He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 150 I have already said that he is very meticulous, but he still insists on being humble (pl


After the bottom lane was torn apart, even his teammates breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to now, FPX has created more pressure.

For example, after 369 died once, the pressure is quite high now.

Fortunately, seeing Chen Ke take the head, the teammates now feel confident.

Prince Ning kept saying, "When I come down later, the other side will probably move down the road."

After the last IG game, King Ning paid more attention to protecting the bottom lane.

King Ning still knows very well who is the big daddy in the team.

After Chen Ke went back to replenish his quiver, he improved his online suppression.

Their combination was already fighting harder than their opponent, not to mention that Chen Ke was still one head ahead.

Just after reaching level six in the middle, Toothpaste quickly seized the opportunity to steal the opponent's Galio's ultimate move.

If Gary moved later, he would make sure to keep up in time.

Surprisingly, FPX still chose to go on the road.

After level 6, the Gnar given to Brother 9 will continue to increase in strength.

Xiaotian has been watching on the road, waiting for Gnar to become smaller.

After all the rage points were consumed, the moment Gnar entered sage mode, FPX chose to take action.

Miller spoke quickly: "Nar handed over Flash, but it was still useless. He was kicked back by the blind R Flash."

"Xiaotian's wave moves are very fast."

"Gario is too big, then this Gnar is dead again, and Galio got his head."

"The captain can push at least two layers of the tart. This rhythm is really full."


When everyone thought that FPX was going to target Chen Ke, they still went to the top lane.

But overall, there's nothing wrong with this choice. Don't worry about who you're going to catch. Only when you can really catch it.

It's hard to tell the side of the bottom lane. If you don't tell it well, you will be squatted by the opponent.

There is really nothing wrong with going on the road as long as you are sure to gain something.

There is nothing wrong with raising a hero like the Captain.

Seeing the trend of cracking on the road, King Ning couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

He plays a strong Olaf. From the beginning to now, except for the jungle lead, there is no rhythm at all.

"Can you cross it if you come down? Toothpaste, please hold on."

"I'm already leaning in."

The V5 midfielders and junglers are all rushing down the road, preparing for a four-for-two attack.

After Chen Ke saw the actions of the opponent's bottom lane duo, he couldn't help but said: "I guess there is no chance. The opponent has already retreated. Let's just control the dragon."

FPX's thinking is too clear now, and there is nothing wrong with the team's command.

Seeing that you were about to move down the lane, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong withdrew in time, not coveting the troops that were about to enter the tower.

As experienced champion bottom laners, the two of them naturally know that they should try not to cause problems when the top, middle and jungle are in rhythm.

And when it comes to four-for-two, no one knows it better than them.

The opponent really wants to leave, but you can't force him to stay. The bottom lane has not yet reached level six.

King Ning turned to fight the first dragon, while Chen Ke started to push the tower.

Xiao Pao is a hero who has one of the best tower pushing speeds among ADs.

When you take it out, you have to keep pushing the tower.

After the two people on the opposite side of the lane retreated, Chen Ke directly hung [Explosive Spark] on the opposite defense tower.

Wink pushed back in time, and Tapi let Chen Ke eat alone.

Looking at the current momentum this time, it seems that we have to wait for Chen Ke's three-piece suit again.

Before King Ning finished defeating the first dragon, the Canyon Pioneer was refreshed.

At the current pace, even if Olaf is very aggressive in the early stage, V5 still plans to release the Pioneer after some discussion.

Use the vanguard to exchange the health of the bottom lane defense tower with the opponent.

FPX's top, mid and jungle can't support it for the time being, which will make Brother Xiang feel more uncomfortable.

With Prince Ning putting pressure on him, he couldn't stay under the defense tower.

On the one hand, the Tap skin was worn down, but mainly because we had to give up a lot of troops.

FPX has a very clear idea of ​​​​this game, which is to focus on the top lane.

