Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 339: 'Tragic' Practice

Chapter 339

"Well, before that, I need to get some wands for you. Fortunately, I have some materials here." Julian took out some weird things from his ring

"What is this?" Gandalf asked curiously.

Julian looked up at the heart-like thing in his hand and said, "Dragon heart, dragon bone, you know, most of the production of wands use the body part of some magical creatures as the core, just like my wand."

As he spoke, Julian floated the dragon heart in the air, then took out the magic wand from his arms and shook it at everyone, "My magic wand is made of Yolanda's blood essence, even in our world Also a very rare wand."

Putting his wand back into his pocket, Julian continued to put materials such as dragon heart and dragon bone floating in the air in his hands, and then walked towards the previous room, "I'll go make you wands first, and before that, you should It’s best not to use the magic power without permission.” After admonishing everyone, Julian walked into the room without looking back.

In the empty Awakening Temple, only Gandalf and the other three stared blankly at the place where Julian disappeared.

Because the Hall of Awakening was always white, everyone couldn't tell how long the time had passed. After an unknown amount of time, Julian appeared in front of everyone with a tired face, "Here, your wands."

As he spoke, Julian handed the three white wands to Gandalf and the others. After receiving the wands, the three looked at the bone wands in their hands very curiously. 3.

"Nine point three inches, the dragon bone is the body, the dragon heart key is the core, good at performing magic related to wind and fire, I will teach you the related magic in a while, it depends on your understanding." As he spoke, Julian took out his wand and pointed at the heads of the three of them, then yawned, "I'll rest for a while, I'll pass on to you all the commonly used spells and the operation methods of goblin puppets Before I wake up, you should practice well. By the way, the flow rate of time here is relatively slow. Compared with the flow rate of the outside world, it is one third of the outside world. In other words, we will stay here for three days. Days, the outside world has only passed one day, and I will temporarily hand over the management rights here to you.

After saying this, Yinlian walked towards the previous room again without looking back.

"So what does he mean?" Gandalf looked at Shufia in a daze.

Shufeya ignored Gandalf's question, but pointed in front of her with a magic wand in her hand. Following Shufeya's movements, a stone platform about the size of the awakening stone platform appeared in front of everyone. There are three rows of stones on the platform, and each row has five stones, ranging from small to large, the smallest is like a coin, and the largest is about the size of a watermelon.

"This is?" Gandalf asked suspiciously, looking at the stone on the stone platform.

"Among the magics Julian gave us, the Levitation Charm is the simplest and the least dangerous, and I think it is the best practice for controlling magic power, so I plan to start practicing from this." Shufeya walked to the stone In front of the stage.

Gandalf looked at Shufia's back and walked to the stone platform with Shufia after a long time. As for Lite's car, he came to the platform and started to practice after Shufia finished explaining.

It is worth mentioning that after the transformation of the magic blood, Lite is no longer that ugly goblin look, the original wrinkled skin has become compact, and the height of less than one meter has also become taller Many, about 1.5 meters, the originally dirty complexion became as white as the marble of the Awakening Temple. In other words, Lite was completely reborn. If the original Lite was a house elf, then the current Lite is like the young elves in the forest, cute and moving.

No matter how cute Lite becomes, it has nothing to do with Julian. After inoculating the three of them with his own blood, Julian, who was already exhausted, spent a lot of energy making three magic wands, which made the already tired Julian was even more tired. After returning to the room, Julian didn't even take off his clothes, just lay down on the bed and began to sleep.

After a period of rest in the dark, Julian slowly woke up from sleep, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, stood up and took care of his clothes. After confirming that there was nothing impolite, Julian opened the room "I don't know how these guys are practicing."

Thinking this way, Julian walked out of the room, but when Julian walked out of the room, the scene in front of him immediately confused Julian, looking at the embarrassed Gandalf and the two in front of him,

| Didn’t you let you practice magic? How did you make such a miserable situation, and where did Lite go? Nothing will happen!!!???”

What appeared in front of Julian was an unknown number of large bison that had been mutilated. The flesh and blood of the bison were scattered all over the ground. At least one-third of the entire Temple of Awakening was stained blood-red with blood, while Gandalf and Gandalf were covered in blood. It was full of scars and bloodstains, there were blue and purple bruises, scorched burns, and even a few knife-like scratches on Shu Feiya's body. There was an alchemy puppet standing beside the two of them. Strange posture, the alchemy puppet not only has a strange posture, but also the body surface of the alchemy puppet is covered with blood. Although it has dried up, it can be seen how tragic this alchemy puppet has just experienced.

"What the hell are you doing, I just slept, and you're going to bloodbath the goblins?" Julian asked Gu, a little speechless.

"There is no bloodbath on the goblins, just practicing (Wang Qian's) the spell you gave us." Gandalf said while panting heavily.

"Practice the spell and you can develop this virtue. You are also talents. After all, you are the big buffalo from where you are." Julian stepped on the dried up blood and came to the side of the two

Two people? "By the way, you haven't said where Lite has gone, are you in there?" Julian asked, knocking on the alchemy puppet beside him.

"Well, Lite is inside, it seems that there should be no problem if the magic power is exhausted." Gandalf replied.

"Then what's the situation with your set?" Julian pointed to the bull's head not far away and the broken beef and beef bones everywhere, and asked.

"It's all your fault." Gandalf gave Julian a white look, and then continued, "Don't you say it's a levitating spell? Why can't we make things up when we come here? ?”.

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