He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 103 Chen Ke was not defeated, Chen Ke is still outputting (please vote and subscribe)

Chapter 103 Chen Ke was not defeated, Chen Ke is still outputting... (Please vote and subscribe)


In the G2 backstage lounge, after watching Chen Ke's counterattack, the entire lounge screamed.

The coach was so frightened that he unconsciously held his head.

The boss has started to stand up and punch.

When he first saw Lux's Q flash, the coach was already thinking about the next BP.

Vayne was killed online, what else is there to do? Ready to order.

I never expected that Chen Ke could win.

"Chen, awesome!"

Teammates frantically asked questions around Chen Ke, reaching the point where they could no longer mark him for the time being.

Yangkousi even said an authentic Chinese sentence.

He also stole this "awesomeness" from Chen Ke.

After taking down two heads in this operation, even Chen Ke himself laughed.

With the two kills in the lane, the pressure on the lane in the early stage disappeared instantly.

Now, Chen Ke's time has just begun.

"Wow, this..."

All three commentators were shocked to varying degrees.

The three of them can only say that they are slightly better. Unlike the Cat King and the Colonel, they are not as eager to see Chen Ke die.

Chen Ke really played well and would not ignore it deliberately.

For example, the second brother praised: "This Vayne is so beautiful, how he twisted that Q flash off is really exaggerated."

"It was manipulated. I can only say that the manipulations of Ghost Emperor and Chen Ke are quite different."

Miller summed it up concisely and concisely.

Ghost King is a player who can't be said to be talented, but he certainly has nothing to do with being great.

It's okay to play as a tool player, but when it comes to AD like Policewoman, his operation is really mediocre.

If a top-level AD with powerful skills were replaced, even if Chen Ke's skills were awesome this time, both of them would not be taken away.

The coach at DWG has already started shaking his head.

In this wave, not only did the early advantage disappear, but they also fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Vayne had two heads on her body, and after going home and getting out her equipment, she was ahead.

The policewoman and Lux ​​have both disappeared, what should I do next?

If the pressure is too harsh, G2's prince will have a chance.

It's really a two-on-two matchup, and it's hard to beat even if Braum accidentally gets the mark.

Once the policewoman can't hit the rhythm of pushing the tower, and she can't get things like kills from the front, this hero will be a disaster in the mid-term.

Chen Ke's wave not only allowed him to take off, but also helped the whole team breathe a sigh of relief.

Before that, it wasn't just the bottom lane that was uncomfortable, the upper, middle and midfielders were even worse.

From the moment he was caught in the middle, the middle field was already cracked.

Life on the road was equally difficult.

Wunder played a trick on Thane. Normally, Thain should be easier to beat Ornn.

As a result, he was beaten by Niu Bao and fell far behind in his last hits.

It can only be said that there is indeed a gap in personal ability between players.

This year's Niu Bao, after the talent [Omen of Stealing] was deleted, he is the number one top laner in the world.

Now that the bottom lane is switching between offense and defense, DWG has to focus more on the bottom lane.

Vayne already has two heads and cannot be allowed to continue to grow.

If it really develops, it will be difficult to deal with Vayne in team battles with the DWG lineup in the later stage.

If you want to target the bottom lane, then G2 can relax in the middle and jungle.

After calming down, Caps' cards also started to move.

This hero himself has to lead the rhythm. It’s like ten minutes into the game and he can’t even fly even once with his ultimate move.

If you want to fly big, the bottom lane is the best choice.

You can't just fly up and catch an Ornn.

Before the opponent's bottom lane duo showed up, G2 planned a wave of double-teams on the bottom lane.

Uncle San had foreseen this wave and came to the back in advance to squat.

It's just that he is a leopard girl, so he really can't do much.

Xu Xiu's Silas stole the card once and the card was too big, and he couldn't steal it again for a long time.

The body has not been teleported at this point in time, so there is no way to support it in time.

Four against three, G2 can still surpass.

With the prince and Braum supporting him in front, and the cards helping to control it, Chen Ke's output was so comfortable.

It's a pity that Chen Ke only got two of the three heads in this wave, and the other one was taken away by the prince.

Logically speaking, there's nothing wrong with giving all the heads to Vayne, as long as you don't die suddenly in the later stages.

But one head is not a big problem. Chen Ke now has four heads in hand.

"No, it's completely wrong after this wave. I feel like the advantage is on G2's side."

After the game, even the commentator felt that the DWG was gone.

It's okay if the two people on the bottom lane die, but the chain reaction of being double-killed after being handed a flash on the top wave.

But Leopard Girl also came to send him off, and the rhythm of the jungle was completely disrupted.

Originally, the prince was knocked out of breath by Leopard Girl in the wild area, but now that he got a personal head at once, he could also take the opportunity to brush the opposite wild area, and he immediately recovered.

What's even worse is that Chen Ke is already pushing down the lane.

