Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 643: Curse and magic

Chapter 643: Curse and Magic

If wizards can be so powerful that they can learn the magic of each other by just peeking. The strength of the wizards would be countless times stronger than they are now, and the magical world had already conquered the entire world. Instead of hiding in a small corner and living a meaningless idle life every day.

George said flatly, "What you can't do does not mean that others can't do it. Just like when you can do it, it doesn't mean that others can do it."

He said contemptuously, "Magic is not as simple as you think. Your understanding of magic is very shallow. Maybe you do know enough black magic, but you have never really mastered them. What you master is just Spells, you can just read them, you can only cast them."

"Only those magic that can be completely understood and transformed by you are the things you really master." George said lightly, "When you have really mastered enough magic, those simple spells only need more observation. A few times, it can be easily displayed."

This is exactly what he has always focused on the most basic and important magic. Using magic to the proficiency and to the extreme brings huge rewards.

He had taught Harry these lessons since the first grade.

The spells in this world are endless, and a small change at any time, anywhere can transform an old spell into a new one.

But the endless curse does not mean that they are all equally important, nor does it mean that magic is invisible.

Only the most basic mantras are what really must be mastered. They are the basis for composing the mantras and also for changing the mantras.

They are like the bricks for building a house, like paint for painting a scroll, like the code that makes up a program.

Only these basic bricks, paints, and codes are indispensable.

And beyond this, more often. What the wizards need to do is to extend their own creation from the basic spell through their own transformation and changes.

Only magic that I can fully understand is my own magic.

Only with the magic that you have thoroughly mastered can you continue to add more content as your strength increases. Fang can develop a simple basic magic into his own unique magic. I'm sorry my angel

George's progress in the transformation of Animagus also benefited from such a deliberate attitude.

Conventional Animagus transformation, although it is the ultimate transformation technique, its power is not great, and the effect is not outstanding.

Whether it is Professor McGonagall, or Sirius Black, or James Potter, or Peter Pettigrew, they can also use Animagus to transform.

But they can only recite spells, they can only use them.

They have never truly mastered the transformation of Animagus. So they can't get real value from the transformation of Animagus.

George didn't put his time on the curse of greed that was overflowing but meaningless.

He built his own power foundation from the very beginning, and built his own power system on his own path with the knowledge of the past.

Animagus transforms from a pure transforming magic. He was raised step by step, and he was brought to the extreme, deducing a high-level form that didn't exist before.

This is true in the transformation of Animagus, and the same is true in other magic.

Simply learn to chant mantras, if you only require learning to use them. Even with the unforgivable curse, it would not take the wizard a few days.

But to truly master a magic, it can be easily used under any circumstances, and even to develop magic to a higher level, it requires many years of accumulation by wizards.

These real accumulations cannot be known from books and classrooms, and belong to the special experience and precipitation of the wizard himself. The foundation of a wizard is just now, and the foundation of a wizard is different from other wizards.

The books and knowledge summarized by the predecessors are, after all, only fragments taken from other great wizards, even the fur of those great wizards.

The knowledge and inheritance in books is after all just the tip of the iceberg of the strength of those great wizards. It is impossible to expect to be able to become a great wizard by mastering these furs.

It is naive to think that you can become a powerful wizard by simply listening to lectures in class, following the teacher's explanation and doing classwork. Pass by

The wizards with these naive fantasies, their understanding of knowledge and magic is too shallow.

You know, even those teachers in the academy can only reach the level of elite wizards.

Relying on the things learned from the teacher, even if the teacher's knowledge is completely copied, in the end it can only reach the level of an elite wizard.

Among the several levels of strength that George has divided, ordinary wizards are the vast majority of students, after graduation, or even a lifetime.

At best, they can learn some spells left by their predecessors that are not suitable for them. And practice those spells until they can barely use them. This is the ultimate that ordinary wizards can achieve.

Even an elite wizard is not much better. Compared to ordinary wizards, they are better. They can make some small improvements based on the existing spells.

They can take some of the spells left by their predecessors that are not suitable for them, and improve them to suit their own use. This allowed them to use the same spell's power and ability, far surpassing wizards of the same age.

These wizards are the elite of wizards.

A small number of top students at Hogwarts ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ most of the teachers stay at this stage for their entire lives.

They can be regarded as elites at Hogwarts and even the entire magical world. They can be regarded as elites and the backbone of the magical world.

But in George's view, their study of magic is not even a starting point. What they did was just to take the fragments of the predecessors, and learn from the strength of the predecessors.

They are also propagating according to the book, and they are also trying to find out. Compared with the ordinary wizards, they seem to be well-read and know a lot.

But they also don't go deep into the principles of magic or the mysteries behind magic. They are just satisfied with learning one spell after another, knowing one potion after another.

When they know enough, they can sum up some of their own learning skills and some learning experience. This makes them the elite of wizards.

But if they are just satisfied with these shallow superiority. Then they can only stay at this step for their entire lives. Stay outside the gate of magic forever.

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