After Xiaotian took the vanguard, he went straight up to help push the tower. He didn't even take advantage of the vanguard's quick return to the city effect a few times.

Chen Ke pushed very quickly in the bottom lane. They were under time pressure and wanted to grab the first blood tower.

It doesn't matter whether you can take advantage of this first-blood tower economy, the most important thing is that Chen Ke can't take it.

King Ning was also very straightforward. After defeating the dragon, he got into the blue buff jungle area on the opposite side.

While counter-jungling, he puts pressure on the opponent's bottom lane.

Although Toothpaste has returned, as long as Olaf has his ultimate move, the hero Titan is useless. Nosuke and three others in V5 can also forcefully cross the tower.

Both sides accelerated directly into the rhythm of changing towers.

V5's top tower and FPX's bottom tower will definitely both fall. The suspense is to see who can push faster.

Obviously V5 is faster here, but with the vanguard on the opposite side, it still seems to be more advantageous.

Moreover, both sides used various means to delay the other side. The captain directly gave the bottom lane a big move, which helped clear a wave of troops.

Chen Ke had no choice but to withdraw. He certainly couldn't use the captain's ultimate move to demolish the tower.

And Toothpaste wasn't idle either, he just stole Galio's ultimate move and flew up.

Anyway, the stolen items have a time limit. If you don’t use them, they will be gone when the time is up.

As soon as the toothpaste came, 369 dared to stay under the tower.

The opponent currently has no big move in the middle and jungle. Mitsukoshi and Er are purely giving away. They will not make such an extreme move.

There were really two people guarding under the tower. After the Canyon Pioneer crashed, the last level left was not so easy to push.

On the bottom lane, Chen Ke waited for the new wave of troops to enter the tower and then continued to push.

Prince Ning stopped pretending and went directly to the foot of the tower, and the three of them pushed it together.

Now, in order to keep up with the progress, Chen Kedan can no longer give all the tapi to eat.

At the end of the push, Nosuke took the initiative to move away so that Chen Ke could get the first-blood tower's bounty by himself.

"V5 should push faster and get the first blood tower."

"The economies on both sides look similar."

"Now one side is the top road fertilizer and the other is the bottom road fat."

"I feel like I still have a beating."


When both sides were pushing towers at the same time, the director also provided a split screen so that everyone could notice the progress of tower pushing on both sides at the same time.

Chen Ke went home and took out the mythical costume.

The hero Xiaopao doesn't need to be very showy. In order to play the front row faster, Chen Ke chose to play the Kraken.

After moving to the middle, Brother Xiang was finally able to develop steadily.

His current equipment is a bit pitiful compared to Chen Ke.

Not to mention the loss of one kill and so many taps, the last hit alone was suppressed by more than thirty.

Normally I wouldn't be so far behind in last-ditch hits. The main thing is just watching the tower push from the bottom lane, and many soldiers can't come up to take advantage of it.

Chen Ke still firmly occupies the line rights in the middle, but the tower in the middle is not so easy to push.

Less than three minutes after arriving in the middle, the second dragon spawned.

Logically speaking, FPX should give up this little dragon. Their captain and Kai'Sa are still developing.

As for V5's small cannon, with its mythical and attack speed boots, it is considered powerful at this point in time.

But FPX is still here. To put it bluntly, we still want to see if there is a chance.

"Both sides are pulling at each other. FPX looks like it wants to fight."

The doll's tone was quite calm at first, but suddenly became urgent: "Hey, Olaf was hooked!"

Liu Qingsong still dared to hook, and there was no problem with the hook. He hooked King Ning who was standing at the front.

In the V5 lineup, only King Ning can stand in front.

After King Ning was hit by the hook, he directly fired his ultimate move.

With the blessing of [Ragnarok], Olaf bathed in the holy blood and kept swinging his double axe, and the team battle started unexpectedly.

"Look at AD, look at AD!"

When the team battle started, the V5 team was still dominated by Bao Chen Ke.

