
They felt threatened!

The importance of lithography machines is self-evident!

At the same time, they also wanted to rob or something.

However, they all knew that this was not realistic.

China is not a small country!

And the behind-the-scenes boss of Yang Group, Yang Chen!

This guy is also a jerk who is extremely powerful!

Didn’t you see that the commercial spies sent out by those technology companies never came back?

For a while, they didn’t have a good way to solve this problem.

Almost at the same time, the major media around the world were also reporting on the announcement of Yang Group.

All of a sudden, the words Yang Group, lithography machine, and 27nm became popular all over the world.

Attracted countless attention!

Wall Street Journal: "Yang Group CEO Henry officially announced that their lithography machine has entered the final testing stage! EUV lithography machine! 27nm!"

Times: "Whether you are willing to admit it or not, Yang Group has broken the existing technological landscape with their lithography machine! 27nm is already the most advanced lithography machine in the world!"

The Sun: "According to the analysis of multiple authoritative organizations, Yang Group cannot produce lithography machines. In other words, it is impossible to do so quickly! Unless they already have semi-finished products and have joined forces with those R&D teams in China!"

Fortune: "Once Yang Group's lithography machines are supplied to Chinese companies first, perhaps their technology will slowly overtake on the curve!"

Business Weekly: "If what Yang Group said is true, perhaps the world's commercial technology will cause drastic changes!"

Le Monde: "27nm? EUV lithography machine? Yang Group actually broke the monopoly of major lithography companies in one fell swoop! Became a new monopoly oligarchy?"


The reports of some major media are relatively standard.

In order to attract attention, some small media either exaggerate to death.

Or, they criticize to death and talk about the impossibility!

In China, multiple channels of the Central Bank have also made relevant reports.

In addition, other media have also reported extensively.

On the Internet, there are also heated discussions.

Ordinary handsome guy: "What the hell? Really? Awesome! So cool!"

Growing flowers: "27nm? Suddenly it became the leader? Yang Group is awesome!"

Oh, these handsome guys and beautiful girls always love to dive: "Oh my god! Really? It's a miracle! Yang Group is awesome!"

Flying a plane to play: "666666! But you still have to be careful, beware of commercial spies and agents! Especially, beware of those who are born to rebel!"

Integrity wins the world: "Let me see who is jumping up and down and saying that science has no borders, and who says that lithography machines should be supplied to domestic and foreign companies equally! Such idiots are all enemy agents!"

Youlong Aotian: "Awesome! It's worthy of the Yang Group! It really didn't let everyone down! Give priority to our domestic companies? It depends on the mood of foreign countries? 6666666!"


Yang Chen?

Now, this guy is watching the news and some hot searches with a smile.

As for his work phone, it had been turned off long ago.

Personal phone?

His grandfather and parents all called.

Huang Zhinuo and Leng Feier also ran back to the villa.

This incident surprised everyone.

Also, it was a bit unbelievable.

Yang Group actually succeeded.

Moreover, it was far ahead of other photolithography companies!

"Yang Chen!"

"So, Yang Group has now become the new photolithography giant?"

Blinking, Leng Feier's icy face showed an excited expression.

"In this way, we don't have to be strangled by others, and we can even strangle others!"

On the side, Huang Zhinuo was also full of surprise.

Because they all understood what this meant.

The most advanced photolithography machine has too many influences and benefits.


Nodding gently, Yang Chen grinned.

"However, I will sell the first one to our military at cost price!"

"The second and third ones will be used by our Yang Group and Xingchen Technology!"

Immediately, Yang Chen said with a smile.

"What about the foreign market? What are your plans?"

Staring straight into Yang Chen's eyes, Huang Zhinuo asked curiously.

Similarly, Leng Fei'er also looked at Yang Chen intently.

They knew that they would give priority to the domestic market.

However, it does not mean giving up the domestic market.Isn't it the foreign market?

"Of course we will sell them the lithography machine at a sky-high price, and we will also exchange some technology with us!"

"Otherwise, we can completely not trade with them!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Yang Chen said lightly.

As long as they don't die, we will cheat them to death!

This is Yang Chen's external approach.

In the previous life, didn't the Western countries cheat us enough in those years?

Just think of it as collecting interest!

Yang Chen muttered secretly in his heart.

As things ferment, many people can't sit still now.

For example, the authorities of various countries.

And some technology companies.

And countless industrial companies.

They all want to get the lithography machine of the Yang Group.

Even, they want to get all the technology.

What makes them depressed is to contact the Yang Group.

Their reply is very simple and clear.

"In the short term, we will not consider foreign sales. We will first satisfy our own and China's internal markets!"

Doesn't this mean?

They can only watch China and Chinese companies use the most advanced lithography machines?

Such a result really made them a little unwilling.

So, they tried to put pressure on them.

Unfortunately, China's attitude was very strong.

In the end, it turned into a war of words.

Some countries and interest groups have tried to buy some Chinese companies.

Let them buy lithography machines and then take them out directly to them.

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking will fall through.

Because the destination of every lithography machine of the Yang Group will be watched by the Yang Group.

Similarly, there are people watching in secret.

More importantly, want to buy a lithography machine?

It's not enough to have money!

Not every company can buy it!

These are all subject to heavy review.

How could Yang Chen sell the lithography machine to some lackeys?

No need to think, you know it's impossible!

What's more, he also plans to add more things to the lithography machines produced in the future!

For example, some unnecessary designs.

For example, some unnecessary parts.

Also, some confusing circuits and electronic software.

The purpose is simple, just to prevent people from cracking the relevant technology!

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