"Ouch, Chen Ke needs to be careful here."

"Oner seems to have some ideas in this round."

"Actually, this wave is not easy to kill. If you are a pig girl, the damage won't be enough, right?"


The game suddenly took a sudden turn from the middle, and everyone suddenly noticed that Big O seemed to have an idea for the middle.

At this time, he didn't even bother to brush up on several groups of wild monsters. He could only move like this because he wanted to catch them.

Otherwise there is no need to make this trip.

It can be seen that this game comes with a mission, and Feike must be given some help in the middle.

Silas, Feike, is quite useful when developed.

It's just that Pig Girl is a hero that you can catch in the middle at level 3. It's really not that easy to catch.

First of all, it is impossible to kill Chen Ke. Chen Ke is almost at full health now, and the T1 midfielder does not do enough damage at this time.

The line in the middle is relatively short and will not give the opponent so much time to pursue.

So even if fans heard Guan Zeyuan take a sip, they wouldn't feel anything.

If Xiaohu were replaced in the middle, something might happen, but Chen Ke and everyone felt more at ease.

In Xiaohu's S game, you will find that sometimes it is impossible to be caught to death, because he has flash and other skills.

As a result, he can die for you to see. The way of death is so ugly that sometimes the director is too embarrassed to show it to the camera.

Big O's idea is good. Anyway, he is a pig girl and there is no need to indulge in farming wild monsters. Even in the first round, he can't be too anxious to farm wild monsters.

The opposite jungler is a big tree, so there is no way to put too much pressure on him in the jungle.

He also knew that it was impossible to kill Chen Ke when this wave came to the middle. If he could do it in a flash, it would be very profitable.

Once Jace's flash is played, he will be cautious in the next line.

If Chen Ke is more stable, Feike's pressure will be much less.

Big O is different from little Lu Bu. Big O knows who the real dad is in the team, and he must make his dad feel comfortable.

Little Lu Bu felt bad losing when his father was away. When his father came back and started winning, he felt like he could beat everything.

There is indeed no view from the Chen Ke River Road, but Chen Ke still pays attention to his position.

He presses back, but his position must depend on the half of the jungle where his jungler is.

Big O wanted to go around from behind, but Chen Ke saw him as soon as he came out.

At this time, the E skill in the cannon form has already improved. A vertical acceleration gate directly allows Chen Ke to increase his movement speed and walk towards the grass on the other side of the river.

At the same time, he did not forget to hit Feike again, who followed up and wanted to cooperate with the jungler.

Big O's current Q skill does not have enough range, and he cannot directly Q to dodge his hand.

This distance seems a bit ambiguous, and the Q flash may not be successful.

In addition, this is their life and death game. In this kind of game, normal professional players will be more stable and will not make such risky operations from the beginning.

Because if you make an improper operation in the early stage, it may have an impact on the entire game.

In Chen Ke's position, he couldn't even catch up. No one could be sure whether Prince Ning was behind Chen Ke.

If Dashu also joins, T1 will definitely not be able to beat the midfielder.

Big O retreated decisively and acted as if nothing had happened.

Anyway, he was just looking for an opportunity. If he didn't succeed, forget it. He had nothing to lose. It was just a waste of time to clear the jungle.

From God's perspective, it is right that He has no higher authority.

Prince Ning's position is indeed not far from Chen Ke. If he insists on taking this wave, he will most likely lose blood.

Chen Ke continued to return to the line and continued to suppress himself.

There is no problem in laning, Chen Ke will definitely get the advantage.

The hero Jace is actually very suitable for Chen Ke.

Accurate skills are only one aspect, Chen Ke's pulling skills are also top-notch among the top.

Top-notch Jace, he must be top-notch in terms of pulling.

But in the middle, Chen Ke only suppressed and did not get a kill.

Feike is really difficult to kill. It makes sense that this person has always been a threat to the LPL for so many years.

After starting from the beginning in this round, Chen Ke really had no good way to deal with him.

However, with the line right in the middle, Chen Ke can move around easily.

In order to ensure its blood volume, Feike went home a little more frequently than the normal laning rhythm.

It was obvious that he himself knew that if his blood volume was not healthy, Prince Ning would come and arrange for him.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Ke naturally moves more frequently.

As soon as Chen Ke started to move, he felt uncomfortable going on the road.

In this game, the bot lane alignment between the two sides stabilized, and V5's bot lane was slightly suppressed, which is acceptable in everyone's opinion.

Just don't get into trouble.

Chen Ke mainly put pressure on the top lane. In this game, he chose Ornn in the top lane to fight the opposite Sword Demon. To put it bluntly, this lane was impossible to win.

The main thing is to be a gangster. If you can hang around, it's okay. If you can't, you will be a foster father.

Just talking about laning, Sword Demon really has no pressure.

Chen Ke and the others definitely can't sit idly by and take care of him more. They must not let this sword demon develop.

