Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 78 Special Training

Julian, who took the note, quickly glanced at the contents of the note, and then said in a flat tone, "It seems that I haven't visited Hagrid much recently, we really should go to see Hagrid, well, Friday Call Malfoy after Potions class in the afternoon, let's go find Hagrid together."

After speaking, Julian put the note away.

Looking at Julian who put away the note, Hermione hurriedly asked, "And then, Julian?"

Julian pretended not to know and asked plainly, "Good girl, what and then, didn't I say, let's go find Hagrid together."

Hermione pouted after hearing Julian's answer, and then said dissatisfiedly, "You know very well, I didn't mean that, centaur, centaur."

Hermione said coquettishly, holding Julian's arm.

Seeing Hermione like this, Harry and Ronald hugged their arms and shook.

Seeing the reaction of the two brothers, Hermione rolled her eyes and flew towards them.

Ignoring the two people's reactions, they continued coquettishly saying, "Julian, just tell me, ah, ah, ah?" ah)

Julian thought about it for a while. Anyway, he will tell them sooner or later, so he might as well take the opportunity to tell them, let them understand the danger and seriousness of this matter, and persuade them to quit.

Thinking like this, Julian withdrew his arm and said, "Okay, I can take you to the centaur tribe, but after you go, you must listen to my arrangement, don't ask too many questions, and don't run around."

After hearing Julian's words, the three hurriedly made promises excitedly.

Seeing the three of them testify, Julian said, "Okay, let's go to Gryffindor Tower.

After saying that, Julian took Hermione's hand and left the hall, Harry and Ronald looked at each other, and then chased after them.

On Friday, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Julian waited for Malfoy outside the Potions classroom with Harry and others.

After Malfoy came out, the five of them walked towards Hagrid's hut. On the way, Harry explained to Malfoy the agreement with the centaur on the night of the full moon next month and invited Malfoy. Malfoy thought for a while So he agreed, and then Julian said that he would do strength-enhancing training for Harry and the others, and asked Malfoy if he would participate [as a result, Malfoy agreed to the group without hesitation.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when everyone arrived at Hagrid's hut.

Harry stepped forward and knocked on Hagrid's door. Hagrid didn't delay this time, and opened the door quickly.

Looking at the five people in front of him, Hagrid happily welcomed them in. After the five people were ready, Hagrid poured tea for the five people. Hagrid said happily, "You guys, it's been a while since you came. How have you been lately?"

Harry said weakly, "It's still the same. The end-of-year exam is coming soon, and Hermione has been forcing us to study, and it has been urging us to study for several weeks. God, the review is too painful."

Following Harry's voice, Ronald and Malfoy nodded simultaneously.

Malfoy said with a bitter face, "It's too much, I'm obviously a Slytherin, but Hermione handed over the review plan to me while we were making up potions in the morning, and threatened me to review it. It's too much, she also checks my review progress, if I don't agree with her, let Julian punish us, our life is really hard."

Hearing the complaints of the two, Hermione raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, I kindly urged you to study, and you still complain, don't you?"

Seeing Hermione's expression that was about to get angry, and Julian's looming gloomy expression behind Hermione, the three of Harry were instantly scared, and quickly shook their heads and said no.

Seeing the cowardly behavior of the three of them, Hermione nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "That's right, there's nothing wrong with studying hard, if you fail a class, you'll have to repeat the grade, and then you'll know it's embarrassing." gone."

Hearing what Hermione said, Hagrid nodded in agreement, then turned his gaze to Julian and asked, "Julian, "Have you encountered any trouble recently?"

Julian shook his head and said, "No, what's the matter?"

Hagrid replied, "Then why did the centaurs say that you got out of your knots? By the way, what happened between you and the centaurs, that the centaurs invited you to their tribe as a guest?"

Julian shook his head and said, "It's nothing, oh, by the way, speaking of which, Hagrid, please spread a message for me, asking if I can bring a few more people with me when I go to their tribe."

