Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 440: Devil training

Chapter 440-Devil Training

After the game, everyone was shocked except for the scene under the lake, and there were many discussions. Read the book??????·?????·Everyone is still searching for the roots, how Ron got under the lake.

Harry and Ron have become the center of attention of everyone, human transfiguration, which is a very difficult task for sixth grade students.

Just look at the performance of Cedric and Krum, that they also failed to master this difficult transformation technique.

Ron accidentally became Harry's treasure and was placed at the bottom of the lake, which became an anecdote for everyone.

He told everyone that it was Dumbledore who used magic to hypnotize them in Professor McGonagall's office. Dumbledore assured them that there would be no danger. Just go back to the shore, drink the potion, and they will immediately recover intact.

Harry didn't change his dislike of this practice. He tried to avoid talking about the second game in order to show his dissatisfaction with the game.

So everyone put the target on Ron even more. Ron seemed to be interested in this kind of onlookers, and he simply started to make things up.

So a week later, his story went from being hypnotized by Dumbledore in the office. He became facing fifty heavily armed merfolk with his bare hands.

After beating all the mermaids to the ground, he was moved by the mermaid's profound justice, and for the honor of the school, he sacrificed his pure body and let the fish tie him up as Harry's treasure. ???? One? Read?? Book? Look????????

Gryffindor’s classmates liked this version of his story better, and they would suddenly shout when they were in the corridor.

"The mermaid is here."

Ron would pat his chest and said, "Don't worry, I carry my wand at any time, and I can deal with them with my bare hands. What's more, now with my wand, no matter how many mermaids, I don't have to be afraid of being there."

But this easy time didn't last long. More training arranged by George came again, and Ron soon lost the strength to brag.

He had to use all his strength to barely catch up with Harry and Hermione's progress. This was still under the condition that he estimated that Harry and Hermione had spare capacity.

Fortunately, George didn't say anything, which made Ron a little relieved, which showed that at least he hadn't been significantly delayed.

The days after the game were quite calm.

There is only one item left in the Triwizard Tournament.

George seems to be sure that the resurrected Voldemort will be exposed on the third project.

Busy and fulfilling training may be a bit too busy and fulfilling.

Except for George and Hermione, everyone else finally experienced a clockwork life. ?一~www.NovelMTL.com~ want to see??·?

Their every day, like the hour hand, minute hand and second hand, keeps turning for a while. This kind of training makes people uncomfortable, but no one dares to complain. When it comes to training, George looks very serious.

The deterrence and aura unique to powerful wizards that are hidden in the usual days are fully revealed during training. Just looking directly at it makes people feel depressed and dare not slack off during training. No one will go to show their special at this time.

This devil's training lasted until the end of May.

When George announced that the training was over, everyone passed the training.

Everyone exclaimed in the responsive room.

"I thought the training would continue until I died." Fred breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly.

"I thought I was dead," Joe said listlessly.

"Three months of training." Fred sighed, and said in fear.

"There is no time for any pranks." Joe took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"The mischievous Fred and Joe are dead..." Fred said in a low voice.

"But today, they are alive again." Joe sang in an impassioned tone.

"Because the training is over..."

Fred and Joe celebrated their new life with high-five hands, then they hugged each other tightly and shouted in tears.

"Long live the prank..."

"Hahaha." Harry smiled softly, "They are in good spirits."

Compared to Fred and Joe, he doesn't even have the strength to fight, and the training during this period is really not easy. Moreover, he, Ron and Hermione, had a higher standard than the others in the Brotherhood.

Even if they had received George's training before, the devil training this time was enough to keep them fresh.

"Ah~~" Ron yawned and said, "They are just like that. They will never forget the pranks, but the training is finally over."

The continuous training made his nerves a little numb. He just wants to get a good night's sleep now, the devil training is finally over, bed together tomorrow is a truly brand new day.

"it's finally over."

Hermione and Zhang Qiu hugged each other tightly and wept.

The endless training and the endless fighting, George did not treat them as girls at all. They need to do the same things as boys.

Until the end of the training~www.NovelMTL.com~ they still couldn't believe it. They even thought that the training would never end until they were trained to be violent.

Other people also sat or lay on the ground, rolling happily on the ground.

Although their strength, compared to before the training, has changed drastically. But this heavy training is really a process that people don't want to go through.

George smiled softly, clapped his hands, caught their eyes, and said, "Your hard work is worthy of your return. I don't want to say anything, take a good rest. After a month, many things will change. Different."

Hearing George's words, the others were stunned. They knew the meaning of these words. They also know why this period of training is so urgent.

Voldemort is resurrected, the magical world will undergo great changes, peace and tranquility will be completely gone, and darkness and turbulence will soon strike.

If this is said from other people, they will only think that person is crazy. But this happened from George's mouth. They knew that George was powerful, and that was how powerful they looked up.

Even he made an assertion that if he wanted to be like an ostrich, he would bury his head in the sand. It is not an easy thing to deceive yourself that nothing has happened.

This news made everyone very disturbed. The resurrection of Voldemort was too important.

Although none of them have personally experienced that turbulent years. But just need to see that even today's adult wizards, even senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, professors at Hogwarts, they dare not mention Voldemort's name. You will know that Voldemort's fear has never dissipated in the magic world.

The young wizards have not lacked since they were young, and they have been fascinated by Voldemort's fear.

(To be continued.)

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