Sunagakure Village is too weak, we can't really let Gaara support a Sunagakure Village by himself, right?

Gaara does have this ability and determination, but aren't these old guys alive again?

Besides, after finally gaining the qualification to stand in the same era as Shanks, deep down in Reito's heart, there was no way he could only have Sunagakure Village.

His eyes were always on this new era and on that man.

“So for the pirates, they may have been prepared to sacrifice from the beginning, and the intensity of the war will become stronger as a result.

It can even be said that it will not stop until death! "

Lie Dou spoke, his words filled with solemnity and even cold murderous intent.

The people present naturally understood what Liedou said, and everyone fell silent.

"The World Government will also make adjustments. Judging from the establishment of the World Government and the distribution of various benefits, the World Government is also dealing with the new era of pirates and is preparing to overhaul the classes of the old era.

The world government's approach is the best response. They can also provide for the needs of the new era, but there are some things they cannot provide. "


When Liedou said this, everyone was stunned. Is there anything else missing?

"An explanation, an explanation of history."

"The power of the new era is the rebound of dust-laden history. Starting from the lowest level of civilians, the will that has been suppressed for thousands of years rebounds from the bottom and sweeps across the entire old era.

As for the many things left over from history, the world government cannot give everyone an explanation. The contradictions that belong to history will still exist in this era. "

"You must have come into contact with those pirates from the Kingdom of Ghosts, right?"

When Liedou said this, he changed the topic and suddenly asked about the group of pirates from the Kingdom of Waves.

There are many pirates in the Kingdom of Ghosts, but the only ones that can be called "those pirates" are the mad dogs from the Kingdom of Waves, which bite everyone they see.

But I have to say that he is really ridiculously strong.

“Temptation comes into contact a few times and is very strong.

Obviously they are not that strong, but those people, just relying on the flag of the Red Haired Pirates, can explode an extremely powerful team power. "

Minato nodded, he had indeed come into contact with those pirates.

"Moreover, the opponent's power is very similar to Naruto's power. They should belong to the same kind and belong to the resonance of the team. They can form a large group of will within a certain range."

“This is what I want to say, the power that belongs to the bottom, the power that is suppressed.

Shanks will not make those people stronger. If that flag is placed in the hands of the navy, it will definitely not have this effect. "

"It might also turn those sailors into pirates on the spot."

Luo Sha in the corner said something out of nowhere. Although he was not good at anything, he was still pretty good at making fun of people.

Luo Sha's words instantly embarrassed Lie Dou, because what Luo Sha said really made sense.

"Anyway, that's pretty much it. War in this era is no longer just a war, but a collision between different wills and beliefs.

Not for personal benefit, but for the benefit of the village and the country. The moment Shanks appeared, everyone in the world had to get on the gambling table. "

"If you are fighting for the interests of the village, for personal interests or even for the interests of the country, then on this gambling table, the final result is only loss."

"Then what are we for?"

Kabuto asked.

"It's not what we are for, but what the world government is for. What I'm talking about is just the world government's response to the new era. The world government cannot fight for the interests of a certain person or a certain country.

Therefore, as long as the war in the ninja world does not touch the overall situation of the world, the main force of the world government will not interfere. "


When Liedou said this, the others understood instantly.


"In other words, even if a country in the ninja world is destroyed, the World Government will not intervene."

"Yes, even if the five major countries are destroyed, the World Government will not intervene.

But it is possible to destroy a country, but it must be replaced by a country belonging to the world government. Only in this way can the world government be stabilized. "

"But as long as the world government is still there, don't let conflicts arise between countries. The historical system and tacit understanding of the world's nobility are not so easy to resolve."

Seeing the light in Minato's eyes, Lieto reminded him that these little thoughts were unnecessary and couldn't be done.

"Is that so?"

Since this was the case, Minato also put away his little thoughts. It seemed that there wasn't that much he could do.

As for Kabuto, Kabuto also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seemed that there was only a small chance that things in the ninja world would reach the level of destroying a great nation, and he could still handle it for the time being.

Although the intensity of the war will become stronger, it should be fine.

"But if this happens, the intensity of the war in the ninja world will greatly increase, and we may need to be careful."

"Well, and in this confrontation of great wills, I don't know how many geniuses of the era will emerge."

"I can't say anything else, but you should be able to see that there are more geniuses in this era than ever before."

Liedou took out the reward sheets in his hand one by one. If they were in the past era, everyone on them would really be a big shot in the era of suppression.

But in this era, there are too many such geniuses.

"The great pirate Dak was able to gather nearly 50,000 people to besiege Shanks when he first came to prominence. In the past, this guy would have required all the strength of the five ninja villages to deal with him."

"The number one genius of the new era who was able to see through Dak's methods and counterattack directly before he had even emerged yet was already so smart, Bai."

"The Bandit King Sige, a figure who was idle in the Kingdom of Tea, became the Bandit King. He once led troops to invade the Kingdom of Fire, was besieged by immortals, and escaped with his troops."

