Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 26 Halloween Event (1)

Time flies, and it has been a month since school started unexpectedly. During this month, Julian has accomplished many things. With Snape's help, he has perfected the short-term magic boosting potion, and the booster that Julian and Snape made by coincidence. buff potion.

With Snape's help, Julian sent the formulas of the two potions to a large potion wholesale shop, and Julian and Snape shared 30% and 20% of the net profits respectively.

Julian and Snape jointly published a large number of papers on potions, and the statement that Julian was Professor Snape's favorite student was completely confirmed in Hogwarts.

At the same time, Julian's name was once again circulating in the wizarding world, and was named a rising star in the potions world by the Daily Prophet.

For a while, Julian was in the limelight at Hogwarts, and even the famous Harry Potter was overwhelmed by Julian.

On the other hand, Julian ignored the changes in the outside world and continued to study Animagus, hoping to complete the changes as soon as possible, and then go to the Forbidden Forest to explore.

Soon, Halloween will arrive.

A group of little wizards were sitting in the hall enjoying a Halloween feast, and the festive atmosphere was particularly strong in the hall.

Above the heads of the little wizards floated enchanted candles and pumpkin heads, and above them flew bats, apparently conjured by spells for the festivities.

Looking at a pile of food made of pumpkins in front of him, Julian complained, "Why do a bunch of wizards celebrate Catholic and Orthodox festivals?"

Helpless, Julian looked at the pumpkins on the table, so he could only put some barbecue and vegetable salad on his plate.

When all the little wizards were eating happily (except Julian), suddenly the door of the hall was opened, and a person rushed in stumbled.

It was Professor Quirrell, and he gasped, "Troll, there's a troll in the dungeon, I thought you knew."

Professor Quirrell fainted after he finished speaking, of course he was faking it, and Julian could easily tell whether a person really fainted, thanks to the basic qualities of a ninja trained in his previous life.

Looking at Professor Quirrell lying on the ground, the little wizards suddenly fell silent, and then they all stood up in a panic, and everyone was in a mess.

At this time, Dumbledore's voice came, and the panicked little wizards calmed down, and then followed the prefect's arrangement in an orderly manner, and evacuated from the hall one by one.

Julian, who was evacuating, suddenly felt himself being pulled, it was Harry.

"Julian, I just heard from Ravenclaw that there is a second grader who seems to be in the girls' room and hasn't come to the lobby. We have to inform her." Harry said hurriedly.

Looking at the slightly nervous Harry in front of him, Julian nodded, then turned to Hermione and Ronald and said, "You guys go back first, Harry and I will go find that Ravenclaw, and then we will go back."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two of them to refute, they left the crowd with Harry and rushed to the women's restroom on the second floor.

The two escaped Hufflepuff's prefect and Snape during that time.

"Snape, what are you doing, why isn't he staying with the other professors?" Harry questioned.

"He's running upstairs, forget about that now Harry, see what that is," Julian said.

Before Harry could react, he smelled a strong stench, which seemed to be the result of a pile of unwashed socks that had been worn for a long time, and then sealed and fermented.

Suddenly suffocated by the stench, Harry felt that he hadn't come up in one breath, and almost passed his breath.

Luckily, Julian responded in a timely manner. Seeing Harry like this, Julian cast an air freshening spell without saying a word, and then put a bubble headgear on himself and Harry.

"Thanks, Julian, I almost thought I was going to die just now, by the way, what did you show me?" Harry asked after taking a long breath.

Before Julian could reply, Harry heard a heavy footstep coming from far and near.

Harry poked his head and saw that it was a huge monster with a height of 4 meters, a head taller than Hagrid, dragging a big wooden stick in his right hand, with ragged clothes and rough skin on his body.

"Is this the troll?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, well, keep quiet and see where it's going," Julian whispered.

When the giant monster passed by them, the stench almost broke through into the bubble.

When the troll came to the door of the women's toilet, it scratched its head with its hands, then it seemed to think for a while, and finally the troll lowered its head and squeezed in through the door.

Before Julian could react, Harry jumped out of Julian's side in a jerk, and then rushed to the door of the women's toilet with great speed, quickly closed the toilet door, and inserted the latch.

Then Harry looked at Julian with a silly expression, as if he was about to compliment me.

Before Julian could say anything, there was a sudden scream from the toilet. The sound was very high-pitched, and it couldn't be made with the rough and savage appearance of a troll.

After hearing the voice, Harry's face instantly turned pale, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead like water.

Looking at Harry who was stunned there, Julian knew that Harry was unreliable, so Julian went to the toilet door and kicked the door open.

There were smashed tiles and toilets everywhere in the toilet. Fortunately, although there was sewage on the ground, there was no blood.

As if hearing Julian's door opening, the troll turned around and looked at the little bug in front of him, then yelled and rushed up holding a stick, trying to smash the little bug in front of him into a meat paste.

An exclamation came from behind the giant monster, "Get out of here."

Julian did not dodge, but raised the wand in his hand and pointed it at the troll, and said softly, 'Wingadim Revis Orsa' followed by a burst of red light, a rhinoceros that was one size bigger than ordinary A circled rhino appeared in front of Julian. As Julian waved his wand, the rhino rushed towards the troll. The troll was hit by the rhino that reached its waist and lost its balance. "Coaxed" fell to the ground with a bang.

Julian waved his wand again, whispered 'Wingardium Revis Orusa' again, and then there was another surge of red light, and a 15-meter-long boa constrictor as thick as a bucket appeared in the women's toilet , and then entangled towards the giant monster.

The giant monster was tightly entangled by the giant python, and the whole monster seemed to be tied up.

Obviously Harry was shocked by the scene in front of him, such a big monster was so easily picked up by Julian, and didn't Julian recite the Levitation Charm just now, how did these two giant monsters come about?

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