Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 342: examination

Chapter 342

George smiled and said, "Slowly you will understand, just as you obeyed the school rules honestly at the beginning, slowly you will find that school rules are not everything. There are many rules. If you want to be strong, you will eventually Not only need to understand it, but also need to adapt and transform them."

He said with some emotion, "Magic is a weapon, the human heart is also a weapon, and laws and institutions are also a weapon. Weapons do not represent justice, and law does not represent justice. You cannot escape it, you can only control it. ."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, they nodded seemingly, they probably understood that George wanted them to master the weapon of law.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione continued to prepare for Buckbeak's defense, and continued to prepare for the exam. The time passed so quickly, and the exam week began.

There is an unusual silence in the castle, like a dark cloud covering the earth, a heavy breath falling from the sky, squeezing the air, and the college is full of students with solemn and cautious expressions.

The students entered the classroom to take the exam like they rushed to the execution ground before they died, and came out of the classroom in disgrace like a landing examinee. They compare their test results listlessly and complain constantly.

The exam in the transformation class gave them a lot of tasks, including turning the teapot into a tortoise.

The classmates couldn't help complaining, "I don't understand why the teapot is turned into a tortoise, and how the teapot is related to the tortoise."

A classmate said meaningfully, "You don't understand. There is a tortoise called a big teapot in the East."

One exam after another, from one exam room to another.

There was a lot of jokes in the spell class. Hermione guessed well. Professor Flitwick did test their happiness spell. One after another classmates were made to laugh during the exam. This must be the most funny. An exam, but the harder the laughter, the better the result.

The magical creature protection class on the second day was probably the easiest exam to pass. Hagrid was confused, with a preoccupied look, and didn't have any thoughts on the exam. He prepared a bucket of Flobber caterpillars. Let everyone take care of them, it is not difficult at all.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione spent the entire exam comforting him, asking him to pluck up the courage to prepare for the final defense.

Hagrid was listless, unable to think about it at all, he said in a dispirited voice, "We will know the day after tomorrow, whether it is victory or defeat."

In the potions exam, Harry was about to meet the most annoying person again. What was strange was that Snape didn't bother him.

Snape looked a little demented. Since Harry knocked Snape unconscious that day, he had become a little grotesque. Harry hoped that Snape had become a fool like Blake.

The astronomy class is an exam at night, which needs to test the astronomical observation and measurement of students. In the Magic History Exam, everyone writes down the difficult time after another and writes down a long ancient history. Then came the labor in the herbal medicine class. The students needed to work in the sun.

For the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lu Ping made meticulous preparations, bidding farewell to his teaching career, and an interesting obstacle course-like exam held outdoors.

The classmates passed through the pond with the water monster hidden, through the deep hole full of red hats, and then in a swamp, ignoring Xinkpunk’s error message, and finally had to fight a new Bogut .

The students are all very interested in this kind of examination. They cheered for Professor Lu Ping and look forward to receiving his teaching next year. They didn't know that this was Professor Lupin's farewell ceremony.

Hermione was impeccable before passing Bogut's box, until a minute later, she rushed out of the box screaming.

Harry and Ron were both taken aback and asked quickly, "What happened to Hermione."

"Professor McGonagall," Hermione gasped, pointing to the box and said, "Professor McGonagall said I failed all the exams."

Harry and Ron were silent, and the world of Xueba was incomprehensible to ordinary students.

In the strange eyes of Harry and Ron, Hermione slowly calmed down.

Then they returned to the castle together. From afar, they saw a familiar person at the end of the corridor. The person was wearing a pinstriped cloak and was walking towards the principal's office.

The man was Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and two other people followed him. Two wizards followed him, because they were very old, looking like a withered old man. The other is tall and well-proportioned, looking like a very powerful character.

Seen from the back, the tall wizard still had a sharp axe stuck in his waist. Harry and the others watched three people walk towards the principal’s office~www.NovelMTL.com~ They must be here to execute the torture tomorrow. , The wizard still had an axe stuck in his waist, and he looked hard to deal with at all. "Ron said in a positive tone.

"The ministers of the Ministry of Magic are here, just to deal with a eagle-headed horse-winged beast. He also took two wizards. This is not an easy treatment. Last time Hagrid was captured, it was not so grand." Harry said annoyedly, he only felt a headache, "This is Buckbeak is dead."

Hermione tried to encourage them and said, "It doesn't have to be for Buckbeak to be executed. I guess he came to negotiate terms with Dumbledore."

Ron and Harry both nodded slightly, which was probably the case. Simply put to death a monster would not be able to use such a big battle. Maybe they have to engage in some profit exchange and bargaining.

"Maybe they can get together, and Buckbeak won't have to die." Hermione whispered.

She herself didn’t believe what she said, so she immediately pondered and said, “George once said that as long as we find the right way, Buckbeak won’t have to die, so things are still going to turn around, and there are still some things. Method."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been thinking about the way to keep Buckbeak, and they hadn't mixed up the discussion about test results.

The final exam is a Muggle studies class, and there is a divination class for Hermione to take the exam.

After Harry and Ron took the exam for the Muggle Studies class, they simply fell into the examination room for the fortune-telling class, waiting for Hermione.

Hermione hated the divination class. This class was completely meaningless to her. If it weren't for quitting a class, it was troublesome, she would definitely quit this class.

Professor Trelawney met everyone separately, and every student who walked down from the examination room looked like a ghost.

(To be continued.)

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