Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 110: This watermelon juice is good

To find Principal Dumbledore, you must first find Deputy Principal McGonagall. You need a password to enter the principal's office, and you may not be there yet.

When I rushed to Professor McGonagall's office, I found that the door had been opened, and Carney leaned against the wall and listened.

"Professor McGonagall, I'm looking for Principal Dumbledore." A boy said.

"Principal Dumbledore is not here today, maybe you can meet him during dinner." Professor McGonagall said calmly. "Is there anything else you want?"

"No, thank you Professor."

Carney immediately pretended to be coming this way, and two little wizards with oriental faces came out of the door, seemingly new students in Gryffindor.

"Hello, Senior Carney!" they said to Carney.


"Professor McGonagall, can I come in?" He watched the two freshmen leave and knocked on the door.


"Class is about to start. I hope your work can go quickly." Professor McGonagall was working on the table.

"...I have important matters to see Principal Dumbledore." Carney hesitated for a while and said.

"Why are you all looking for the principal again? I heard what happened last semester from Albus." Professor McGonagall pushed up her glasses, "The password is 'Little Greedy Bean'"

"Professor McGonagall, starting from this year, I will reserve all future Academy Cups for Gryffindor!" Carney promised, patting his chest after receiving the command.

"Looking forward to your surprise." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "Your button deformation has improved this morning. I hope you can let me see even greater performance this Friday afternoon."

On the table lay the buttons that Carney had deformed that morning, next to a letter.

"By the way, give this letter to Albus by the way. He came to Dumbledore yesterday." Professor McGonagall handed the letter on the table to Carney.

"Okay, I'm leaving first."

After leaving Professor McGonagall's office, Carney suddenly felt particularly good.

It seems that old man Dumbledore is not someone you can meet casually. Different people get different answers. I pity the two freshmen just now.

The always serious Headmaster McGonagall would actually lie, but Dumbledore might really not be in school. He would know immediately when someone entered the principal's office and rush back.

So, they probably haven't met Dumbledore yet.

"There is also a letter to Dumbledore, addressed to Albus Dumbledore - Ming Shiyin." Carney came to the eighth floor and started opening the letter directly without rushing in to find Old Deng.

The letter I sent yesterday has not been sent yet. Alas, the world is very cold. It starts with a few big words: ‘Reporter letter! ’

"...Good guy." Carney read the letter and marveled, actually wanting to negotiate terms with Lao Deng.

"It's my honor to help the principal solve problems." Carney kept the letter for himself. He forgot many details in it. He didn't expect that this kid had such a good memory, so he kept it for future use.

Speaking of which, the one in the common room is Ming Shiyin, right? Alas, it seems that his plan was ruined. It's time for me to start digging in.

"Little Greedy Bean!" Carney walked up to the three-faced beast and said the password.

"Rumble~" The beast stone sculpture rotated, revealing the stairs on one side.

Following the stairs, we came to a room full of books, with a large table and several sofas in the middle.

The desk was filled with documents, the centerpiece of which was the Daily Prophet, reporting on incidents involving venomous snakes.

"Principal Dumbledore?" Carney shouted as he walked past the desk, heading inside, which should be his bedroom.

"Mr. Strang!" came from the other side. Turning around, Dumbledore was already sitting on the desk chair.

"I was still wondering when you would come and sit with me." Dumbledore said with a charitable smile, and a pair of cups appeared out of thin air on the table, "What do you want?"

"Watermelon juice." There are no melons to eat in the summer, so I must have watermelon juice.

The teapot automatically filled the cup with watermelon juice, which was still ice cold.

Carney sat down and took a sip.

"Mr. Strang came to my place to solve the problem?" Dumbledore had an intriguing look in his eyes.

"Principal, you should call me Carney." Carney felt a little confused when he heard the name Mr. Strain. "The solution has been found. Does the principal know about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?"

"Of course I know, but we searched Hogwarts several times and still couldn't find the secret room." Dumbledore did not say that the secret room did not exist or was a legend.

"I have found the Chamber of Secrets, and I can use the basilisk in it, so I hope that this matter can add points to Gryffindor by then, but it can't be like last semester." Carney and Lao Deng didn't mince words either. But I'm too lazy to compare.

"Hahaha, last semester I was trying to hide the mysterious man's matter, and it was resolved satisfactorily." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"I probably know the purpose of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and it will get the points you want. But I have to accompany you throughout the whole process, so I can rest assured." Dumbledore said.

"I can't stop you. You have Harry's invisibility cloak and I can't detect you."

"Oh, I will return it to its original owner this Christmas." Dumbledore said with an embarrassed smile.

"There is also a special contribution award. I remember that Tom Riddle won it for catching the monster in the secret room."

"Of course," said Dumbledore, "I want to know what you think about Sirius."

Dumbledore had always suspected this matter. It was impossible for Sirius Black to betray James and his wife. He applied for several visits to Sirius Black in prison, but Gifford rejected them all.

The location of Sirius's old house is still a mystery. Slytherin's pendant is the last Horcrux that has not been obtained. The snake has already moved out.

"The secret keeper is Peter Pettigrew. Sirius thought that no one would think of letting the timid Peter Pettigrew keep it secret. However, Peter Pettigrew had long been in contact with the mysterious man, so Sirius Black was wrongly accused. He thought that he could not kill Peter if he killed him. To atone for James and his wife, he voluntarily went to jail." Carney took a sip of watermelon juice.

"But Peter Pettigrew is not dead, he is Ron's mouse Scabbers."

"I think it's time for Black to be released from prison." Dumbledore thought for a while, and he really didn't expect this.

"Everything is clear now..." Dumbledore stroked his beard.

"Principal, I have two other things to do here."

"Please tell me." Dumbledore was a little surprised. |

"I want to know the information about all the freshmen in this class."

"I'm afraid I can't help you." Dumbledore said calmly.

"I want those unusual freshman information, such as Marco Polo, Mingshiyin, Ahn'Qiraj, and so on." The information about everyone is indeed too much. What Carney said is unusual. I hope Dumbledore understands.

"Indeed, these people you mentioned are all unusual. They all come from the same orphanage. A sudden magic wave broke out there a month ago, but now their magic power is smaller than that of any previous class. The poor students are even younger.”

"What I want is the information about these people. I just need their names and colleges. I'd like to trouble you, principal." Carney looked interested, and it seemed that Dumbledore was also paying attention.

What about yourself? Maybe I was paying attention before I could sense magic.

"I will ask Fawkes to send it over. You should have seen it." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Then what about one more thing?"

"I've drafted it all." Carney took out a piece of paper from the crystal pendant.

‘Letter of complaint. ’

"Oh! You took it by mistake, it's not this one." Carney put the piece of paper back and took out the planning book he wrote when he was bored during the vacation.

Dumbledore took the letter, put on his glasses and read it carefully.

"Kani, Basilisk's score is enough to win this Academy Cup." Dumbledore said slowly.

"So I am giving other colleges the opportunity to enrich the wizards' after-school time, increase the exchanges between the four colleges, and promote the progress of the students. It can also increase the popularity of our school, and also give the school teachers a chance to Take a vacation and increase your income.”

"Indeed, I can't refuse this proposal at all." Dumbledore stroked his beard and said thoughtfully, "But this still depends on the opinions of other teachers and students."

"Okay, I won't interrupt your work. I'll call you when I kill the snake." Carney drank the watermelon juice he just poured in one gulp, "This watermelon juice is good..."

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