After Ornn reaches level 6, it becomes easier to cooperate.

Big Tree's ultimate move and Ornn's ultimate move can both be used to start a group remotely.

As long as the Sword Demon is controlled, he won't be able to operate against three people.

There are dozens of sword demons who come down from the gods to fight with each other. They have to be at a higher level and have equipment advantages. Now Zeus is just a few last hits ahead.

The first wave got the kill, and the first blood was specially given to Chen Ke.

Seeing this, some T1 fans who still had faith were completely desperate.

Chen Ke got first blood, and it was a hero like Jace who got an advantage that was disgusting. T1 fans now don't know how to win this game.

"Both Wink and Light are coming closer. This wave of Pioneer V5 seems destined to win."

"T1's bottom lane is also moving. This wave will have to wait for Ornn's ultimate move."

"Ornn's ultimate move should be ready soon. This wave of team battles is very important for both sides."


The killing of Zeus just now happened when he was on level 6.

At this point in time when the vanguard is refreshed, Zeus has long been resurrected, and there will be no shortage of T1 members in this vanguard group.

As for V5, they have nothing to worry about. They are eager to have this wave of team battles with the opponent and just wait for Ornn's ultimate move.

Ornn's ultimate move is still very important in the early stage, and it is the key means of starting a group.

Although King Ning's ultimate move was there, Feike also stole King Ning's ultimate move.

In this wave of team battles, which side of the big tree uses the ultimate move well can also greatly affect the team battle rate.

But for V5, there is no need to rush in team battles.

Because their lineup can poke, in addition to the midfielder and jungler who can poke and consume the opponent, Varus of the Lantern King is also a poke hero.

In this game, T1 chose the female police system for the bottom lane. V5 naturally used the hero Verus to play. The strength of this hero is still there.

Otherwise, T1 wouldn't be able to grab Varus first with the blue team in some bar games.

In fact, in Chen Ke's opinion, T1, the pioneer, might as well let go.

It would be a good idea for you to ask the policewoman to simply push the tower in the bottom lane to get some plating. If you come here to fight in a group, you may not be able to defeat them.

However, since T1 chose to come here, they probably feel that they are better able to play at this time in the middle and jungle.

The Sword Demon cooperates with the Pig Girl, and the team battle is still very fierce.

Moreover, if you play a female police system, if the vanguard is taken by the opponent, and the opponent can use the vanguard to take you a tower first, then the rhythm of tower pushing in this female police system will not be achieved.

When both sides came to the river in the upper half of the area, V5 was not in a hurry and focused on Poke first. Anyway, they had to wait for Ornn's ultimate move.

"Shock wave!"

During the stalemate, Chen Ke's cannon played a good role.

At this point in time, Jace's damage was not very high, even if Chen Ke got first blood, the damage would not be that high.

Jace's Poke damage still depends on when the Demon Sect's equipment can be stacked up.

But there is no front row on T1. Except for Pig Girl, it is quite uncomfortable for everyone else to take damage, especially the support, who is still relatively fragile Lux.

Lux's W shield seems to be able to withstand limited damage at this point in time.

Coupled with the fact that the Lantern Emperor adds damage from time to time, the CD speed of his Q skill is definitely faster than Chen Ke's E skill.

"My ultimate move is ready, I'm going to hit them from behind."

"You go ahead, you go ahead, be careful with Pig Girl's ultimate move!"


T1 also knows not to fight with the opponent like this. If the HP is too low, it will be impossible to fight, so it quickly moves the vanguard.

After waking up the vanguard, prepare to find an opportunity to start a team battle.

As for their upper midfielder, they must rush in and attack to be powerful.

When watching the other side try to move the vanguard, 369 circled from the side and directly moved behind T1.

When Ornn is in a good position, there is no need to continue to fight with the opponent.

If you waste more time, you will miss such a good opportunity to start a group.

Aoun is calling sheep in the rear, and King Ning's tree is growing in front.

The two group-starting skills, one in front and one behind, feel like they are double-teaming T1.

Feike also immediately launched his ultimate move. T1's focus was on the front, and Ornn behind him could not take care of it for the time being.


When the two big tree ultimate moves met at the vanguard, Chen Ke's skills improved and he fired another QE enhanced cannon, which accurately hit Lux behind Feike.


Keria continued to use skills, and at this time, her blood volume was only less than half.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and after finishing Chen Ke's shot, when Ornn's big move came from behind, he just dodged and dodged the big move.

The pig girl on T1 also threw out her ultimate move, and both sides seemed to have a lot of control skills.

Big O played more bravely in this wave, and he also knew that he had to be at the front to give the Sword Demon space to output.

When he bumped into King Ning, Chen Ke opened W and clicked Pig Girl three times in a row and started to pull.

The V5 lineup is very aggressive in team fights, and its ability to play Poke is also relatively strong.

