Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 67 Maca and the 8-eyed giant spider

Ron, who had been suppressed all along, finally broke out after Hermione was attacked, and the target of his outbreak was Maca.

Don't you have anything to say!

This is the third time Ron has said this sentence, and it looks like a repeater that has broken down.

Maca was pressed against the door of the bedside table by Ron with all his strength, looking at him expressionlessly and without saying a word.

Ron... Harry came over and pulled Ron's clothes, but he ignored him.

He just stared at Maca's face, the anger on his face was almost overflowing.

After the initial surprise and astonishment, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey hurried over and pulled Ron away. They looked puzzled as to what was going on between Ron and Maca.

Maca stood up, straightened her crumpled robe calmly, but her eyes wandered to Hermione's face again.

Maka! Don't you want to explain what happened!

Ron was still yelling. Although he was held back by Professor McGonagall and could not rush over, the anger on his face did not decrease by half.

Harry looked back and forth between Ron and Maca in embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while.

Maka, I heard that you and Professor Lockhart first discovered Hermione... Harry said, I don't know... have you seen who did it?

Harry spoke very tactfully, but there was also a hint of hesitation in his tone.

Maca didn't even look up, he just looked at Hermione and shook his head slightly.

Of course he didn't see it! Because that's what he did, wasn't it! Ron stopped struggling, he just stared at Maca bitterly, and said angrily.

Okay! I believe in Mr. McLean, and you should also believe in him. Aren't you friends? Professor McGonagall put his hands on Ron's shoulders and said seriously.

Yeah! My friend... Ron turned his head away and stopped looking at Maca.

That night, Maca leaned against the window at the back of Hagrid's cabin, remained invisible, and waited quietly.

Harry and Ron didn't come, presumably because Harry didn't get the hint he deserved from Tom Riddle, a young Voldemort's diary.

Fifty years ago, the young Voldemort framed Hagrid and put all the blame on Hagrid. Although it is indeed a big problem to feed dangerous creatures like giant acromant without authorization, it has nothing to do with the secret room after all.

This was supposed to be an important clue for Harry that could lead him to Aragog, the acromantula, which would at least make Harry understand something.

But now, Harry and Ron won't know about this old story from fifty years ago, and Maca doesn't want them to know now.

Nowadays, accidents of students and even ghosts being petrified happen frequently, and the Ministry of Magic has already taken action. And Lucius Malfoy, who had always despised Dumbledore, took this opportunity to force other school board members to sign Dumbledore's dismissal order.

At this moment, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, has arrived. Of course, along with Dumbledore himself.

Too bad, Hagrid, said Fudge, in a crisp, quick tone. It's so bad it has to come. Four attacks on Muggles have gone too far, and the Ministry of Magic must act.

I haven't, Hagrid looked at Dumbledore imploringly, you know I haven't, Professor Dumbledore, sir...

I hope you understand, Connelly. I trust Hagrid completely. Dumbledore frowned at Fudge.

But you see, Albus, said Fudge awkwardly, Hagrid's criminal record is against him! The Ministry of Magic has to do something... We've got in touch with the School Board.

Really? But Connelly,

I'm still going to tell you that taking Hagrid away won't help at all. said Dumbledore.

His blue eyes shone with rare anger.

Look at it from my point of view! said Fudge, fiddling with his top hat. I'm under a lot of pressure...something has to be done. If it turns out it's not Hagrid, he'll be back. Yes, not a word. But I had to take him. Shouldn't I be doing my—

Take me away? said Hagrid, shivering all over. Take me where?

A short time, said Fudge, not looking Hagrid in the eye, not a punishment, just a precaution. If another man is caught, you will be set free with ample apologies...

Not Azkaban? Hagrid asked hoarsely.

Before Fudge could answer, he heard someone knocking heavily on the door again.

Dumbledore turned to open the door.

It was Lucius Malfoy, striding into Hagrid's cabin, tightly wrapped in a long black traveling cloak, with a cold, contented smile on his face.

Fang Fang on one side started barking wildly.

You're here, Fudge, he said with satisfaction, very, very well . . .

