Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 700: Smart Ivanka

Catherine blinked, "Mr. Trump will always have a way to overcome difficulties. This is not the first time he has faced this situation."

"But if he had listened to some advice, he wouldn't have had so much trouble." Ivanka said angrily with a small face, "Like the source company, they are actually very good. People, I know they have been funding, organizing and helping others’ charity activities."

"When they came to discuss business with my dad, they were also very polite. It was because my dad was too arrogant. He thought he was a big real estate developer in New York, and he was very unreasonable to foreign real estate companies."

She said angrily, "As a result, he didn't expect that the unknown source company, not only very rich, but also very capable, soon disrupted his business several times."

She said with dissatisfaction, "He should have been cooperating with Source Point from the beginning. I have heard of some of their projects and plans, more precision manufacturing, and more job opportunities. This is for the United States and New York. In all, both have very long-term benefits."

"Ivanka, do you really have a very high evaluation of that source company?" Catherine's tone was a little surprised. She did not expect that Ivanka was familiar with source company, and the evaluation was very high.

The Hearst family is an American media giant, the headquarters of the Hearst Group, located in the Hearst Building in Manhattan, New York City. As a large real estate developer in New York, the Trump family naturally has close contacts with the Hearst family.

The Hearst family and the Trump family are not only business partners, they also have good friendships in personal relationships.

Catherine is not too cold for Donald Trump's unobtrusive elders, but she likes Donald's daughter Ivanka Trump very much.

Whenever she saw Ivanka, she always remembered how she looked when she was a child. She could see that Ivanka was just as strong and smart as she was.

Ivanka leaned into Catherine's ear and whispered, "My dad refuses to give me pocket money. I use some of the money I usually save to invest in stocks. The source company is my most profitable investment."

With a happy smile on her face, her eyes were bent into crescent moons, "The money I made at Source Point is more than all the pocket money my dad gave me since I was a kid."

"That's great."

Catherine had a weird expression on her face. If Mr. Trump knew that his daughter had already betrayed to his opponent, Yuandian Company, she had no idea what she would think.

Ivanka stared at Catherine closely, "You can never tell other people about this."

"of course."

Catherine said in an affirmative tone, "I have also invested in some stocks in Yuandian recently. I am quite interested in Yuandian. How did you know about this company?"

After she asked for George's contact information at the airport, although no one responded to the email she sent. But from the source company's website, she also saw some content.

If the content on the website is true, the strength and ambition of this source company are terrifying, and it is simply a giant that is about to expand.

Because of the good impression of George, even without more information, Catherine tentatively invested in the stock of the source company.

Ivanka covered her mouth lightly with her hand, as if being caught stealing something, she smiled shyly, "The chairman of the source company is very handsome, and I heard that he is just 20 years old. He is now It is my idol, and I will be as good as him in the future."

The reason she bought the shares of Yuandian Company was more or less willful.

One reason is that the name of this company sounds good, and the other reason is that the chairman of this company is very handsome and very young. She was excited for a while, because of the goodwill of the young people, she bought the company's stock directly.

After that, the stock has risen all the way, completely exceeding her expectations. It was during this process that she became more and more fond of Yuandian, and also admired the mysterious and handsome chairman of Yuandian.

"He's pretty handsome." Catherine nodded, recalling the person in her memory, "Twenty years old, won't you?"

Her tone was suddenly depressed, "but he does look so young, he looks younger than me."

Ivanka's eyes widened, with a look of surprise, "You have actually met the chairman of Source Point."

"He is a mysterious person. I know he is British and he looks like he is about 20 years old. He is very handsome and very mysterious. Even the people at Origin have rarely seen this mysterious chairman. It is said that he You spend most of the year in the laboratory. Where did you meet him and how did you meet him? Is he more handsome than the picture?"

Ivanka asked continuously ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Surprise and envy could not be concealed in her tone.

"I met him at the airport in Hong Kong." Catherine said discouragedly. "He is handsome, very young, better-looking than pictures, and very gentleman. He spends most of the year in the laboratory. , I sent him an email before, but he hasn’t responded yet.”

"That's it." Ivanka couldn't help laughing, she rolled her eyes quickly, and helped the chairman of the source point company think of excuses, "He must be too busy, he must be doing very important things. After all. He is so busy that he can't even take care of the company. If he answers the email, he may be late."

"That's true." Catherine nodded. "He once said that he will be very busy this year. There are several important results to be completed in his laboratory research."

Ivanka immediately opened her eyebrows and smiled again. She was so happy from ear to ear, "Then my stock will rise a lot next year."

"It seems that I should invest more in their company's stock."

Catherine immediately began to analyze this idea. From what she knew, the source company did have huge potential. If George’s experiment really produces several big results, then the future of this company will be terrible.

Seeing Catherine was thinking, Ivanka stopped disturbing her. She turned her head out of the window and quietly looked at the white clouds drifting by.

A dazzling red flashed through her eyes.

She rounded her eyes and pressed her entire face to the window. She looked desperately in the direction where the red light flashed outside the window, but never found the streamer just now.

She couldn't believe her eyes, she just saw it, a figure with flame wings was walking on the clouds with a woman.

(To be continued.)

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