Inside the Bird's Nest, at this moment, seeing the latest data of the Yang Group, the three beauties Huang Zhinuo, Leng Fei'er and Natasha looked at each other in surprise.

Too strong!

The carnival has not started yet!

The global live broadcast of Y Video has already attracted hundreds of millions of viewers?

And this number is still soaring?

It's really amazing!

This does not include the live broadcasts and rebroadcasts of major TV stations!

"It seems that the number of viewers of this carnival event is about to catch up with the World Cup!"

At this point, Natasha's face was full of shock.

To build a game carnival event to this extent, no one else can do it!

Hearing her words, the other two beauties nodded in agreement.


It's really amazing!

But after thinking about it, the three beauties were relieved.

"According to our data analysis, it may not be impossible to exceed the number of viewers of the World Cup!"

"The main reason is that the influence of 60 popular superstars from all over the world is too great!"

"Their fan base is too huge!"

Looking at Huang Zhinuo and then at Natasha, Leng Feier continued.

Hearing her words, the two beauties looked at each other in surprise.


Unconsciously, they thought of one thing!

This carnival event, but not a single advertising space was auctioned.

What was auctioned were only some advertising spaces for subsequent tourism projects and reports.

In addition, the live broadcast and broadcast rights of the carnival event!

Yang Chen left all these advertising spaces to Yang Group, Y Bank, Xinchen Technology and some companies under Natasha.

Now they realized that Yang Chen was really foresighted!

Not just the three beauties!

Now those advertisers and TV stations are a little confused!

They also didn't expect that Yang's Game's carnival would attract so many people.

If they had known this earlier, they would have competed for the live broadcast and rebroadcast rights.

At the same time, many advertisers began to curse behind their backs.

Yang's Game auctioned advertising space for tourism projects and live broadcasts after the carnival!

None of the carnival was auctioned?

They knew what this meant.

Yang Chen, this bastard, wanted to leave it to his own business empire!

Maximize profits!

Eagle Country, Fog City, in the manor of R Group.

Looking at the latest data in his hand, the head of R Group was petrified on the spot.

"Yang Chen, this kid, is really amazing!"

Shaking his head, he said with emotion.

Even, he showed admiration in his eyes.

There are still two hours before the carnival starts, and the number of viewers attracted by the Y video website has exceeded 100 million?

What will happen next?

Thinking about it, he has a shocked expression.

Opposite the head of R Consortium, Ham.R looked at his grandfather with a wry smile on his face.

It was foggy time now, and it was still the middle of the night.

Grandpa didn't rest just to watch this?

Suddenly, he didn't know what to say.

"More than amazing!"

"According to our team's analysis, Yang Chen's red envelope rain event will gain at least tens of millions of new users!"

"This guy never does a loss-making business!"

After taking over the words of the head of R Consortium, Ham.R said with envy.



Because he understands what tens of millions of new users mean!

This will probably bring huge wealth to Yang Chen again!



Hearing Ham.R's words, the head of R Consortium was speechless for a long time.

Now he began to feel a little fortunate!

Fortunately, he can see farther!

He has a good cooperation with Yang Chen!

Otherwise, becoming an enemy would be a real headache for him.

This kid's potential and money-making methods are getting more and more terrifying!

It's simply too much to take in!

Yang's Energy?

Yang's Communications?

Two major payment platforms and Y Bank?

And Yang's Games...

In this period of time, this kid's business has really made a lot of noise.

How much did he make from it?

These are all question marks!

What is certain is that it is definitely an astronomical figure!

If someone told the head of the R Consortium that Yang Chen now has 200 billion US dollars in cash reserves, he would not be surprised.

Because he thinks that this is not impossible!

In the Bird's Nest!

On the stage in the center, Henry and Louis have changed into black and white evening gowns.

Seeing the packed venue, both of them showed happy smiles on their faces.

"Gentlemen,Ladies, good afternoon!"

"There are still 1 hour and 58 minutes before the carnival!"

"Our performance guests are still putting on makeup and changing their costumes backstage! So now, please enjoy our late lunch!"

Clearing his throat, Henry said slowly.

And he said it in both Chinese and English.

"These lunches are cooked by some chefs selected from the Yang Group Canteen. They are all top chefs from all over the world!"

"I believe you will not be disappointed!"

Then, Louis said slowly.

Hearing what the two said, cheers rang out at the scene.

Many audiences' faces were full of expectations.

Lunch from the hands of chefs in the Yang Group Canteen?

All top chefs?

What a big deal!

"In addition, we also have a variety of drinks and beverages for everyone to choose from! ”

“For this, you need to open the Y Takeaway platform and choose it yourself, search and click on the Yang’s Game Carnival event, locate your location and check it!”

Then, the two said in unison.


Some senior executives of the interest groups who were watching the live broadcast saw this.

Their faces were very exciting.

What is advertising placement?

This is it!

And it is an advertising placement method that people don’t dislike!

There is no one else!

They have reason to believe that the next drinks and beverages will definitely come from Natasha’s companies, or some companies in the Harvester Private Club!

Sure enough!

When the camera switched to the screen of some viewers!

There really were some soft ads!

Behind the wine and beverage candidate column, there are Chinese and English labels.

“Thanks to XXX company for sponsorship! "

Seeing this, countless advertisers were jealous.


It's hard not to be popular!

And Y Takeaway will probably be one of the biggest winners, right?

You know, during this period, this platform under the Yang Group has been deployed all over the world.

Now playing this?

If Yang Chen didn't do it on purpose, they wouldn't believe it.

Some people who knew Yang Chen were numb after seeing this.

They were completely convinced by this guy's methods.

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