He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 450 No need to spend money, they will give it to you! (asking for monthly ticket)


"What does it mean?"

"In the first game, the intensity started right away, right?"

"Okay, okay, I just want to see this. Kill me hard."

"It has to be Chen Ke, who is good at resisting the cold."

"Damn it, I'm already looking forward to it crazily."


While the commentator was still analyzing, even the leg brother kept frowning.

As a former professional player, it is normal for him to feel uncomfortable at first when seeing this abstract lineup.

But fans don’t care that much.

If other teams were selected, everyone's reaction would probably be similar.

If Chen Ke is selected, he will naturally be viewed from a different perspective.

Now that everything has been taken out, it proves that Chen Ke is still confident. Coupled with Chen Ke's ability, everyone now has great trust in Chen Ke's hand.

When he first debuted, if Chen Ke had chosen some weird heroes, many people would probably still question him.

After playing so many games, Chen Ke has already won everyone's trust with his performance time and time again.

The opposite is the same. If you have diarrhea as soon as a critical game comes, how can the organization trust you in the future?

Chen Ke punched directly in the contestants' box, which shocked the atmosphere of the scene.

Facts have proven that gay men can also do boxing.

Looking at DRX again, there is nothing to say that he is sweating profusely.

If you are sweating profusely when someone picks a hero, then there is no need to play this game at all.

At most, it was just an ominous premonition.

Chen Ke suddenly took out this strange hero in the middle. Who knows what the effect will be, because no one has ever seen it before.

The most worrying thing is not Zeka who is about to face Chen Ke, but the DRX coach.

Akali is a hero that is too important to them, and can at least be ranked in the top three in terms of importance.

When they got this hero, their win rate was very good.

And it can often be targeted by the opponent. When you have a hero who needs to be fixed in the opponent's ban position because of the player's personal ability, that means it is very valuable.

If Chen Ke's Vi really has any miraculous effect on Akali, then the subsequent games will be difficult to handle.

After all, it is a BO5. After the first game, the subsequent BP adjustment is also very important.

Soon after the two sides entered the game, what interested everyone the most was the laning situation in the middle.

The commentator can't explain whether the hero Vi is good at beating Akali in a laning match. To put it bluntly, I've never seen this kind of laning.

And the hero Akali is actually not a hero that she is particularly afraid of in the lane.

Even if you fight against many long-armed heroes, you can still hang around easily.

But everyone can see that Vi does have a certain restrictive effect on Akali when playing in a team.

When Akali comes in, I directly lock her with a big move. This headlock skill is really very restrictive for Akali.

Only after you have a golden body can you feel a little more comfortable.

After briefly looking at the lane, it was fine at level one, with both sides developing normal CS.

Neither of them seemed to have any strong thoughts about a blood exchange.

After grabbing the second level, Chen Ke had Q skill for the first time.

Wei yelled loudly and hit Akali easily with a powerful punch.

As long as Wei is hit by Q, there is nothing much to say next. Naturally, it will be Bang Bang’s two punches.

After Akali is able to move, she will definitely fight back, but the burst damage at this point in time is still a bit worse than Vi's.

When the line reached level four, King Ning stood in the middle, putting a lot of pressure on the opposing mid laner.

Dashu and Wei are a very abstract combination, especially since the two of them are jungle heroes recently. It is difficult to see these two heroes becoming a midfield partner in the game.

However, Dashu’s Asian binding is really bad, and this hero’s early damage is also quite high.

If you show up and are tied up by him, your life will be in danger.

Zeka obviously also knew that the opponent's midfielder really caught him at this time, and the damage was absolutely enough.

Akali is still a bit fragile before level 6, and he will definitely not give the opposing midfielder a chance.

Whenever he was caught to death before level 6, Zeka knew that he would be in trouble next time.

"Hey, Chen Ke has some details. This gun truck just won't feed you."

After King Ning left, Akali lost the right to pass in the middle due to her previous stability.

Especially when he saw the cannon truck's remaining health, Zeka didn't dare to come up for a while, so he simply used his E skill to hit the target remotely.

