Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 482: Little Crouch's strategy【2639】

Chapter 482 Little Crouch's Strategy

In the morning, George set a time for the interrogation. They all came here early to wait. They could not wait to interrogate Little Crouch. Small "ΩΔ said Ω

George nodded slightly, and said, "Then let's start."

Fudge opened the door to the faculty lounge for George and walked into the faculty lounge behind George. The others followed Fudge and walked into the lounge.

Inside are rows of neatly arranged chairs, bright candle light makes it bright. The teachers were all waiting inside, with impatient expressions on their faces. They could not wait to interrogate Crouch.

Snape was even more gloomy, his eyes constantly moving between Dumbledore and Little Crouch.

George took Harry to the front and stood beside Little Crouch. The others stood behind and stood with the teacher.

Fudge took out a small bottle of clear liquid, opened Little Crouch’s mouth, poured five drops of potion into Little Crouch’s mouth, and pointed his wand at Little Crouch’s chest, saying, "Quickly Recovery soon."

Little Crouch Crouch opened his eyes, his eyes were dull, his cheeks sagging, and he looked dazed.

"Say your name." George said to Little Crouch in a commanding tone.

"I'm Batty Crouch." Little Crouch's eyelids twitched a few times, and he whispered, "I have never liked this dirty name."

George didn't care why little Crouch didn't like this dirty name, he asked calmly, "Tell me how you escaped from Azkaban."

Little Crouch took a trembling deep breath, and then spoke in a flat, non-emotional tone.

"My mother saved me. She knew she was going to die, and begged my father to rescue me, as the last thing to do for her. My father loved her very much, even though he never loved me."

"He agreed. They came to see me together and gave me a drink of compound decoction with my mother's head in it. Mother drank the compound decoction with my head. We exchanged looks."

Little Crouch's eyelids quivered, and he said in a daze.

"Dementors are blind. They smelled a healthy person and a dying person walking into Azkaban, and they smelled a healthy person and a dying person leaving Azkaban. My father secretly took me out of Azkaban. I took it out. I pretended to be my mother in case any prisoners could see through the door."

"My mother died not long after in Azkaban. She never forgot to drink the compound decoction. When she died, she was still like me and was buried as me. Everyone thought it was me."

There was a slight commotion in the lounge, and it turned out that Batty Crouch broke the rules and rescued his son from Azkaban.

"A boring family ethics drama." George asked coldly, "What will your father do with you after he brings you home."

Little Crouch said in a daze, "He hid me at home and controlled my movements with the Imperius Curse. He let the house elf take care of me and restore my health, and let it keep watching me. When I recover, , I immediately began to want to find my master and serve him again."

"When did you come into contact with Voldemort again?" George continued.

Little Crouch said in a monotonous tone, "I re-contacted my master after the Quidditch World Cup. It took me a lot of thought to be able to participate in the Quidditch World Cup. I made it in the Quidditch World Cup. Some riots attracted the eyes of my master, and he found me."

"Tell me about your Quidditch game." George asked calmly.

"Thanks to the no-brained house elves. The house elves have no intelligence. I just need to install pitiful. It immediately uses his life guarantee to convince my father to let me participate in the Quidditch competition." Little Crouch was monotonous. The tone seemed to be proud.

"It persuaded him for several months. I haven't been out for a few years. I like Quidditch. Let him go, it said, he can wear an invisibility cloak and he can watch the game. Let him breathe in some fresh air. It said my mother would want me to go."

"It told my father that my mother wanted me to be free, not under house arrest for life. It said that it guaranteed my life and would take good care of me and prevent me from causing trouble. My father finally agreed. Up."

Little Crouch put on a weird smile on his face, "It’s that idiot, how can I know that I calculated it this morning. Having been controlled by the Imperius Curse for so many years, I’ve adapted to this curse, even though It is this terrible unforgivable curse that will slowly fail in constant resistance."

"I've long been strong. I can resist my father's Imperius curse long ago. I can keep my nature most of the time. They don't know this at all. They just think that with one spell, one can be imprisoned. This is a very stupid idea~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is true. There is no magic spell that can change people’s thinking." George nodded and asked in a chatty tone, "You must use this opportunity. Do something that makes you proud."

"I was lucky. I encountered a Death Eater riot on my way back. Although they betrayed my master, their riot helped me a lot on that day."

"I picked up a magic wand on the road. I haven't had the chance to touch it for many years. I can't do anything without the wand, even if I wear the invisibility cloak to the top box, I haven't been able to do anything big. ."

"You got the wand, and then you took the opportunity to escape and found Voldemort?" George asked in a calm tone.

Little Crouch's tone seemed a little annoying, and he whispered, "I couldn't escape. The good luck didn't last forever. When I got the wand, the house elf saw it."

"It finally has some brains. It uses magic to tie me to it, and it uses magic to take me to the woods, trying to take my wand. But it is just a house elf, how could it be my opponent? I stunned it, and took the opportunity to shoot the Dark Mark, and then I planned to escape."

"The wizards of the Ministry of Magic reacted surprisingly fast this time. They appeared instantly, releasing coma spells everywhere. Before I could cast the Apparition, I was stunned. My father has a house elf, knowing that I must It was nearby. He searched the bushes there, and he found me lying there."

"He deceived the others and said there was nothing in it. He waited until the others in the Ministry of Magic left the woods, then re-imposed the Imperius Curse on me and took me home. He drove away the house elf because she didn’t Look at me, let me get the wand, and almost made me run away"

(To be continued.)

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