"The great pirate Ross Jace..."

Liedou flipped through the reward lists one by one.

To be honest, in the past era, any one of these people would have been an absolutely terrifying existence.

Others also feel more and more psychological pressure as they watch. You don't know this. If you think about it carefully, this era is full of monsters.

"Of course, it's not just pirates..."

"Among the younger generation, Uzumaki Naruto's strength is obvious to all, as well as Uchiha Sasuke of the Uchiha clan. Gaara is also not weak. He is already very powerful if he can catch up with Shanks in the path of taijutsu.

Of course, everyone knows Kimimaro's strength. Although he is young, with such strength, even if we go all out, we may not be able to defeat them. "

Lie Dou's words obviously saved everyone's face.

“So if you want to survive in this battlefield full of monsters, you need to make good arrangements next.

Minato, the first thing next is up to you! "

Lie Dou looked at Kabuto, and Kabuto nodded.

"Senior, tell me!"

Minato stood up, and Reito was the first to call him because he was trustworthy, at least, worthy of Kabuto's trust.

New world - Ghost Island!

As the territory of Orochimaru, one of the famous Four Emperors and the "Strongest Creature", this place has never been allowed to be approached by strangers, let alone someone coming to such a place to run wild.

However, at this time, a big battle was taking place on Onigashima.

Boom! !

Dark clouds rolled in, and lightning fell from the sky. Along with the lightning, there was a huge creature, a dragon.

boom! !

The giant dragon's huge body smashed into the ground, smashing the ground into pieces. One hill was even directly smashed into pieces. Blood flowed from the dragon's body and burned the ground.

Orochimaru's body exuded a looming red power, but this red power was not seen by anyone. Even after a while, the red power on Orochimaru's body dissipated directly.


There was loud laughter in the sky, and a huge fist directly crushed the clouds, and smashed down towards Orochimaru with endless power.

Due to the influence of that hand, the lightning in the clouds even lost its sharpness and became like rubber, torn apart by the power of the punch.

As the fist fell, the figure behind the clouds also revealed its head, with a huge twisted face and a smile on it.

The painting style of that face is incompatible with this world. It was obviously affected by the awakening of the fruit, and this face... is somewhat similar to Naruto, and it is Naruto's son, Boruto.


Orochimaru looked at the fist falling from the sky.

He owed Minato a favor, and although he didn't return it to his son, he did return his grandson.

Boruto's talent is not very high. Compared with that era with countless monsters, Boruto can only be regarded as mediocre.

Even though he was forced into death countless times, he only reached the point of fruit awakening, which is equivalent to reaching a level as high as the sky, using the will of the world to affect the surroundings of his body.

Compared with the ruthless people who broke the world's will from time to time in that era, Boruto's strength was still not enough.

But it's enough to deal with him, a person who has long been determined to die.

"'s really embarrassing. As the Four Emperors, I should die like this."

"But... well, the new world without you has long lost the meaning of existence. The so-called four emperors have meaning precisely because of your existence."

Orochimaru slowly closed his eyes, he was tired, he was too tired.

Shanks died, the Golden Lion died, many people died...but he, the so-called strongest creature, survived.

Even after enduring a heavy blow that transcended the will of the world, his brain was no longer able to think like a normal person, and his strength was no longer as strong as before.

But his extremely powerful body still allowed him to survive the war, and he became the only survivor.

As the people of the old age died, a new era began.

Just like before, the immortals of the World Government buried the real history and forged that history into something else.

A new era opens under a new "historical text", and everyone is looking forward to the emergence of a person like Shanks.

Including the World Government, they also hope to overthrow their false history, even if they are directly sacrificed.

But...he can't come back. How could such a person be plotted by them to come back?

After that, the ninja world formed a relatively stable and peaceful period.

The only one who gets into trouble from time to time is Orochimaru. When he is awake, he always finds a way to kill himself.

He allowed himself to die countless times, but his body trapped him, and not even the sea could take him away.

And the navy did not attack Orochimaru. Orochimaru's identity is different, and it is different for the entire world government.

Among the four emperors today, only Orochimaru is considered a real four emperor, the four emperors from that era.

But today...


The huge fist hit Orochimaru's head directly, and his entire head was flattened under the influence of the world's will, like rubber.

"Sun God Nika..."

"The white Zetsu who pursued freedom back then, I actually lost to such a person..."

As the earth shattered, thunder fell.

In the surprised eyes of many pirates outside the battlefield, Orochimaru, who was hailed as the strongest creature in the world and known as the four emperors, was defeated.

Defeated by a boy.

"Uzumaki Boruto... Boruto actually won!!"

"Uzumaki Boruto... That boy defeated the four emperors."

"Doesn't that mean that the fifth emperor has appeared on the sea..."

Many pirates looked at the distance in surprise, and some old pirates' eyes flickered.


This surname is extraordinary.

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