Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2791: The sun in the water (3)

  Chapter 2791 The sun in the water (3)

  When we observe a total solar eclipse, we need to wear special observation glasses. Even if the shadow of the moon covers a lot of visible light, direct observation without light reduction equipment can easily cause retinal damage or even blindness.

There is a relatively simple method, which is to use two film negatives in front of the eyes, or wear black sunglasses. Another method is to add ink to the water and observe the reflection of the water Watching the total solar eclipse, after all, the whole process of the total solar eclipse lasted more than 3 hours, how tiring it is to keep your neck up.

  In fact, even if the central surface of the sun is completely covered, the sky becomes dark, and when bats and other nocturnal animals come out with sleepy eyes, the sun will still have a golden halo left to express its existence.

In the past, human beings were very afraid of total solar eclipse, thinking that it was a harbinger of some kind of disaster, but as people's understanding of the world deepened, total solar eclipse has become a rare astronomical phenomenon. According to the estimates of astronomers, 8 There will be a magnificent total solar eclipse on April 11. It will start from the Atlantic Ocean, cross the UK and the English Channel, land in France from Normandy, then pass through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, and then enter Turkey, the Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and India, finally disappeared in the Indian Ocean.

  Astronomers are very interested in this total solar eclipse. Although the total solar eclipse can be accurately predicted, special phenomena that are difficult to predict will still occur. In fact, it is the total solar eclipse that proves the gravitational curve of Einstein's theory of relativity. This is a bit like a person on a trampoline. She stands on a trampoline and forms a curved surface. The photon will be like a ball, rolling around on the curved surface, instead of the gravitational force of the star attracting the photon as believed in Newton's classical mechanics.

  Before humans flew into space at the beginning of the 20th century, they had to observe the stars and the sun only during a total solar eclipse. The theory of particles and waves of light began in the 17th century, and before the appearance of Newton, the theory of waves of light was dominant. But with the great success of Newtonian mechanics, the theory of particles of light firmly occupied the dominant position throughout the next 18th century. Until 1801, a young man named Thomas Young appeared in the British scientific community. He used The double-slit interference experiment proved the wave nature of light. Even if he had good evidence to prove his theory, he was under siege because he posed a serious challenge to the particle theory and "authority".

In 1818, in order to encourage people to use particle theory to explain the phenomenon of diffraction, the French Academy of Sciences launched a call for papers. Among the applicants, a young man named Fresnel satisfactorily explained the polarization of light with rigorous mathematical reasoning. The jaws of the judges dropped.

A judge conducted a disc diffraction experiment according to Fresnel's theory. According to Fresnel's theory, the disc in the center of the screen should have a bright spot, but the actual result is black, so the experiment proves that Fresnel's theory is wrong of.

   At this time, a young man tested the judge's experiment and found a slight error. After the adjustment, a bright spot actually appeared in the center of the shadow. This incident caused a sensation in the entire French scientific community.

  It was not until the 20th century that the wave theory and particle theory of light were completely resolved because of Einstein's wave-particle duality.

There are big problems with the optical path and heat experiment designed by Pomona. Sunlight is incoherent light, which contains many different frequencies of light. Unless she uses a convex lens to concentrate the light at one point, and then reflects it through a mirror, it can be Know if the mirror will heat up.

  Humans have been able to manufacture lasers and apply them in various fields, including cutting, where light can melt metals.

The back of the mirror is a metal coating, that is to say, after reaching a certain threshold, the laser can penetrate the glass, but before reaching this threshold, even the laser will be reflected, which can be adjusted by the angle of the mirror light path.

   There may be more than 10 or even more coatings on a thin lens, but this is not to "resist" the heat and penetration of light through thickness.

Anyway, shortly after helping Pomona adjust the jokey experiment, Severus gave Sinistra a specially coated telescope lens and Minerva a set of different colored nails Oil, with which Minerva gave all the female teachers manicures, except Pomona, who, unlike Sybil Trelawney, only had to tinker with her crystal ball.

  Pomona wanted to experiment with soil composition and fertilizers, but it was clear that Slughorn would not support and help her stinky experiments.

  If Severus' challenge is successful, then Slytherin House will have major adjustments, and with the students returning to school after summer vacation and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, it can be expected that the school will be very busy next year.

   If Severus wasn't successful, it wasn't just a matter of his personal future. Slughorn and Albus Dumbledore have about the same qualifications in school. Although Slughorn does not have as many titles as Dumbledore, he has so many "collections". It is not so easy for him.