Chen Ke came up directly and blocked the Falcon Dance with his body.

With Akali's current equipment and level, it won't hurt very much if Falcon Dance hits her.

It's still a good deal to let the opponent lose a cannon truck at the cost of a little health.

MCT couldn't help but said: "What do you mean, do you want to come over and add some blood?"

"I still don't seem to dare. Chen Ke's Q skill is a little scary once it's charged up."


The next second everyone realized what made Akali uncomfortable.

Even if Falcon Dance hangs on Chen Ke, Chen Ke may not dare to go up if he has Q.

As long as he flies over, Chen Ke's iron fist can immediately interrupt his E skill.

Of course, this is just a small restraint. Akali’s hero skills are still very diverse, and her consumption methods are also relatively rich.

Being suppressed by Chen Ke was ultimately a matter of technique.

It was good that King Ning took a look, but the opposite jungler also came to the middle lane, and Chen Ke didn't take advantage at all in terms of shaking people.

In addition to hero attributes, laning depends more on the player's personal ability.

This is why there are some stories about forehand and backhand education in competitions.

You said that your hero was suppressed and that’s why you couldn’t beat him. But in the next game we switched heroes and you still couldn’t beat him. How to explain this?

Chen Ke's Q skill is released too accurately, which makes him very profitable when changing blood.

After suppressing Akali's health, the opponent must be careful in the next line.

Because Chen Ke leads Li Li.

From the beginning, the commentators have been mentioning Chen Ke's summoner skill.

Nowadays, it is very rare to not have a teleport in the middle. Chen Ke obviously wants to have an advantage online with such skills.

As long as you have a certain advantage online, it doesn't matter if you don't teleport in the early stage.

This is also the reason why DRX's midfielder has always avoided fighting in the front.

At this point in time, their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Wei and Dashu on the opposite side. If Wei still has a kindling, she will be even more unbeatable.


After Chen Ke's next Q skill improved, he hit Akali in the face with a heavy punch.

Every time Chen Ke charges up his Q skill, it is a game between two people.

After being deceived by Chen Ke into using the E skill in the previous wave, Zeka's judgment was a bit confused, so this time when Chen Ke seemed to attack accidentally, it was really difficult for Zeka to react.

After being consumed again this time, Zeka's blood volume was a bit low.

Maomao said here: "With Zeka's blood volume, I feel like I have to go home."

The leg brother also nodded in agreement: "If he doesn't go back, I feel that after Chen Ke's next Q skill improves, Akali will be in danger."

"After all, Wei is lit."

Everyone sounded in a good mood. Akali being sent home so early was obviously good news for Chen Ke.

Even though he has teleportation to go online, he won't lose anything.

But after he was beaten back first, it was good news for Chen Ke who was not teleported.

Chen Ke also got a good opportunity to go home, and it was difficult to lose anything when he went online on foot.

In everyone’s opinion, it’s great to be able to fight like this in the early stage.

After all, Akali uses Doran Shield + the talent of quick pace. Akali, who has rich experience in laning, can still survive in the early stage.

Being able to be beaten back first shows that Chen Ke's laning today was smooth enough.


Zeka is indeed not greedy. The teams in the LCK are relatively more disciplined.

Seeing that his blood volume was in danger, he decided to go home quickly.

Anyway, there is teleportation, so there is no need to grind.

While counting down the seconds under the tower, King Ning threw a tree son next to him.

At this time, the troops have not yet entered the tower. King Ning definitely cannot flash into the defense tower directly. Chen Ke seems to be very cooperative in his position.

Even the Q flash position is not enough.

Besides, Prince Ning was really not in a hurry. Throwing a tree son over and interrupting his return to the city was actually disgusting enough.

This return to the city was interrupted, which was very difficult for Zeka.

Seeing that Chen Ke has brought the troops in, if he returns to the city at this time.

You have to pull back and get to the front of the second tower to feel safer.

Coupled with the countdown for returning to the city, it will take some time to restore blood volume in the spring water.

