Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 493: Candidate

Located in the Dolvagon Forest in the south, there is a dilapidated castle hidden in the endless dense forest.

Lush vegetation covered most of the castle's appearance, and the walls of the castle were covered with green plants. It was obvious that it had been abandoned for some years.


A sharp, piercing sound came from inside the castle, like the sound of hard nails scratching on a blackboard, which was eerie.

The person who made this sound was a coffin coming from the castle, and the lid of the coffin was pushed open.

Inside the coffin lay a skeleton according to normal development, but there was indeed a mummy lying inside.

From early morning to nightfall, the castle was quiet, until the fat and agile mouse broke into the place.

The lid of the opened coffin was half leaning against the end. There was no suspense. The mouse walked up. It may have visited the castle a thousand times and was familiar with all the places in the castle. Only in the coffin, it was unfamiliar. Said it was a big box.

The smell of the mummy in the coffin apparently fascinated the mouse, and after sniffing its nose, it fell directly into the coffin.

The moment the mouse fell, its flesh and blood exploded, and a withered hand grabbed it into a dried rat. The blood flowed into the body along the withered hand.

"Disgusting smell." The mummy suddenly opened his mouth to speak, shook off the withered rat on his hand and crawled out of the coffin.

"It's really unfortunate. Don't you have any clues?" He stood thinking for a while, as if waiting for something.

A group of black bats swarmed into the castle and merged with the mummy. The shriveled mummy gradually began to grow and swell, and the dry skin fell off to reveal the white flesh.

His body was like a bottomless pit, and hundreds of bats suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Let me see how he died this time." The mummy man looked the same as the magician man before, if he put on a priest's robe and hung a fake cross.

"Are you greedy for a drop of blood? Oh, a little wizard? Twelve or thirteen years old, a student at Hogwarts?"

"It's really difficult. It's better to wait until he graduates before killing him, otherwise it will be too boring." The mummy planned to avenge his clone, and first recorded the comparison in his notebook...

"Well, I always feel like I'm being watched by something." Carney shrank his neck, even though he had a body like his, he couldn't withstand the pain even if he lowered his head and read a book for a day.

The method of identifying vampires and the method of resisting vampires have been found. He flipped through the book for a long time, but it was not as simple as the method that came to his mind. There was no need for a garlic cross to cast any complicated magic or anything.

As long as the sonic tapes are played out, the Transformers' electronic eyes can see abnormalities at a glance, and high-tech weapons can easily solve them.

For example, a bat that flew up to the roof last night was turned into ashes by the solar light collected by the sawtooth bird. Carney couldn't tell whether it was a vampire from the ashes, so he just regarded it as an unlucky bat.

Sound Wave expressed his willingness to take over the important task of protecting the house when he could find a job. As for his father's new car, it has been replaced by Sound Wave.

But the most important question remains.

Why did the vampire come to the door? After thinking about it, Carney felt that the only thing left was the tooth. It is said that werewolves and vampires are incompatible. It seems that the tooth vampires are very interested.

"Remember, those two vampires were also after this thing at that time. I said they knocked on the door for no reason." Carney thought of the attack on the ship.

That's a bit hot to talk about. It should be regarded as a treasure. It's a perfect plot of getting a treasure out of nowhere and attracting thousands of people to chase it.

In a blink of an eye, Carney arrived in Diagon Alley.

"Boss, I'll sell you a hundred gold galleons." Carney came to the pawn shop with the box.

"Sir, are you kidding? It's just such a broken box? It's only worth nine copper nuts at most." The old goblin rolled the glasses in front of his eyes and looked at the box.

"There will be people who know the goods." Carney took the items to several stores, but without exception, the price did not exceed one silver coin.

Kani wasn't willing to sell it for just that little money. It wasn't even enough for him to spend the change. Maybe he found the wrong buyer.

What vampires are interested in may also be interesting to werewolves. Carney turned around and went to Sirius's house. Sirius, Black and Lupine all submitted their resumes to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, no matter who it was. It's a good thing to apply for a job.

Knocking on the door, it was Kreacher who opened the door, and Carney could tell even though he was invisible.

"Thank you." Carney walked in the door, "Is Mr. Lupin here?"

"It's Carney, I hope it's nothing important." Lupine wore a pair of glasses and held a stack of books in his hand, which were Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks for each grade.

"Professor Lupine, do you have any werewolf friends with relatively good purchasing power?" Carney asked directly without making any hesitation. After all, Lupine was still so depressed when he first met him. Although he is more energetic now, Kabuto Rico wasn't that energetic, and Carney didn't want to kill him.

"Why are you looking for a werewolf?" Lu Ping put down the book and suddenly became interested.

"I have an item on hand that vampires are interested in. I think werewolves might be interested in it as well. I'm about to sell that item," Carney said.

"What object is it?"

"This is it. It looks like a wolf. I have been attacked by vampires more than once." Carney took out the fang from the box. When he took the fang out here, he didn't feel at home. One was that the house here cast Because of magic.

"Then the Ministry of Magic should be notified immediately," Lupine said.

"Why do you need to notify? It's their misfortune." Sirius also went downstairs to see who was coming, and heard what they said before he went downstairs.

"If I can't handle it I will, do you know what this is, or how valuable it is."

"These are obviously not the fangs of a werewolf. A werewolf's fangs are thicker than this, and it would be impossible for an ordinary wolf." Lupine smelled it, "It smells disgusting, these are the teeth of a vampire."

"Vampire teeth?" Carney raised an eyebrow. Aren't vampire teeth smaller? After all, they are objects in the human mouth.

"Yes, werewolves are not interested in vampire fangs. Although werewolves and vampires hate each other, they are not to the point of killing each other. If you want to sell vampire things to werewolves, you probably won't be able to sell them. And I don’t know many werewolves.”

"Huh? I remember that werewolves and vampires were at each other's throats," Carney said.

"When did you remember that courses on werewolves and vampires are only taught in the third grade? As for the books written by Lockhart, that cannot be used as a guide," Lupine said.

"I may have forgotten it. Selling it to a vampire would be a good idea." Carney put away the fang. Although he didn't find the next home, at least he knew that the fang was a vampire.

"Did you get a letter from the principal? Who of you is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Although Carney has the third-grade textbook at home, he barely reads it. He just flips through it a few times and treats it as if he has read it.

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