Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 915: ? On the grass facing the tower of the principal's office

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The sun was shining like ruby ​​in the sky. A short time after this glory appeared, the dark night before was replaced by a clear morning.

But unlike the sky that is getting brighter outside the window, the Gryffindor common room is quiet, the little wizards who have just got up are surrounded by the TV, and watching the news program "The Witcher Today" every day has become a student to understand the castle. A major channel in the outer world.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Gryffindor public lounge is particularly solemn. The entire public lounge can only hear the heavy voice of Hibiscus in the news: "This morning, Death Eater attacks occurred in many places in the Muggle world in Britain.

In Cotswolds, England, Death Eaters cast a fire ... The same attack happened in the afternoon in Alfriston, Sussex, and a wooden hotel in the town was quickly devoured by fire ... Although the Muggles dispatched the fire brigade in time, they could not use the anti-curse without magic. They had no way to take this magical flame. Fortunately, the Ministry of Auror arrived in time and extinguished the fire before causing casualties. After that, the Aurors cooperated with the Magical Accident and Disaster Division to reverse the accidental incident team and cast a large-scale oblivion curse, successfully letting the Muggles forget that the flame turned into a monster ... "

Then the news once again emphasized that the victims of these attacks were limited to the Muggle world, ironic of the fact that the Death Eaters did not dare to stay for a long time because they were timid, so that the damage caused was very small.

Harry, who got up late with Ron, was just out of the dormitory and Ginny would meet, and heard such a news broadcast, burning a flame of hatred in his heart-Harry felt that these Death Eaters So they acted indiscriminately just because Pansy made Dumbledore so embarrassed in the cave that they were arrogant and arrogant. After all, even the world ’s greatest white sorcerer could be arrogantly tossed by them, let alone Those Muggles, so they will be so brazen.

I think of my parents again because of the "mistake" in Dumbledore's mouth at Snape, which made Harry's eyes seem to contain fire, and seemed to be squirting at any time, his brows squeaky. Two fists clattered in a ball.

Ginny noticed her boyfriend's look and took Harry's hand.

"Muggles don't use anti-curses, it's really pitiful ... Those Death Eaters didn't dare to face the Ministry of Magic." Parvati Petil scoffed at the cowardly behavior of Death Eaters. "Before ancient times In magical combat training, Crabbe ’s dead fat man who nearly relegated last semester also learned to fire, but he did n’t learn to counter curse. If it was n’t for Professor Allen to extinguish the fire, he would almost burn himself to death ... ”

"Li Huo is too dangerous. He continually pursues and kills all combustible objects regardless of enemy or enemy, and as long as there is no one to stop and there are combustibles, it will continue to become more and more powerful .... If the fire was not extinguished by the wizard, it would theoretically burn all Russia ... "Simo Finigan also had some fears about Li Huo," I still use the thunderbolt explosion I learned recently, at least I can control where to blow … "

"That's because this spell is more effective than everyone else! Don't be cautious of being Peter II!" Parvati glanced at Simone angrily. This spell can blast everything it touches. Things, and the risk factor is very high, abuse can even be fatal-Little Dwarf Peter has used the spell to kill twelve Muggles and caused great damage.

Colin Crive and Frog Brownway sat together, and Neville was standing next to him trying to comfort them.

Frog was pale and opened his mouth halfway. The Muggle-borns could not calm their panic. The Death Eaters attacked at random. If their loved ones were attacked, they would not be able to fight back.

Ron was also dumbfounded. He recalled the flaming behemoth that rose from the TV just now: "But they will not attack the magic world? Ginny, our burrow can't bear the flames like the fire, even if they are moms Can put out ... "

Ginny, who was putting her mind on her boyfriend, heard that, thinking of Molly Weasley who was at home alone during the day, she couldn't help but mention it.

"Don't worry about Ginny, the village of Otri San Cappol is a gathering place for wizards, and the Ministry of Magic has increased its patrol there." Hermione shook her head helplessly and sighed for a long time. The Weasley family, the Lovegood family, and the Fawcett family she knew all lived here, and Cedric ’s family was also nearby. This wizard gathering place was one of the key protection objects of the Ministry of Magic.

With the first hint guidance of the wizarding TV, then during the breakfast time in the auditorium, the paper media controlled by pure blood attacked the Ministry of Magic ’s inaction news, preconceived that the pure and mixed blood of the wizarding world is still safe. It is stable, but it has succeeded in making many Muggle-born wizards think that the Ministry of Magic should do more. Some pure blood family students who are pregnant with ghosts also let some non-Muggle background students who are not smart enough to be led by them. Nose walk.

However, these debates only lasted until the time before the class. The wizards who took the ancient magic class wore neat costumes and walked outside the castle. Unlike the negative news in the news, today the weather is sunny and the air temperature is suitable.

On the grass facing the tower of the principal's office, when the wizards had already arrived and stood on the grass, Allen came from the woods next to him, followed by three tall, dressed The black-toned metal armor, the Viking half-covered butterfly faceplate made of metal, and the fully equipped death knight-this made the students realize the difference of today's practice class.

Allen walked ahead with ease. The three death knights spontaneously formed a semi-circle formation to protect Allen in the middle according to training. They took a neat pace, and were powerful during walking, plus some of them uploaded from their bodies. The cold breath made people dare not look straight.

"Today's hands-on class is like we said before, we will teach you something different ..." Seeing the wizards' curious eyes, Allen solved their doubts, "Don't worry, they won't hurt anyone. , Nor came to the classroom as my guard, they will be my assistants today. "

Allen ’s gaze slipped over the faces of the wizards who were exchanging glances with each other. He spoke very softly, but every wizard could hear, “Now, please make a desk for yourself with Transfiguration. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A layer of soil rises from the ground layer by layer, and there are more odd-shaped tables on the flat practice ground. Little wizards who have long been used to applying deformation to combat, show off their skills as much as possible. My own table becomes refined.

"Please leave your desk with both hands, so I can put the textbook I just dug out of the forbidden forest ..." As he said, Allen opened his pockets, and many strange and strange animal bones flew out of it. Accurately landed on the table in front of the wizards one by one.

Even during the day, suddenly seeing so many bones is a very horrible thing. However, except for a small number of girls who are too timid, some Hufflepuffs instantly recognized what kind of animals these bones belong to. After science popularized how the meat tasted, most of the little wizards calmed down and frowned at each other.

Allen looked up at the principal's office, and then walked to the strangely shaped tables that the wizards had transformed, approaching the ancient magic textbooks on which the wizards placed, letting floating text get into the book, and typing while explaining: "Starting today, I will teach you some necromantic spells in the following lessons."


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