Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 292: Harry's killing intent

Chapter 292 Harry's Killing Intent

"I dare say that this is his final plan." Fudge said vaguely.

"So we have to catch Black before this. This is very important. If the mysterious man is alone, without friends, and no party members, it will be a different situation. But if his party members and servants all come back, he will soon I will make a comeback, and the thought of here makes me shudder."

Thinking of Blake’s crazy plan, everyone took a breath. It’s been more than ten years since the peaceful days, and everyone didn’t want to go back to that terrible dark day. Everyone shivered under the fear of Voldemort. day.

"Or, Connelly, if you want to have dinner with the principal, I can be responsible for the introduction, or we can go back to the castle together now." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but she wanted to invite Fudge and Dumbledore to have a good talk.

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't sit still, they quickly cleaned up, got up and left in a hurry. The doors of the Three Broomsticks Tavern opened and closed, and a flutter of snow drifted by, and the teachers left.



When George dragged Harry out of the table, he had become dull and silly, completely unable to react in his mind.

Ron and Hermione looked at him with extreme worry, but the huge information shock made Harry completely unconscious. Everyone called him and talked to him, but he couldn't react.

Finally, George stunned Harry and carried him back to Hogwarts like a sack.

Even after losing consciousness, Harry's mind was still full of what he had just heard.

No one had ever told him before that he was clearly the victim and he was the client. But he became an outsider again, he was excluded from the truth, he knew nothing.

No one told him the truth, whether it was Dumbledore, Hagrid, or Mr. Weasley, Cornelius Fudge...

None of them planned to tell him that his parents were betrayed to death by their best friends, and they didn't care about his identity and thoughts at all.

But Harry cares very much about this. This is the only contact he can get with his family, whether it is mutual love or mutual hatred.

In the night, Harry woke up from his bed, his stomach groaning, and he also found that beside his pillow, there was prepared bread with an aroma, and a packaged drink beside him, which was his favorite. taste. He knew that this was specially prepared for him by his friends.

But he didn't have the slightest thoughts about it. He got up from the bed quietly and walked to his bedside table. He found what he was looking for.

He returned to the bed, closed the curtains around him, and summoned light. He flipped through the album one by one, looking at the beautiful, lively and happy parents in the photos. At that time, they were just like him now, and Harry could still see that he and the mother in the photo were more and more alike.

He flipped through it slowly until... he flipped to the photo of his parents getting married. His father was beckoning to him, and Harry turned his eyes away from him.

He is not as smart as Professor McGonagall said, on the contrary, he is stupid. Because of his gullibility and stupidity, he ruined all happiness, ruined everything about him, and ruined everything about Harry.

Harry looked at the mother in the picture, her face was full of happy smiles.

There was something damp in Harry's eyes that kept falling. He stretched out his fingers and touched the photo lightly, "This poor woman, she doesn't know her future yet."

Then Harry saw another person, a man who was holding hands with James Potter, loved and loved like a brother.

Harry had never noticed this person before, he had only his parents in his eyes. Seeing this face now, he still couldn't imagine that the person in this photo was Sirius Black.

His face was completely different from the one in the wanted photo. It was not sunken and sallow, but a handsome, sunny face. He was smiling hippie, and he seemed to be smiling.

Was he already playing for Voldemort at that time? Are you planning to kill the two people around you? Or, he didn't fall until after graduation. After seeing the difficulties of the adult world, he turned and turned to Voldemort.

When he dreamed of becoming the leader of Voldemort's men, did he ever think that he would be imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years?

"He hasn't given up until now. He escaped this time. Apart from killing me, he also wanted to resurrect Voldemort." Harry murmured.

Looking at the hippie smiling face, the handsome sunny face, Harry only felt his stomach cramping, and he felt sick. He closed the album heavily, tucked it back on the bedside table, took off his glasses, and lay back on the bed.

Hatred spread in Harry's body like poison, in his blood. Scene after scene appeared before his eyes, and he could see Blake's grinning laughter through the darkness. Black laughed wildly and blasted Peter Pettigrew to pieces.

He seemed to hear Black muttering excitedly ~www.NovelMTL.com~Master, the thing is done, stupid Potter made me the secret of their couple. "Another voice he is familiar with, laughing sharply.

Scene after scene of images continued to float up from the depths of his mind. Mother's pleading, fear, worry, Voldemort's grin, threat, and madness.

The coldness and killing intent spread in Harry's heart, and the blood was flowing. He hated many people, he hated many people, but he didn't think about killing anyone.

He hated Snape, but he didn't intend to kill Snape. He hated Malfoy, but he never thought of killing Malfoy. He hates Lucius, and he will kill Lucius if he has the opportunity. Now, he hates Sirius Black, he must kill Black, he must kill him.

Harry didn't know if he was awake or in a dream, in a trance, scene after scene like a sea wave, dragging him in, drowning him, devouring him, making him unable to escape.

The hazy moonlight cast on the ground, through the glass window, on a small bed. A lonely figure, a poor body, tossing and turning on the bed.

The figure's immature face showed various painful expressions and groaned lightly. Like the wailing of hell, like the whisper of the abyss, the voice is cold, and the roommates on the next bed unconsciously wrapped the quilt tightly and shrank into a ball during their sleep.

It wasn't until he woke up again that Harry finally rose from the darkness and silence.


At breakfast, Hermione and Ron waited for Harry specially. To their satisfaction, Harry did look much more normal. He is still listless, but at least he can respond to everyone's concerns, he will know that he should eat, and everything is going in a good direction.

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