Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 685: 1 tiebreaker

These Muggles fly in the sky, and spells like Muggle Expulsion Curses cannot be used at all, and it is not a wise decision to attack them.

She doesn't know when George will be back. At this moment, she needs to buy more time for George.

As she had guessed, the Muggles did not give up, and early the next morning, the helicopter flew towards the mountain again.

Not only that, it seems that because of the spread of news, there are two more helicopters today.

Three helicopters circled around the peak, trying to explore the mystery of the snow-capped mountains. In addition to the Ukrainian press team that rushed over yesterday, a new press team rushed over this morning.

Clouds and mists are lingering, and the thick fog covers all the secrets on the snowy mountains.

The three helicopters turned around the mountain unwillingly, and refused to leave for a long time.

George in the flame battlefield became more irritable and angry. Such an endless battle is a terrible experience for anyone.

Endless battles cannot reduce his anger, only make him more irritable. Venting does not change people's anger, but it causes more anger.

He cleans the battlefield of flames time and time again, but the flame monsters on the battlefield grow out like seeds sprouting from the ground.

Every battle makes him stronger, but the endless battles consume his spirit.

He started to feel tired, he started to feel bored.

At this moment, he is tired, he has no more time to waste here.

Can't continue like this, he must directly attack the flame Phoenix's body.

Continue to fight, continue to swallow, until completely and completely master the magic power of the Flame Phoenix and the Nether Phoenix.

This seemed to be a good choice, but he completely rejected this path. He didn't have enough time to patiently wear down slowly.

What he lacks has always been time, and he doesn't have much time to sway.

What's more, there are still family members waiting for him now. She must be very worried, she must be very anxious.

The demon ape that supported the sky slowly shrank, and George changed back to his original prototype. He floated high in the air, floating above the battlefield.

He quietly looked at the boundless flame monsters on the flame battlefield, the boundless army of darkness.

He quietly watched the battles on the flame battlefield, intertwined and collided.

All this should be over.

"The elves of flames, the phoenixes of flames, the lasting vitality is amazing. Perhaps continuing to fight is the safest way, but I don't want to continue to waste time."

His flat voice revealed his desperate consciousness, "I'm tired of it. Let's just decide the outcome. In this world of flames, let the flame decide everything."


With a loud call, the dark beasts of the world of flames crawled on the ground, like a pilgrimage, worshipping in the direction of George.

A phoenix surrounded by black flames appeared at George's feet.

The phoenix uttered a loud cry again, and the dark beasts turned into wisps of black smoke and plunged into the body of the Nether Phoenix.

With the investment of the Dark Beast, the Nether Phoenix quickly expanded in size, and soon occupied half of the battlefield, facing away from the raging world.

There was no change in the world of raging fire, and the dense flames of monsters attacked towards the Nether Phoenix like a tide.

Flame monsters are like moths fighting fire, like a flood of locusts. They are not afraid of life and death. They attacked the Nether Phoenix one after another, just to shake the flames around the Nether Phoenix.

George grinned contemptuously, "If you think that you can defeat me by attrition by using the power of flame to hide, that would be too stupid."

There was no response, but more flame beasts followed, and they rushed towards the Nether Phoenix regardless of life or death. All the attacks are only to shake the flames around the Nether Phoenix and to consume the magic power of the Nether Phoenix.

"Since you don't want to come out, you don't have to come out."

George's legs slowly sank into the body of the Nether Phoenix, and then he sank into the body of the Nether Phoenix.

Countless mysterious magic runes spread to the whole body of the Nether Phoenix. The mysterious magic lines and flashing magic runes give the powerful Nether Phoenix a bit of magical mystery.

At this moment, George completely replaced the Nether Phoenix with his own body, no longer just using mental resonance to control it.

The surging magic power, flowing in his new body, is much stronger than when he turned into a demon ape.

"It's over."

Before the opponent could react, the infinite suction power came from the mouth of the Nether Phoenix, the Nether Phoenix occupying half of the battlefield, and the terrifying suction sweeping the entire battlefield.

In an instant, the endless flame monsters ~www.NovelMTL.com~ on the flame battlefield have been sucked into the mouth of the Nether Phoenix.


A black light flashed, and the Nether Phoenix appeared in a corner of the battlefield, its long pointed beak poking into the air.


The space is cut through like a mirror.

Under the space where a mirror is broken, in the invisible void, a hidden small flame phoenix has been swallowed by it before it reacts.

Afterwards, the Nether Phoenix gradually shrank and transformed into the appearance of George.

He licked his lips, "The smell of flames."

Before the words fell, endless flames emerged from George's body like magma.

He immediately had an experience of being thrown into a volcano. The flame burned his spirit, and the flame roasted his soul.

Magma spit out from his mouth and nose. At this moment, he could breathe fire without disguising. He sneezed, and tens of meters long flames spurted from his mouth. At this moment, he could compete with the strongest fire dragon to breathe fire.

George poked his hand lightly, and instantly, the place where he was poked was like a bursting water pipe, and flames spurted out from all over his body.

George at this time was like a burning fireball, like a piece of cheese to be roasted. He is almost like being melted from the inside out.

There was an unknown fire on his head, it was the real fire, or not just 30 feet, but 30 feet.

The flame spread from his hair, and then quickly burned and spread, as if he had turned into a human torch against a pillar of fire.

Feeling the burning of his brain, George straightened his face and did not dare to delay.

His right hand was inserted into his chest like lightning, and he inserted the entire palm of his hand into his body, groping carefully in his body.

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