What are you doing here? said Hagrid angrily. Get out, get out of my house!

Believe me, my dear friend, I am not glad to be in your—oh—you call this a house?

Lucius Malfoy looked around the small shack and sneered.

I just came to see the school and I was told the headmaster is here.

What do you want me for, Lucius? said Dumbledore.

He spoke politely, but the anger still burned in his pale blue pupils.

Things are terrible, said Mr. Malfoy languidly, producing a long roll of parchment. The Board thinks you should be let go. This is a removal order—

You'll see twelve directors sign it. We think you're probably not doing your best. How many attacks have occurred so far? Two this afternoon, yes? At this rate , there would be no Muggle students left at Hogwarts... We should all know that would be a terrible loss for the school.

Oh, what? What are you talking about, Lucius, said Fudge, looking alarmed, Dumbledore deposed? No, no... We absolutely don't want to...

Maca leaned against the back of the house, listening to the conversation in the room, but her eyes kept wandering on the ground, as if she was looking for something.

He came here on purpose, of course not to eavesdrop on those useless nonsense, at least that's not the main purpose.

...There is.

Suddenly, Maca squatted down, looked at the little spiders lined up on the ground, and thought to himself.

Now that the target has been found, there is no need to continue to guard here. He followed the small group of spiders into the Forbidden Forest step by step.

In Hagrid's hut, Dumbledore, who was talking, glanced at the direction of Maca's movement, but there was no flaw on his face.


As soon as the little spiders entered the woods, their speed suddenly increased.

Maca had to light up his wand and run after him, but after a while, there was a loud clicking sound, and he suddenly felt a long, hairy thing pick him up by the middle, and let him hang face down. in mid-air.

This is a juvenile acromantula, but its race-specific body size still allows it to easily lift a child in his teens.

Maca calmly pointed his wand at its stinging mouthparts, but the opponent didn't seem to intend to eat on the spot, but ran with Maca.

The creature with eight legs is obviously very flexible, and it can still crawl very fast in the dense jungle.

Gradually, the darkness seemed to subside a little suddenly. With the bright moonlight tonight, you can see that the ground covered with fallen leaves is now densely packed with spiders.

He twisted his neck away and saw that they had come to the edge of a wide depression.

The trees in the hollow were cleared, and a large number of acromantula gathered in it.

They were not young spiders scurrying through the fallen leaves below, but each was the size of two horses.

The giant maca-clad spider descended the steep slope toward a misty, hemispherical web in the very center of the hollow, surrounded by its mates. When they saw what it was clamping, they moved their claws excitedly and made a clicking sound.

The spider let go of its claws, and the Maca landed on the soft dead leaves. He patted the dirt on his body, then stood up calmly.

The spider that threw him was talking. Believe me, it's not easy to hear because it rattles its claws with every word.

Aragok! it cried, Aragok!

From the midst of the misty, hemispherical web, very slowly emerged a spider the size of a small elephant. Its body and legs were black and gray, and each eye was clouded with white over the hideous, clawed head.

What's the matter? it said.

There was a click, and the two big pincers moved quickly.

Human, said the spider that caught Maca just now.

Is that Hagrid? Aragog said, moving closer, his eight milky eyes staring blankly.

Unfortunately, not.

Maca looked at the huge figure of the acromantula in front of him, as if confirming something.

Kill him, Aragog said impatiently upon hearing this, I'm sleeping...

It's no good killing me—

Maca looked at him calmly, took out a bottle, pulled out the cork, and made a boo sound.

What... what! Aragog retreated a long distance suddenly, Oh! Damn it - I hate the smell!

Like Aragog, its spiders and grandchildren also retreated in panic, forcibly vacating a circular open space in the somewhat crowded depression.

Aragok, I think you should be familiar with this smell... Maca looked at Aragog and said, Are you interested in making a deal?

The wisdom of the acromantoid family is always concealed by its natural ferocity, which has led to the neglect of other races. But at least I think you should understand the benefits that things like 'trading' can bring... By the way, I am a student of Hogwarts and a friend of Hagrid, it was he who told me the stories about you and Hagrid fifty years ago.

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