The policewoman was pushed back by Vayne, which was a bit unreasonable.

Feeling the strong pressure from the bottom lane, DWG directly gave up on the bottom lane.

Replaced two people from the bottom lane to the top lane.

Because of the advantage in the middle and jungle, DWG controlled the vanguard for more than eight minutes.

I plan to use this pioneer to help the female policeman gain some development and knock down the first tower on the road.

If the policewoman cannot stand up, it will be difficult for them to beat her.

What else Chen Ke can do is to keep tearing down the defensive towers on the road.

I should be happy that you, a female police officer, are willing to confront me like this and end the laning period early.

After the opponent's bottom lane was blocked just now, Chen Ke simply ate two layers of the pie.

They forced themselves to hit the road and wasted time.

Despite the help of Canyon Pioneer, the first-blood tower still failed to overtake Chen Ke.

"Familiar rhythm, a few kills in the early stage and then take down the first blood tower."

"This Vayne's growth is completely unstoppable!"


The time soon came to 22 minutes, and the fourth dragon was refreshed.

Of the three dragons in front, G2 got one and DWG controlled two.

One of them should have belonged to G2, but the third uncle tried to snatch it away.

The most irritating thing is that you can still run away after robbing someone.

If you want to drag it, G2 can completely drag it backwards.

The rhythm of this dragon soul is not fast, and DWG only draws cards when they get this dragon.

But Chen Ke's equipment has already taken shape. He wears the three pieces of equipment, namely the sheep knife, dilapidation, and green cross, and his combat effectiveness has reached its peak.

Now among the five people on the opposite side, whether they are crispy or in the front row, one of them cannot withstand Chen Ke's few clicks.

So there is no need to wait, this wave is over!


Both sides struggled with Xiaolong for more than ten seconds, and both sides had ways to start a group, but they didn't start at the beginning.

To put it bluntly, DWG is a little wary of Bronn's security doors.

This thing can block Ornn's second stage ultimate move.

In the end, G2 took the lead, and Thain found an angle and rushed in.

At about the same time, Ornn also started calling the sheep.

A team battle broke out, and everyone was highly focused on the broadcast.

Chen Ke paid great attention to his position and was not in a hurry at first.

For a hero like Vayne, team battles require continuous output.

It's not the kind of AD that hits a wave of bursts.

"G2 opened first, and both top orders opened big at the same time!"

"Look at Vayne, everyone is looking for Vayne!"

The teamfight ideas on both sides are very clear.

While protecting Wei En, he wants to forcefully cut Wei En.

As long as Vayne dies, the G2 teamfight will be impossible.

How much damage can heroes like Cards and Prince do?

Chen Ke first moved to find a position, and after seeing Ornn's big move blocked by Braum's reverse shield, he opened his big move and entered the field.

Thain and Braun were watching from the front, and the prince was also in the front row.

In fact, Chen Ke's output space is pretty good.

The female police officer on the opposite side has average development, and it is too slow to deal with the front row at this time.

To deal with the front row, you have to bring Silas the Conqueror.

But DWG's midfielder has a very clear idea. He can't look at the opponent's front row and wants All In Vayne.

As long as Vayne dies, the rest will be living targets.


After Xu Xiu approached Chen Ke with E, he decisively pressed Flash to approach Chen Ke.

I didn't choose to use the second E to pull Chen Ke. The probability of this skill being avoided was too high.

Flash W directly, wanting to fight Chen Ke personally.

As long as his W hits, the second E can hit even at close range.

Even if Chen Ke is purified, the damage will be real.

Chen Ke's first three pieces of equipment only maximize the damage, and he doesn't have much defensive equipment.

However, Chen Ke raised his hand and made an E, forcibly interrupting Silas's [Regicide Thrust].

Behind him was the outer circle of the prince's ultimate move, which was firmly nailed by Chen Ke.

Chen Ke kept rolling and outputting.

Leopard Girl pounced on him forcefully and inflicted some damage on Chen Ke.

But Chen Ke never died.

As soon as the blood volume dropped, it became more intense.

And when playing in a group, the [Ultimate Output] bonus can be fully used.

Among the bonuses given by this talent, team battle output ability is the highest.

In the extreme state, the output is crazy!

"Chen Ke has entered the scene!"

"Chen Ke is outputting like crazy!"

"Chen Ke was not killed!"

"Chen Ke is going crazy!"


PS: The 200 monthly ticket bonus is here. Yesterday, someone said that there were too many chapters in one game. In fact, I don’t have many words in one chapter. I didn’t write a big chapter. It seems that the number of chapters is a bit more. The finals are already speeding up the pace. Okay, if you want to read a larger chapter in the future, I will merge the two chapters.

Also, I’m asking for monthly votes. I saw that this month there were only over 500 votes. Brothers who have monthly votes, please support me. If you get 200 votes, more updates will be added.

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