Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 450: Voldemort is back [839]

nbsp;Chapter 450 Voldemort is back

The skull rose higher and higher, emitting a dazzling light in a cloud of green smoke, like a new constellation against the dark night sky. △△○Tomato△Novel▽Net--```--``--`

With the appearance of the mark, the cheers in the stands came to an abrupt end, like being choked. This is not something they can understand.

George noticed that Dumbledore's face had become extremely ugly, and the face that had always been the old **** also panicked. This did not seem to be what he planned. Maybe he was finally willing to believe that he was really playing off until now.

The skull is flying higher and higher, like a scary neon light, illuminating the entire maze. It is like a condescending demon, looking down at his territory.

"This is the Dark Mark, Voldemort is back." Professor Karkaroff's face was pale, and he screamed in a completely changed voice, not like a human voice. ☆□Tomatoes☆○△Shuwang``-----

Fear was spreading everywhere, without any words, the Black Mark was like the face of a demon aloft, looking down on his territory and his subjects.

George watched Harry on the screen while observing the situation at the referee's table. Dumbledore even forgot to appease other people's emotions. He was completely immersed in his failure.

On the other side, the teachers of the stadium patrol team performed much better than the referees in the stands.

As soon as they discovered the accident, they flew towards the center of the maze. Even if the terrible mark of the Dark Demon appeared in the sky, it did not make them hesitate at all, and the responsibility was on them, and they did not shrink at all.

Finally, there was a change in the stands. Mr. Weasley put his wand against his throat, and the reinforced voice spread to the whole stand, he said loudly.

"The prefects and teachers all stay in the stands to comfort the students, let them all sit here quietly, don't run around. Tomato△□☆小△Shuowang-`--`--`` Principals Come into the maze with me."

Mr. Weasley glanced at his immediate superior, Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Fudge turned pale, panicked, and didn't know how to deal with the situation.

In this month, it was his repeated propaganda that told everyone that Voldemort's resurrection was a mere rumors, Bertha Higgins was only lost for half a year, and Batty Crouch just went crazy for no reason, and then ran by himself. Got without a trace.

Not only did he not arrange for personnel to investigate the disappearance of Bertha Higgins and Crouch, he also did not allow others to investigate these matters, let alone mention the news of Voldemort's possible return in the Ministry of Magic.

For the whole month, Cornelius Fudge was jumping up and down to stop the rumors of Voldemort's resurrection. Tomato Novel Network ``-----

He had no intention of thinking about how the Ministry of Magic would respond if Voldemort did return. He only hoped that by covering up Voldemort's news, he would be able to make Voldemort disappear. Everything that happened now was beyond his ability and he was completely blinded.

Mr. Weasley couldn't arrange work for his immediate boss, but he couldn't wait any longer. His first Apparition appeared in the maze on the screen and appeared beside Harry.

Watching this scene, George also had no intention of observing Dumbledore's reaction. At this time, no matter what happened, he could only face it. No matter whether Dumbledore had a plan or was playing off, he couldn't stand by at this moment.

He said loudly in a voice that resounded through the stands, "According to my usual combat training, I will keep calm. Others stay in the stands to protect the students. Those who can fight the Death Eaters rush to the maze. Net`-"

After saying this, he didn't continue to pay attention to other people's reactions, and the phantom appeared in the center of the maze.

Hermione and Ron glanced at each other. At this time, no one could hold back, and after that, they also Apparated into the maze.

George stood with Mr. Weasley and Harry for the first time, guarding the next thing.

Mr. Weasley glanced at Ron and Hermione, and asked a little unhappy, "Why are you here? This is not where you should be."

In his opinion, Ron and Hermione are both children, and this shouldn't be where they came from. They are neither as powerful as George nor as Harry and the Dark Lord have an inseparable connection. This is a battlefield for adults, not where they should be.

Ron said stubbornly, "I don't just look at you to deal with danger. We learn magic, not to protect our family."

It is impossible for him to leave his friends and his family behind to seek protection. This is not only sorry for the hardship he has been learning magic, but also not a life he can accept.

"It's not safe anywhere, I would rather stay where I should be." Hermione said in a firm tone.

When the danger really comes, there is no safe place, when the enemy appears, there is no real place to hide. Voldemort is no ordinary criminal~www.NovelMTL.com~ His goal is not simple crime. He wants to change the world and threaten the world. This is something that no one can stay out of.

Seeing their determination, Mr. Weasley could not say anything, he continued to remain vigilant, looking at the black mark floating in the sky. After they were ready, the teachers from the stadium patrol team also arrived here.

Outside the maze, in the stands, the students have slowly quieted down.

In the quiet stands, you can clearly hear the cry of a middle-aged couple.

"Cedric... Cedric... what happened to him? Why did he fall and why didn't he stand up."

The couple are Cedric's parents. They came to watch the game today to cheer for their son. Cedric has always been their pride. He is always sensible and has good academic performance. He is not only the prefect, but also a warrior of the school, representing Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament.

This is a happy day worth celebrating. Until just now, they saw that the students of Hogwarts were cheering for Cedric, and he was about to win the Triwizard Championship.

Suddenly, they didn't react, they saw Cedric fall to the ground, and Voldemort's Dark Mark appeared in the sky. They didn't know what had happened.

But there is only a kind of fear and sadness spreading to their bodies. They can't wait to rush into the maze immediately, but their feet are as if frozen, they can't take a step, and they dare not go to the terrible truth.

Professor Sprout was comforting Cedric's parents, "They have rushed over, and they will soon know what happened."

Her tone was trembling, and the scene on the screen didn't look like a safe and sound situation, and the green light before was even more palpitating.

(To be continued.)

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