiaoyao nodded slightly and left slowly.

"It doesn't look like a novice trainer at all..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

Although there is no direct evidence, he always feels that this girl named Xiaoyao probably has some big secret hidden behind her.

Just like the Yuki I met last time...

"Hey, isn't this the Yuki I met last time?"

Still thinking in his mind, at this time Xiaozhi suddenly heard a key word popped out of Xiaolan's mouth, and raised his head subconsciously.

I saw a white-headed boy standing on the stage.

He didn't wear any formal attire, he was still wearing sportswear for traveling, and his face looked quite dignified.

But it's not as flamboyant as Xiao Shun who appeared before...

"Did Yuuki also participate in the beauty contest?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at the big screen.

There seem to be several lounges here, so I didn't run into each other.

If Xiaoyao is not sure...

But this Yuki's must be the same as him, also a "grandpa carrier".

Of course, time travel seems to have regional differences, and Xiaozhi still can't see through this man for the time being.


"Come out!"

On the stage, Yuki took a deep breath and threw out a Pokémon.


A red light flashed, and a bluish upright Pokémon appeared in front of Yuuki.

Dark blue fins stand on the flattened oval head, and orange-yellow spikes protrude from the cheeks.

With a chubby body, palm-like webbed hands hanging down the sides of the body.

It was the first time Xiaozhi saw this Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi, marsh jumping fish, the evolution of water jumping fish, water attributes and ground attributes, strong body, lively personality, can move quickly in mud, some special marsh jumping fish can even enter the special "see through everything" state."

Xiaozhi: "?"

See through everything?

Does it mean that you can use see-through moves infinitely?

And why does the marsh jump fish on the TV screen look different from the one in the illustrated book?

The marsh jumping fish in the illustrated book is alive and kicking, with a firm expression, and looks youthful.

But on the stage, the marsh leap fish in front of Yuki...

But his face was completely dull? !

Without any expression, the orange pupils glowed with a strange light, staring straight ahead.

"Duck up?"

In Xiaolan's mind, it was Xiaoxia's Koda Duck that immediately came to mind.


As for the stage.

When Yushu's Marsh Jump Fish appeared on the stage, it caused an uproar.

Yuki: "?"

He hasn't performed yet, what are these people cheering and applauding.

"It doesn't matter so much, Swamp Leap Fish shows them how strong you are, and use the rock avalanche trick!!"

After Yushu's voice fell, the Marsh Leaping Fish was only half a beat too late to launch its moves.


The rocks that appeared out of thin air at the height of the stage fell continuously in an instant, completely covering up the figure of the marsh jumping fish...

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