Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 254: The naughty organizer

"That's right, Tengka's mind has never been healthier day by day." Luden Fajan, the passerby who scored in the first place, was the first to step on him.

"Ever since I met Tengka, my whole spirit has been polluted." A passerby named Bob Addis, a man with a cropped head, was also not polite.

"As the only person here who has never been in love, it is normal for him to have abnormal thoughts. Please don't discriminate against him." The plain words of the man with black square glasses, a passerby, were like an extremely sharp sword, which penetrated deeper than the previous ones.

"Luden, aren't you the same thing? When you were appreciating xxx with me, you looked serious and not shy? Bob, didn't you volunteer? You also asked me to spend a lot of money to buy pornographic books. Now we are not the only one here. I’ve never been in a relationship, okay?” Tenga Tansi, a passer-by with slanted bangs, didn’t get angry and responded to all of them confidently.

"I seem to know something incredible," said Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. "You go on, I don't mind hearing more."

"..." Passers-by A, B and C, who still wanted to say something, immediately closed their mouths and began to communicate with each other with their eyes, glaring at each other.

"Coronel Bram." The old man in gray wizard robe read the next name.

Coronel Bram, a bald man from the Durmstrang School of Magic, came on and took a good position in Fowles's position.

"Are you ready?" the old man in gray wizard robe asked.



"This person is very strong." Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, sighed.

"Looks strong." Tenga Tansi, a passer-by with slanted bangs, said as he looked at the strong body of Corunl Bram, a bald man from Durmstrang Academy of Magic.

"Maybe we can see flesh resistance." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses, looked forward to it.

"It must be very painful, after all, it made such a loud noise when hitting the wall." A passerby with a short hair didn't quite think that Coronel Brahm would use his body to catch the ball. After all, it was a game.

They prepare in advance but don't know whether the ball fired by the Quaffle ball is fast or powerful.

After seeing the power of the Quaffle Ball Machine, they all gave up decisively.

Using your body to catch the ball is tantamount to risking your life for weak wizards like them. Of course, if you have Quidditch equipment, you can still give it a try.

The Quidditch equipment at Hogwarts is all protective gear made of dragon skin, which provides good protection against impact, but it is unlikely that you will be allowed to take it on the field.

"Bang bang bang!" For six minutes, the bald man Coronel Bram of Durmstrang Academy of Magic was still calm, and all three balls were transformed by him.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Nine minutes have passed. The bald man Corenel Bram from Durmstrang Academy of Magic is still casting spells slowly, but he has begun to pant for a long time.

But his transformation is indeed stable, he does not save his magic power, nor does he delay.

Although there is not much magic power left, it still maintains the transformation of the three balls.

"Ha~, it seems that the collision between the body and the Quaffle is no longer visible." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses, laughed.

At this time, it is indeed impossible to resist forcefully. After all, just the consumption of magic power will make you panting.

Coronel Bram, the bald man from Durmstrang Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, continued to cast spells for ten minutes, and then he withered.

With all his magic power exhausted, he bent his back, put his hands on his knees, and gasped for air.

It's as if the air is magic power, and breathing in and out like this can speed up the recovery of his magic power.

He didn't miss a single ball before three goals. He only started to deduct points for missed goals when he scored four goals in nine minutes. His magic also began to become unstable. By ten minutes, he had deducted exactly twenty points.

Eighty percent persisted for ten minutes, which was also a ruthless person, and then dropped rapidly almost every second.

When the final points were deducted, the time stopped at eleven minutes and fifty-four seconds.

"Fake!" Corren Bram, a bald man from Durmstrang Academy of Magic, couldn't help but burst out. He was only four goals away.

If he could squeeze out the magic power in his transformation, he would have scored twenty-four points. Unfortunately, he only had twenty-three points, which is eleven minutes and fifty-nine seconds, one second shy of eleven and a half minutes.

"Coronel Bram, twenty-three points." The old man in gray wizard robe said.

Coronel Bram, a bald man from Durmstrang Magic Academy, took the magic recovery potion in annoyance. This score would definitely not qualify him for the third game.

Twenty-four points might still have some hope. After all, the current maximum score is twenty-five points, and the organizers will set the score based on the approximate score.

This is his last experience, and twenty-five points cannot be the highest score. There are several stronger ones behind him, such as Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Hogg. Carney Strang from Watts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Their score cannot be lower than twenty-five, and the kid from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Carney Strang, might be able to get a perfect score of thirty.

Although the organizer did not set a perfect score, being able to hold on for fifteen minutes was basically as strong as a senior professor, and he did not think Carney could hold on for that long.

However, Carney Strand, a boy from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has already received perfect marks twice, so he still has hope.

If they pull the score, those below 23 points may be eliminated. This is what his professor analyzed, so he has cast as many spells as possible.

Of course, at first he thought about using his body to catch the Quaffle, but after he felt the strong wind brought by the Quaffle flying past him, heard the sound of the Quaffle hitting the wall behind him, and felt By the time he passed the spell, his body had begun to become empty.

These feelings told him not to do things that would cause his body to suffer, and not to ask for trouble.

At the beginning, there was enough magic power, so of course he would not catch it, but after six minutes, he hesitated to hit three consecutive shots, and nine minutes later, he was even more afraid to catch the four-ball shot.

Who knows if being hit in the abdomen by four high-speed Quaffles would make him vomit all his lunch out of his mouth on the spot, or even worse, pull it out from underneath.

However, there was nothing to regret at this point. He could only accept it and pray that he would be eliminated at twenty-three points.

He is already good enough now. The last time the contestants from their academy only got forty points, he now got forty-six points.

After receiving the magic recovery potion, he immediately took off the lid and took a sip. His empty body felt a little better. He was a person who enjoyed himself. He had no need to use the magic potion, so he had to wait weakly and uncomfortably for the magic power to recover on its own.

If a person who has possessed magic power suddenly loses magic power, it will be very uncomfortable, as if he has fallen from heaven to hell. Although he has only exhausted all magic power, it is not that he has lost magic power, but his body cannot sense magic power, which still makes him uncomfortable. .

His professor didn't tell him that he could take magic potion before the game. Maybe all the professors didn't know that magic recovery potion was available.

This is indeed true. It was a last-minute thought by the organizer. After seeing how difficult it was for the first contestant, the magic recovery potion was given out.

They have thought about it before the game, and they have tacitly agreed to it. Their game is so free, and it makes people so unprepared.

Of course, the difficulty is also extremely difficult.

What a naughty organizer.

If he had known that Luden Fajan, the passer-by midfielder, would not have had to regret so much.

Even if he didn't try to be brave and was helped off the stage by the staff, the staff would not give him the magic recovery potion.

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