There is also the time to guide the teleportation, which takes quite a long time. It is not very cost-effective to go back this time.

Fortunately, Pig Girl came over at this time and wanted to help Akali to eat the wave of soldiers under the tower.

Of course, it can also prevent King Ning from jumping over the tower.

Before the person came over, Prince Ning went over to stop Zhu Mei, and the two of them fought.

Both of them have pretty good health, and they can't do anything for a while.

But seeing Prince Ning going to find Pig Girl, Zeka breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was more afraid of was being attacked first by Dashu. Just facing Wei made Zeka feel fine.

When he saw Akali coming over, the fist in Chen Ke's hand flashed.

Q skill is charging again!

This Q skill seems to be obviously intended to put pressure on Akali to stop him from coming to take troops.

But Zeka quickly opened a cloud formation, hiding himself in the smoke and not giving Chen Ke any vision.

After Wei's Q skill ends charging, this skill goes on cooldown.

As long as Wei loses his Q skill, Zeka knows that he will definitely not be able to kill him without the damage of this skill.

Dashu is currently fighting fiercely with Pig Girl, so naturally there is no way to jump over the tower. Zeka can quickly clear out the wave of tower troops and go home.

It is impossible to replenish them all. It is probably enough to replenish them in this wave. The most important thing is to gain experience.


Seeing that the Q skill's charge was about to end, Chen Ke took action anyway.

Even this was a Q flash, rushing directly into the opposite defense tower.

The punch filled with energy directly hit Akali who was invisible.

When he was hit by this punch, Zeka was completely stunned.

The key point is that he has little room to operate. Chen Ke goes up and punches twice more, hitting the three-ring effect and then igniting it.

Easily extended the range of the defense tower.

There is no need for any precise damage calculation. If you show it to the ordinary audience, everyone will know that Akali will definitely die.

"First Blood!"

The moment Chen Ke pulled out the defense tower, the first blood prompt sounded.

The scene cheered wildly, and the commentators were also excited.

Everyone thinks that this wave will make a lot of money if the opponent loses some troops. If you really want to use it, you have to wait until the middle and jungle level six.

Now Chen Ke suddenly hits blood, which is indeed a surprise.

It can only be said that this advantage came a bit suddenly.

The replay showed Chen Ke's first-person perspective. After watching it, I can only say that it's abnormal.

Chen Ke really doesn't know where Akali is in the Xia Formation this time.

Zeka's position is not straightforward either. It is on the right side at 3 o'clock. It is quite difficult to guess such a large Xia formation.

"It's really an exaggeration. He dares to dodge like this."

After reading it, Brother Leg couldn’t help himself.

The most exaggerated thing about this wave is not that Chen Ke guessed the position correctly, but that Chen Ke really dared to dodge without knowing the opponent's position.

The risk is really too great. There is a high probability that you will waste a flash and make yourself look a little funny.

But if you take a look at the ID, you won't think it's exaggerated. It's normal for Chen Ke to dare to do this kind of operation.

When hitting the stick, Chen Ke was always more ruthless, even harder than when he hit his brother.

Fans were still filled with 666 at the beginning, but suddenly found that in the event live broadcast rooms of major live broadcast platforms, Anta's account came over to buy gifts frantically.

It is impossible to cooperate with the official because the official has signed contracts with other sports brands.

Anta's appearance with gifts can be regarded as attracting everyone's attention, and it suddenly has a strong sense of presence.

"Damn it, Chen Ke!"

"Awesome, you have to look at Chen Ke to beat Koreans."

"It's nothing to beat the Korean team. Chen Ke can only get my recognition if he beats the Vietnamese team."

"The cold-resistant pioneer is well-deserved, and Anta bought it this time."

"Guigui, Anta is really awesome. I must place an order today to support two waves."

“I’m returning the Li Ning I just bought, and I support Anta!”

"There's no need to buy them all. To be honest, they are all very good domestic brands."

"The brotherhood is small. It's not that we don't support Li Ning, but there's no need to spend money. They will definitely give it away."

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