Chapter 365: Camp

They walked all the way through the deserted swamp. After walking for about 20 minutes, the fog finally cleared before their eyes. Finally, a door appeared in front of them, and then a small stone house was connected. The stone house was densely covered with various tent. Δ

Here is the camp where the spectators are stationed, and the tent extends along the gentle **** to the dark woods in the distance.

"It's really messy." George couldn't help but complain.

The Quidditch World Cup was even more unreliable than he thought. He had the energy to build a huge arena, but he didn't have the mind to plan a camp. In other words, wizards are used to camping instead of choosing to build a simple board house?

At the door of the stone house, they met Mr. Arthur Weasley who was waiting there.

"Dear George, Harry, Hermione. It's been a long time since I saw you." Mr. Arthur Weasley, he greeted everyone enthusiastically, then pulled Ron over and looked at him left and right. Finally, it turned out that Ron really didn't have any other changes except for a little blacker and a little stronger.

"Our camp is on the other side, close to the forest." Mr. Weasley pointed to the black forest in the distance, and said relaxedly, "It's very close to the site, it's very convenient, it's better."

He pointed to a man not far away and whispered, "That man is a Muggle. We must be careful not to talk about wizards by his side."

He led everyone through the gap between the two rows of long cloaks. Obviously, the wizards were not used to camping. They really lacked knowledge of public management.

The camp lacks planning, and there is no half advantage over the boy scouts in the summer camp.

The tents are slanted and slanted, and all kinds of weird decorations can make people feel unusual at a glance. Some people add chimneys, drawstrings, weather vanes and other nondescript things to their tents.

There are also tents, with no regard for magic, exaggerated silks and patterns, and live peacocks are tied to the door as a decoration. There are even four-story tents set up. What is even more exaggerated is that some people simply built a small courtyard with no shortage of garden fountains.

While widening his eyes, George smiled to himself, "The Ministry of Magic is simply unable to hold such an event. As long as someone has an ulterior motive, he can immediately make a big deal here."

You know, even in the Muggle world, large celebrations are dangerous and terrifying events. Once there is chaos and trampling, it is enough to turn a major event into a major tragedy.

Fortunately, wizards have always been rough and thick, but they are not as fragile as Muggles. On the other hand, compared to the Muggle terrorists, the black wizards are considered little sheep.

I have to say that the isolation of the wizarding world from the real world, at least the protection of the two worlds, is of great significance. The destructive power of wizards and the full malice of the real world, once the two are combined, are enough to cause terrible turmoil.

Merely the Muggles' methods of killing each other can make all intelligent creatures shudder, and once the wizard participates in it, it will only bring more lethality.

On the edge of the woods at the end of the camp, in front of an ordinary tent, there was a small sign that said, "Weasley."

Mr. Weasley blushed and said, "We just spent a lot of time and didn't set up a tent. It was Miss Anna who helped me set up the tent."

George had already seen the clearing with the Soros sign, not far from here, a large tent with a simple appearance and a very strong look.

"I'll pass first, and see you during the game." After spending more than a month in the African grassland, George missed his family a bit. He greeted everyone and walked straight to his tent.

At the door was the protective spell he was familiar with. He easily solved the spell and got into the big tent.

In a spacious traditional three-bedroom room, Anna is sitting on the sand in the living room, flipping through a book.

"Welcome home, master." Anna stood up and went to the kitchen to bring out some dessert and juice.

George threw the backpack into the bedroom, jumped onto the bed, rolled a few times, clutching the soft mattress. After experiencing the soft big bed for a while, I got up again.

In the African savannah, he must also lead by example, accepting a hard life with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, which is not easy for him who has already lived a good life.

From the silver tray, he quickly stuffed the dessert into his mouth, poured a large glass of juice, and George occupied the soft sand again.

"Didn't grandmother come?" George asked. He didn't see grandmother's things in the room. She didn't seem to come to the Quidditch World Cup.

Anna said, "Grandma said this kind of competition was too noisy and noisy, and there were too many people. She didn't like this environment, so she didn't come."

Thinking of the scene when he just passed the camp, the messy cloak, the crooked aisle, the corner of George's eyes twitched He said with great approval, "It's quite chaotic here If it’s not for seeing wizards from other countries, I’m not interested in participating in such activities."

Quidditch competitions have taken the wizarding world by storm, except that such games can show the wisdom and power of wizards. More generally, it is largely because of tradition, because there are very few entertainment activities in the Wizarding World.

Really care about it, since the last time I had the idea of ​​transforming the Quidditch game. George's gaze on Quidditch has been enlarged to the big 6 as the court and the whole world as the playing field.

Even if the current magic can't support such a game, this kind of game in a narrow arena is hard to arouse his interest.

In this World Cup, he still wants to see wizards from other countries more.

Speaking of it, although the UK is a big country of magic, it is superior to other countries in terms of magic power and popularity. However, the population of the British magical world is much smaller than that of other countries.

One reason is that the population of the United Kingdom itself is not very large, and another rumor is that the United Kingdom is also called a corrupt country. It seems that this ethos has even affected the wizarding world.

Although George didn't believe this at all, but in any case, the population of the British magical community, whether in total or in proportion, is not too large.

George lay quietly on the soft sand, quietly looking at the decorations in the house. The exquisite and warm decorations can be seen as Anna's handwriting.

The spacious and bright kitchen is his favorite style, and there is a small bookcase in the living room, which contains some magic books he often reads.

There is also a peaceful incense in the room, which is his special formula.

The tranquil and serene atmosphere made him intoxicated, even here, even here without heavy magic protection. With the presence of family members and the atmosphere of home, this is home.


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