But really speaking, the continuous output of a wave of team battles is still not as good as T1. After all, there are two heroes, Sword Demon and Silas.

The policewoman's output ability at this point in time is also pretty good.

Chen Ke seemed to be pulling the pig girl, but suddenly the weapon in his hand switched to a hammer, and he suddenly flashed a [Leap to the Sky], and with the flat A in his hand, he directly killed Lux, who was still alive.

Keria thought about coming up to give skills. Naturally, he couldn't back down from this kind of team battle, so he found an opportunity for Chen Ke.

Flash kills a seemingly inconspicuous auxiliary on the opposite side in seconds, turning the situation into a situation where there are more enemies and fewer enemies, which is more beneficial to V5.


Zeus has also been paying attention to Chen Ke. His first target in a group fight is not Varus, but Chen Ke's Jace.

After seeing Chen Ke flash and hand over, Zeus directly hit Chen Ke with a Q1 flash, and at the same time, the W skill in his hand hit Chen Ke.

The Great Sword Demon of Destruction, with its wings spread out, looked very powerful at this time.

The team battle ideas on both sides were quite clear, but AD was not targeted much.

When Chen Ke was tied up by the [Evil Fire Chain], he didn't rush to open up the frame. He walked forward delicately towards the sword demon, and used an E skill to knock the sword demon back.

King Ning flashed to follow and hugged the sword demon with the W skill in his hand.

In this way, although Chen Ke could not escape the range of Sword Demon's W, he could not continue to deal damage to Chen Ke.

Moreover, after Zeus was hugged by King Ning, everyone on V5 was focusing on him. Zeus was difficult to operate without flash.

The moment he fell, Zeus realized that the Q flash he had just been was still young.

As soon as Zeus fell, T1's team battle collapsed, and it was difficult for the remaining three people to fight against five people.

Big O used his own life to delay Double C's escape, and V5 won the team battle.

As soon as the vanguard group was defeated, T1 also knew that the situation was over.

Their lineup seems to be lagging behind, and the output capabilities of the three Cs are very high.

But there is Ornn on the V5 side, and you can still fight if you drag him back.

The most important thing is that everyone now knows that as long as V5 has an advantage in the early stage, it will not let the opponent delay until the later stage.

Soon the game time came to 22 minutes, which seemed quite fast. In fact, for T1, every minute that passed was torture.

At this point in time, V5 has an economic lead of more than 6,000.

A few more minutes of delay in getting the Dragon Soul might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Now we can only hope that with a few more minutes of development, we can have a good team fight.

After all, in history, even when they were 10,000 behind, their economy was able to turn around.

Just like in the game, whenever T1 fans feel that it will take a few more minutes to try and touch the opponent, Chen Ke always steps forward to find some opportunities.

Chen Ke was very courageous and once again touched the opposite jungle area.

When he plays like this, he relies on his own flashes.

If this is retained and killed, T1 may be able to directly attack the baron.

But if you find an opportunity, it can also speed up the game.

As soon as Chen Ke entered the upper half of the wild area on the opposite side, he saw Feike before he could find a suitable bush to crouch in.


At that moment, Chen Ke's reaction was too fast.

In less than a second, he pressed five or six skills in succession.

After a shock wave hit, the light speed hammer form struck up.

Miller yelled crazily: "There is a chance, Jess is doing a lot of damage now, it is at his peak!"

Feike's flash is still there, and there is also a certain amount of displacement in his hand.

The problem is that Chen Ke brought Phase Rush, and after triggering it, his movement speed was too fast.

After Feike used Flash + a period of E skill displacement, he found that Chen Ke followed him through Flash and he couldn't keep the distance.

He simply turned around and saw a second-level E grabbing Chen Ke. This was a helpless move for him.

Because even if he doesn't fight back, he will still be chased to death. Now that the second stage of E hits Chen Ke, he can at least do some damage.

Feike fell down at this time, and the atmosphere at the scene exploded.

Especially the on-site commentators from each competition area seemed quite passionate at this time.

The colonel roared crazily: "You can barge the dragon, you can barge the dragon. If we get the baron, we win!"

At this moment, the live footage showed the mid laners on both sides.

Chen Ke looked calm at this time, with no trace of disturbance at all, and he didn't even say anything.

But Feike's mouth kept moving, staying in the spring and giving crazy commands.

His expression rarely fluctuated, and he touched his head with his hand as he spoke.

Many people were surprised to find that Feike's hands were shaking!

Normally, he wouldn't do this if he was caught killing someone alone.

The main thing is to know what it means to be killed this time. The game that you have worked so hard to persevere until now may be gone.

And he will fall again on his way back to the throne this year!

I didn't think about whether Chen Ke would surpass him in terms of historical status. I just felt that I would miss out on the championship again.

Many LPL fans could no longer bear it at this time, and some even stood up directly.

Everyone stand up, we are getting closer and closer to that historic moment!


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