Xiaotian moved very quickly, using Q toothpaste to move, touching his eyes to get close to Chen Ke and kick him back.

For them, this team battle is not difficult at all. They only need to kick the cannon back for seconds, and the next team battle can be fought casually.

However, Chen Ke was faster and used a W to widen the distance to the side.

"Blind monk!"

Xiaotian's position suddenly became aggressive, and Wink opened up directly to W.

Charm + knockback made Xiaotian unable to move for the first time.

Everyone in V5 concentrated their fire to deal damage to Xiaotian, but Galio hit him immediately.

The huge impact range of [Hero Appearance] spread out instantly. In order not to be knocked away by Galio's landing, V5 could only pull back and was unable to concentrate its firepower for a while.

Xiaotian took advantage of this opportunity and quickly distanced himself.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry and focused on playing in the front row.

After Galio lands, he outputs Galio. He can now deal damage to Galio and his speed is pretty good.

"Gario's taunt directly mocked three people!"

But this taunt from the big guy was very good, and it also gave Lin Weixiang room to fly. Originally, Lin Weixiang was very uncomfortable being rushed by Olaf in the back row.

“Why do I feel like V5 won’t be able to hold on to this wave of team battles!”

When Wink collapsed and the toothpaste was poured out later, everyone felt like something was going to happen.

There is no way to steal Galio's ultimate move in this wave of team battles with Toothpaste, the time is not up yet.

I could only steal a Titan ultimate move, but I missed Kai'Sa so much that my position was a bit aggressive.

This wave of Galio not only saved Xiaotian, but also used taunts very well, and also divided V5's formation.

King Ning charged too hard, and Galio was always out of touch with his teammates after landing his ultimate move.

After seeing the end of his ultimate move, Olaf couldn't hold on for long.

Chen Ke was still firing, and the barrel of the gun in his hand was almost smoking.

Galio had a small cannon bomb on his head, and Chen Ke kept drawing A.

Once, twice, three times.

When he was about to explode, Chen Ke used a big move to push the person away.

"Double Kill!"

Pushing Galio into Kai'Sa's face, the bomb was detonated.

Chen Ke got two heads instantly.

"Ouch, the output of Xiaopao!"

Wow screamed out instantly, but Miller calmed down a little and hurriedly shouted: "We have to go, we have to go, Xiaopao's blood volume is also very low now."

After Chen Ke gets the kill, his W skill is refreshed.

Hurry and jump in the direction of the middle. You can get two heads in this wave, which is already very extreme.


Xiaotian followed up and flashed Q very decisively.

Tianyinbo hit Chen Ke accurately, and the speed was so fast that it didn't even give Chen Ke room to move.

"It's over, we've been attacked by the blind monk!"

Seeing the blind monk kicking up, Chen Ke also pressed Flash.


"What the hell?"

"What about the blind man's harm?"

People didn't understand Chen Ke's flash, which showed the feeling of moving a grave.

But the next second everyone opened their mouths.

Blind Sin's second stage Q actually did no damage.

Chen Ke kept his distance and kept tying A with the blind monk.

Xiaotian was the first person to be dealt damage. If it hadn't been for Galio's ultimate move, he would have died long ago.

Even if he survives until now, he is still in a state of residual health.

Now that he has used his Q skill, he has no eyes to touch.

After being pulled up by Chen Ke, he really couldn't leave.

"Triple Kill!"

After Chen Ke got three kills, not only the audience, but also all the people in the V5 backstage lounge were excited.

Head coach Mai Zijian raised his arms and shouted, his face full of excitement.

Of course he could see that Chen Ke had just used flash to avoid the damage from the blind man's second stage Q.

At this time, the director also gave the Merlin gunner a close-up at the right time, and the Yodels were infinitely magnified.

Mai Zijian pointed at the screen and said excitedly: "I have already told him that he is very delicate, and he is still humble to me!"


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