Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 324: Decoy plan

Chapter 324

The last time he went to Hogsmeade, he assumed the task of bait. He needs to expose his whereabouts inadvertently and without arousing suspicion, in order to attract the attention of those who secretly do not have good intentions.

There were a lot of twists and turns in the plan. He had a fight with Malfoy and had to run back to the academy ahead of time. However, thanks to Malfoy’s conspiracy, he went to Hogsmeade village secretly in violation of school rules and finally got his wish. Everyone knows.

After these days of fermentation, the news has already fallen into the ears of people with ulterior motives, but this is also their purpose. Tomorrow is the day when the students go to Hogsmeade Village. According to everyone's plan, Harry's whereabouts last time in Hogsmeade Village will attract the attention of interested people.

And this time, when he showed up again in Hogsmeade Village, it was likely that they would be attacked.

This is the point of the plan. When he reappears as a bait, the dark wizard who has long held a grudge against him is likely to reveal a flaw. Whether it's Sirius Black or other dark wizards, as long as they can't help but expose themselves, everyone has a chance to catch them.

The night is long, unintentional sleep, the sound of insects outside the window, the sound of the wind, the roar from the forbidden forest monster. These things that he hadn't paid attention to in the past became extremely clear at this moment. The more Harry warned himself that he needed to be calm and needed to rest, the more energetic he was, the incredible sensitivity of his senses.

He heard Ron's breathing in the dormitory, Neville's dream murmur, Dean Thomas's teeth grinding, everything was so restless and disturbing. He could even feel the flow of his own blood, one after another, flowing from his chest through his body, the desire for revenge summons his body and soul.

Chaos and chaos, Harry didn't even know whether he was asleep or not. He was in a trance of restraint, constant self-warning and suppression, until the morning was confused.

During breakfast, Harry couldn't help being nervous. He tidied his clothes nervously, flicked his wand out of him from time to time, and took a look at it from time to time.

The next thing will really test his acting skills. He needs to beware of Sirius Black's sneak attack, but under this tension, he must act like a natural shopping to avoid Black's suspicion.

"Don't worry, Harry, I will protect you in the dark." George comforted Harry and said, "The weather is good today, there is no wind, and it will not rain. This kind of weather is not suitable for hiding. Sirius Black may not be there. Will shoot."

He said lightly, "The trapping operation will continue, and it may take a few more times before Sirius Black takes action."

"It's okay. I'm not afraid. I'm just looking forward to it. I can't wait to catch Sirius Black." Harry's voice trembled. He didn't sleep well last night, or he didn't know if he had it last night. sleep.

He knew it shouldn't be, but he couldn't help it. He believed that Sirius Black had been hiding for a long time, and Black could not stand it any longer. Harry could feel this kind of torture, and he was also going through this kind of torture, just like Blake, he couldn't stand it anymore.

The nibbles of hatred burned him all the time, just like the burned scars. The anticipation every night, the waiting day after day, the preparation with fear, this kind of life is not easy.

Harry believed that Blake's condition would only be worse than him. He had heavy homework in school and the company of everyone, which made hate unable to cover his eyes. But Blake was alone, hiding in the wild, and he didn't even have anything to eat.

He believed that Black would not let this opportunity pass. He had a hunch that Sirius Black would appear this time. He would shoot, he would grab Black with his own hands and kill him with his own hands.

Hermione was full of worries and concerns, "You must be very careful, I don’t believe George. But Sirius Black is a vicious villain, you can’t expect him to talk face to face with you, fight with you in an open duel, he might sneak attack , He may use the death curse directly."

Hermione never agreed with Harry's plan to become a bait. She couldn't understand why Ron, George, they could just watch Harry face the danger.

They seem to be so proud that they have not thought of the most terrible result. The wizards are very powerful but also very fragile. A vital attack, a terrible spell, was enough to take Harry's life. Hermione shuddered at the thought of this terrible fact.

Hermione said worriedly, "As long as one spell and one attack, Harry may die, why not let the Ministry of Magic catch Sirius Black."

"Hermione, don't worry, I'll be fine." Harry said calmly~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sirius Black has been hiding for almost a year, and the Ministry of Magic has found nothing. If there is no change, he will continue to hide. Going on, he may even disappear completely. "

There was a terrible light in Harry's eyes, "I can't count on the Ministry of Magic, this is my revenge, this is my destiny."

He said in a fierce tone, "Everything starts with Sirius Black, and everything ends with him. The biggest mistake of our family is trusting him, and I will use his blood to correct this mistake."

Seeing Harry's terrible appearance, Hermione could no longer say anything. She lowered her head, not looking at Harry's appearance, but kept muttering, "Be careful, and come back safely."

George said again, "I will search for their trails in Hogsmeade Village in advance. When Harry arrives in Hogsmeade Village, he attracts his eyes while staying vigilant. Once Sirius Black and other dark wizards are found, Signal immediately."

After some instructions, after Harry's assurance, Hermione, Ron and George followed the crowd and walked towards Hogsmeade Village.

Harry put on his schoolbag, his invisibility cloak, and the map of the spot. After some preparations, he will go to Hogsmeade Village through a secret passage. He kept encouraging himself in his heart, and then he must show his best state. Today is a crucial day.

Along the corridor, along the classroom, he walked towards the statue of the one-eyed witch.

He was stunned, there were people there.

Slime-like greasy hair, zombie-like face, a living corpse, and a moving dead man, it was Snape Severus.

Snape looked at Harry from a distance, his face was presumably complacent, he opened his mouth and was about to speak.

(To be continued.) u More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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