Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 387: Education screening

Chapter 387

You can't expect a student to continue to ask Snape in class when he doesn't understand it in class. And this consequence will only make more and more things students don’t understand in class. In the end, I completely lost interest in this course.

Neville wasn't actually that stupid, he was just too careful and too nervous. And he was the most targeted student besides Harry. He didn't have the confidence of Harry. Unlike Harry was used to being humiliated, he was more susceptible to interference from Snape.

It was precisely because of this that he was in constant condition in the Potions class, which could be counted as the reason for Snape.

This is true of Neville, and even more so, Harry is not stupid, and his other courses are among the best. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is even at the top level, and the spell and transformation classes are also outstanding.

Only the potions class can barely pass. This is definitely not because he is not qualified enough, nor is it because he does not work hard.

But when a person always has a vicious monster dangling in front of his eyes, and the sound of insult and contempt echoes in his ears, no one can study hard and concentrate on refining potions.

Snape was not a good teacher, and the other teachers were not much better. Hagrid's magical creature protection class is purely a waste of all students' time.

Professor McGonagall's harshness made it difficult for students to approach her. She always treats students equally, and rarely gives students special guidance based on their specific conditions.

Professor Trelawney is a nonsense lunatic. In addition to predicting that students are about to die every day, she taught them to compose a bunch of unlucky prediction assignments.

Professor Bins was dedicated enough to give lectures to everyone after his death, which was very touching and saved the college a sum of money to pay teachers' salaries. But lectures still require preparation, dedication, and talent.

I can't say that I am dedicated, I work hard, I work hard. In my lectures, all the students sleep. This has nothing to do with me. It is all students' problems.

Although the teacher takes a share of money to do a job, he still has to be worthy of his job. Teachers can't just find someone on the street to do it. Teachers also have a threshold.

Don't dare to talk about preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles, then ordinary people don't expect to be able to afford it. However, the textbook propaganda must at least arouse students' interest and attract their attention. At least it must be reasonable, so that students can't find faults on the surface.

If a teacher can't even talk about students, he can only rely on his identity to suppress students. That only proves that the teacher's speech and logic are far from the standards of a normal teacher.

George is also a person who has been in school for many years. In his last life, he finally graduated from college, and faced with nothing after graduation.

He lived again in this life, and achieved achievements he could not imagine. The two lives brought twice the experience and thinking.

First of all, the hierarchical concept brought by the identities of students and teachers makes it difficult for many students to adapt to classroom learning.

This is not the teacher's fault. They just took a share of money and took a job. There is nothing to blame. No one has the ability to guide the lives of others. At least the salaries of teachers show that they are absolutely incapable of making students successful in society.

It is calculated based on the teacher's salary and the funds, time and energy invested by a student in education. These common inputs determine the accumulation of a student, and also determine the future achievements of a student after being born in society.

But again, this is not the fault of the students, who came into this world naked and have nothing. They did not choose to come to this world, and did not choose to passively accept everything.

This world has no ability to provide them with an easy life, and everyone is forced to enter a template for elimination and screening. Only those who adapt to this template can become the screws needed by society and win the society's praise for success.

People who do not adapt to this template will become poor students, and become defective products that classmates, teachers, family members, and society dislike. They will be marked as waste and accept discrimination from the whole world.

This sort of industrialization and socialization is the final result of the industrialization of education. Maybe these don't look beautiful, but the fact is. Only with this kind of economy and efficiency can education be so cheap that everyone can accept it.

In the Muggle country, with a history of thousands of years, reading is always a privilege that only one percent of the population at the top of the pyramid can enjoy.

It is the poor family recorded in the history books. There is no absolute poverty in the true sense. There are only extreme poverty who starve to death and no school books. In all dynasties, reading is a privilege of the middle class, and only small landlords can have it.

Knowledge is expensive, and it is precisely because of the expensive knowledge that reading in those years can completely change fate.

The wizarding world is different from the Muggle world. Every wizard is a huge productivity. Every wizard is a manor. Every wizard is a landlord. This allows all wizards to be educated, but the disadvantages of industrialized education are unavoidable even for wizards.

As we all know, many wizards lack logic, they are not very good at calculations, they have all kinds of shortcomings, and even due to population problems, the basic education and higher education of wizards have become completely random.

Like the Muggle world, the wizard’s school is after all a place to screen people, not to cultivate them.

Schools and society will only discover certain talents and characteristics. Only by adapting to the talents and characteristics of the school can they be cultivated ~www.NovelMTL.com~ to grow.

Dumbledore was able to become Dumbledore because of himself, and the school was unable to train Dumbledore. Voldemort became Voldemort because of himself, and the school did not have the ability to train Voldemort.

George Soros also became George Soros because of himself, and the school is also unable to train George Soros.

Because of their premature maturity, their firm goals and ambitions, they use their minds far surpassing their peers, learn nourishment in their studies, and grow rapidly.

George needless to say, he has an adult soul, and it is not his own mind and soul that restricts him. It's his body, the knowledge and accumulation he lacks.

Voldemort is also an ambitious figure who has understood the rules of the world since he was a child, and his mind is far surpassed by students of his age. The same is true for Dumbledore.

Those who will not be confused seem to be born with Su Hui. They are ambitious, have firm goals, can discover the most important things, and pursue those things desperately, which ultimately sets them apart from others.

(To be continued.)

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