Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 379: Mad Eye Moody

Chapter 379 Crazy Eye Moody

Pepigui seems to be lawless, random pranks. But in fact, he is not stupid. He always knows who can't provoke and who can bully at will.

His water polo deliberately avoided George, and even everyone around George was spared.

In this case, George didn't bother to say anything, and walked straight into the academy.

On the way, he saw Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor, chasing him out, shouting "Pippy, come down to me, I'm going to tell the principal."

I have to say that the teacher's attitude, even though Peppy Ghost's arrogance, the teacher can not deal with Peppy Ghost, this will only bring more bad effects to the students.

The opening banquet as always, the branching ceremony as always. Perhaps because of new plans, this year's auditorium is even more grand and decorated more brilliantly than in previous years.

Hundreds of candles floated in the air, shining with warm orange fire, cutting off the rain and cold pouring from the transparent ceiling.

Calendula silver saucer crystal cup, bread and barbecue piled in piles.

The four long college desks were filled with cheerful students. During the branching ceremony, they will welcome new partners, new classmates, and perhaps their relatives.

The door of the auditorium opened, and Professor McGonagall walked to the auditorium with rows of freshmen. She put a triangular stool on the ground, and put a tattered, dirty, patched pointed wizard hat on the stool.

Everyone quietly watched the torn hat, near the brim, opening a mouth-like crack, and it suddenly began to sing.

Once, I have no prototype yet,

The four mentors each have a prestigious name, and their names have been passed down to this day.

Like the stars in the sky, and like the ghosts of singing,

The four mentors have an ambition, they want to leave their names in the world.

Gather more people's hearts and awaken more citizens.

The four mentors have a passion for talents, and Hogwarts has been founded to this day.

The four tutors have different determinations, and students need to choose carefully.

I care about the future of the students. How can the branch make me happy.

After the Sorting Hat finished singing, there was warm applause from the auditorium.

Freshmen are asked to sit on stools, put their hats on their heads, and the sorting hats determine their college ownership.

The classmates also twittered, and the Sorting Hat changed the lyrics again, and there was no waste in a year.

Student after student was divided into different colleges. They didn't know that the small sorting ceremony looked like a joke in the sorting hat. But this joke will have a far-reaching impact, enough to affect their future.

Their future academy will influence them subtly, and their future camp will transform them step by step.

Dumbledore's speech was as concise as always. He looked at his classmates with a smile, opened his arms, and said in a welcoming gesture, "Let's have dinner."

At least on this point, George is very supportive of Dumbledore, and the focus of the dinner is always eating.

When the students finished all their dinner and snacks, Dumbledore stood up again.

"Okay," he said with a smile looking at everyone, "Since everyone has eaten and drank enough, then I must talk about some precautions, and several important notices need to be announced."

"The gatekeeper Filch complained to me that this year, new prohibited items have been added to the castle. As before, I need to remind again that students are prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest."

He continued, "I need to be very sorry to tell you that the college will not hold Quidditch competitions this year. Because there is another large-scale event that will start in October and continue throughout the school year."

"Activities will occupy a lot of teachers' time and energy, but I believe that activities will not disappoint you. I am very honored to announce to everyone that this year at Hogwarts——"

Just then, the door of the auditorium was knocked open, and a terrible man stood there, leaning on a long cane.

He was wearing a black cloak and his face was covered with scars. The terrible scars made his mouth look crooked, his nose was cut off, and the place where the tip of his nose was supposed to be was a terrible hole.

What is even more frightening are his eyes, except for a small, black normal eye. His blue eyes, the size of a coin, radiated bright blue light, and they kept turning up and down in his eye sockets. It is a magic eye.

"Crazy-eyed Moody," George thought to himself, flashing the person's information in his mind.

"It seems that after Dumbledore intends to resurrect Voldemort, he finally decided to give the students a more reliable Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Mad Eye Moody, a very powerful Auror, this is the same as the previous ones, funny black The professor of defense magic is completely different."

The man walked up to Dumbledore, stretched out his heavily bruised hand, and shook hands with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore whispered a few words to him and arranged for him to sit in an empty seat on the right.

"Allow me to be honored to introduce to you, our new Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone," Professor Moody. "

Then came sparse applause. From the looks, the professor was not very popular.

Dumbledore continued, "As I just said, in the next few months, we will be very honored to host a major event, which will be held again more than a century later. I am very happy to tell you all Share, the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts."

There was an uproar in the auditorium, knowing that there were not many people in the Triwizard Tournament, they began to whisper to each other, discussing this incredible news. Those who didn't know the Triwizard Tournament immediately asked the people next to him about this matter, and the students became more and more noisy.

When the enthusiasm of the students was soaring, Dumbledore began to speak again. He introduced the specific situation of the Triwizard Tournament to everyone, and the registration requirement was over 17 years old.

As George knew from the beginning, a month later, the principals of Boothbatten and Durmstrang will lead their college representatives to participate in the Triwizard Tournament held by Hogwarts.

Throughout the year, delegations from both colleges will stay at Hogwarts.

The news of the Triwizard Tournament made the whole school boil. The students were clamoring about how to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament, how to fool the teachers, and how to deceive the age limit.


In addition to the excitement of the Triwizard Tournament at the beginning of the semester, the start of the new semester of this year also went smoothly somewhat incredible.

Mad-Eye Moody, the professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts class, is loved by everyone. He is a very powerful person. This can be seen from the dean of Slytherin, the most annoying potions professor Snape who would see him dodging.

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