Everything proved that now was not a good time. Although she personally didn't have much opinion on Slughorn, but Mary was hurt like that by Mulburn and his gang, and Filch invited him twice before he came. And when they got to the medical wing, Mary was called by the wrong name.

Mulburn is good at the Imperius Curse. He originally planned to let Mary, who had her "big mouth" open, jump into the toad pond to croak with her "kinds". Fortunately, some students reported to Minerva, so they stopped in time. up.

  Severus was at the bottom of the "food chain" back then, and it wouldn't matter if he was alone all the time.

   Some talents are very rare, and it sometimes brings high premium. Remus Lupine didn't apply to go to the school by himself, but Albus Dumbledore came to the door and made various promises before he agreed to study at Hogwarts. There was nothing unusual about Remus at the time. And he wasn't the only little wizard bitten by Fenrir, he just happened to be the same age as Snape.

After joining the Death Eaters, Severus was also valued by the mysterious person. He became a "full member" at a young age and was eligible to sit on the table. The treatment that can't even get on the table is much higher.

  Mary's experience is sympathetic. In the 1630s, the Netherlands had a tulip mania, and absurd prices appeared around various tulip bulbs. At this time, there was also a tulip frenzy in the Ottoman Empire. Tulips came from Central Asia, and its name (tulip) comes from the Persian word "turban". The earliest tulip bulbs introduced from Ottoman Turkey did not cause panic buying by the public. They only belonged to plant lovers with ample money. When the tulips were cultivated locally at Leiden University, a mutation occurred, and there was the "Forever Augustus" Both" this new species.

   Around 1634, tulips were favored by speculators. They were not interested in cultivating tulips or enjoying flowers, but just to drive up prices to make profits. It just so happened that tulips were a difficult plant to reproduce in large quantities. The shortage not only facilitated price hikes, but also led to the export of Turkish tulips, even though the tulips of the Turks were only monochromatic at that time.

This kind of flower only grows in the palace of the sultan. With the expansion of Ottoman Turkey, it was incorporated into the palace of Istanbul, but the Sultan Murat IV at that time was a tough and ruthless person. He was willing to lead the army. Reluctant to stay in the palace, and even cut the court's huge expenses.

Murat IV died of liver cirrhosis at a young age. After his death, his elder brother Ibrahim succeeded to the throne of Sultan. He was not only lazy, but also indulged in the gentleness of the harem. He also had nothing to do with the tulips in the garden. interest.

  The period from this period until 1718 was a dark period in the history of the Ottoman Empire, because every change of sultan meant a new change in personnel and affected the entire empire. Ottoman Turkey enjoyed a long period of peace until Ahmed III came to the throne, a period known as the "Tulip Age".

At this time, the way of life created by Louis XIV of France had spread throughout Europe and was introduced to the court by the ambassador sent by the Ottoman Empire to France. Ahmed III drew a piece of land in Kagasina and established Sada there. Bard Palace, the palace has a well-designed garden with carefully planted tulips in the garden. Celebrations are often held here, and there are even candles that illuminate the flowers on the gem-encrusted turtle shells, but the tulip mania is long gone.

  However, the South China Sea bubble broke out in Britain at this time, and even Newton suffered heavy losses in this bubble. He even sighed, "I can calculate the trajectory of celestial bodies, but it is unexpected that people will be so crazy."

  It is difficult for people who are caught in a frenzy to calm down, and it is easier for them to fall into another kind of frenzy.

  Individual reason and wisdom are of little importance in a group, even if it is to burn the palace, they will do it without hesitation, but isolated individuals are easy to calm down. Just like people in the flood and those standing on the shore, occasionally people in the water climb up to the shore, and occasionally people on the shore can't stand the temptation of the water and jump down.

   A few people, such as Lucius Malfoy, went ashore, but Bellatrix was still in the water. She was imprisoned in Azkaban and was still loyal to the Dark Lord.

   Fortunately, Lily was not swayed by Mary's remarks, and she didn't date him until James was willing to change for her. She became the loved one, and she didn't have to change herself to cater to the interests of the "Sudan" like a concubine in the harem.

  The loved one always has the upper hand. Love is a very suitable weapon for women, and all smart girls know it. Albus forbade Pomona to use it, just like Tobia forbade Irene to use the wand, wouldn't he be worried that she would meet a love master like Mormon and be deceived by him?

  Everything becomes more familiar the more she uses it. Anyway, she can't find someone to practice now, so she can get acquainted with the "theory" first. At least she is free to read any book she wants, even if it is a "banned book".

  (end of this chapter)

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