Hagrid shook his head and said, "I think it is the consensus of the entire wizarding world that the centaurs reject humans. Julian, it is incredible that you can be invited. If you add a few of them together, I am afraid it will be impossible. I have never been to the centaur tribe. The whole Hogwarts seems to be that Professor Dumbledore has been to the centaur tribe, but that was a long time ago. I have never heard of anyone who has been to the centaur tribe in the past few decades. .”

After hearing Hagrid's words, Harry and the others all showed disappointed expressions. After Julian saw Hermione's disappointed expression, he said to Hagrid, "Hagrid, please ask first. right."

Hagrid nodded and said, "Okay, let me ask for you and see the centaur's answer, but you'd better not get too high hopes." Hagrid said tactfully.

Julian nodded and replied, "Just ask. As for whether the horse people agree or not, it's up to them to scold them."

In the next two hours, the six of them talked nonsense together, from humans to centaurs, from centaurs to giants, and from giants to many other things.

The five said goodbye to Hagrid two hours later, and then. Leave Hagrid's hut and walk towards the castle.

In the early morning of the next day, after the morning class on potions, they all went to Daning for breakfast.

After breakfast, Julian took the four of them to the eighth floor of the castle.

Everyone looked at the stupid tapestry behind them, Harry asked, "Julian, are you sure there is a suitable place here, why do I feel that coming here is worse than going to the Forbidden Forest?"

Hearing Harry's question, Julian's face twitched. It seemed that he had said something similar not long ago. Is it true that the world's news came quickly?

Julian gave Harry a blow on the head, and said, "What do you know, just follow me."

Seeing Harry's miserable appearance, Malfoy shrank his head and asked weakly, "But there's nothing here at all, Yinlian.

As soon as Malfoy finished speaking, Julian's explosive hammer hit the leaf on his head.

It hurt so much that he burst into tears.

Seeing Ronald who was still about to say something, Julian raised his fist, Ronald took a step back in an instant, and then made a zip movement on his mouth.

Seeing Ronald's actions, Julian nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "You can see what I did."

Immediately, Julian began to pace Seto in front of the wall in front of him, muttering while walking, "I need a place where I can contact the spell. I want to find a place where I can contact the spell."

Looking at Julian Ronald, who seemed to be crazy in front of him, he leaned towards Harry, and whispered, "Harry, look at what Julian is doing, he won't find a place, so he will lose his mind and go crazy."

Before Harry could speak, Malfoy, who had just leaned over, said in a low voice, "What are you talking about, be careful to get beaten up oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Hearing Malfoy's voice getting louder, Harry covered his ears and said in disgust, "Malfoy, what's wrong with you!"

Ronald looked at the two in confusion and asked, "What's wrong with you two?"

After finishing speaking, Ronald followed the eyes of the two of them, looked over, and then Ronald asked in a very puzzled tone, "Hermione, was there a door here just now?"

Seeming to be a bit unbelievable to Ronald's tone, Harry looked at Ronald and asked, "Ronald, aren't you surprised that a door suddenly appeared here?

Malfoy nodded in agreement, and looked at Ronald 4.0 curiously.

Ronald glanced at the two of them and then said in a very flat tone, "Surprised, why are you surprised? Is it surprising that this kind of thing happened in Hogwarts? You two really made a fuss."

After listening to Ronald's words, the two seemed to have been attacked, and their painting style instantly changed to black and white.

After seeing a door on the wall, Julian stopped pacing, turned around and said to everyone, come in with me. "

When he glanced at Harry and Malfoy, he looked at their dimensionality reduction effects and asked curiously, "What's wrong with these two people, why are they still dimensionality reduction?"

However, no one answered his question, both Ronald and Hermione were attracted by the door in front of them.

Julian shot two shots of clear water like a spring and successfully raised the latitude of the reduced dimension from the second dimension to the third dimension. Seeing that the two came back to their senses, Julian came to the door, clapped his hands, opened the door and said, " Welcome to the classroom of power supremacy, no, it is the room of responsiveness, your hell.

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