Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 228: Messenger of wisdom

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Chapter 228-Wisdom Messenger

He didn't believe it, saying it was totally unreliable because it was always shiny, but he didn't notice that Fred put a beetle in his soup. Please search (品@书¥) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel (advertising)

Harry looked at the top happily for a while, and it lay there, not exactly what Ron said, and it was not known whether it was broken or because there was no hostility around.

Harry started unpacking the package Hedwig had brought again.

The package also contains gifts, greeting cards, and envelopes. This is from Hermione.

Dear Harry, I have received your letter to me. Your experience makes me very sad. I don't know how to comfort you. Fortunately, the matter is completely over, and you will never have to meet the Dursleys.

This year’s birthday is a new beginning, and I believe that you will become happy and happy on your birthday.

Our family is currently on vacation in France and I almost couldn't find a place to send you the letter. Fortunately, Hedwig showed up. Fortunately, I was able to catch your birthday. I think it must be Hedwig who knew that you would be very happy to receive a birthday gift. You need to reward it.

I bought you a gift with an owl order. I have been following the "Daily Prophet" and the new developments in the magical world. I am really happy that the Ron family is lucky. Even I became a little jealous, the wizards of ancient Egypt are really fascinating.

France is also so fascinating here, if you have the opportunity, I hope you can look around. Except for Hogwarts, besides Privet Road, the world is so vast and charming. All the things I discovered in France have been added to my theory on the history of magic. I hope the teacher will also like these contents. (advertising)

Ron told me that he will be in London in the last week of the summer vacation. Will you go? I asked George, he was busy again, so I couldn't be sure. Hope you can go too, but we will always meet on the Hogwarts train on September 1st.

Your loyal friend, Hermione Granger.

Supplement: Ron said that Percy was the chairman of the student union. I guess Percy was happy, but Ron would not be too happy. He would definitely say that Percy's status in the family has risen again.

Harry laughed, Hermione guessed Ron's reaction completely, Ron really said those words. He put down Hermione's letter and went to get the gift Hermione had sent him. The gift was a little heavy, it looked like a big book full of hard spells, it was very Hermione's style.

He guessed wrong, he tore open the thick paper package, his heartbeat accelerated, and he saw a slender black leather box with the silver words printed on it: Flying broom maintenance kit.

"Wow, Hermione!" Harry smiled happily. He opened the necklace of the box and looked at his gift.

In the black leather box is a large can of the perfect flying broom polish of the brand Freetwood, a pair of broom twig cutters are shiny and sharp, and a brass compass used for long-distance travel fashion on flying broomsticks, and finally It is a "Flying Broom Care Manual" reads;.

Hermione’s gift made Harry very happy. Apart from missing his friends, what he expected the most from Hogwarts was Quidditch.

He is a seeker in Quidditch, flying is his skill, whether it's the cold and freedom at high altitude or leading his partners to victory. These happy and relaxing memories are good medicine for him when he is alone at night.

Harry put the care tools aside and went to look at the last package. He recognized the skewed handwriting on the kraft paper. It was Hagrid's notes. Tear open the wrapping paper, he saw a green thing.

Before he completely unpacked it, the package began to tremble, and the contents screamed.

Harry immediately wrapped the package as it was and pressed the object with a chair again, which stopped the shrill scream of the object.

This was not a good sign. Harry had a headache. He knew Hagrid was not a bad guy, but he also knew that Hagrid was a big fool. Hagrid might not give Harry dangerous things, but Hagrid's mind was different from normal people.

For Hagrid, sending his friends into the nest of man-eating spiders was definitely not dangerous. As for the reaction of a friend after being eaten, no one knows.

Harry reached out for Hagrid's card, wondering what the explanation might be.

Dear Harry: Happy birthday to you, this thing will come in handy next year, so we can talk when we meet.

Hope the Muggles treat you well.

May everything go well, Hagrid.

It wasn't a good sign, Hagrid thought it was useful, and had to worry Harry. But he quickly let go of worry, as long as he arrives at the college, there will be nothing dangerous. Although this is not true, things will not go bad when you stay with friends.

All that was left was a letter from Hogwarts, and Harry opened the usually thick letter, pulled out the parchment inside and started reading.

Dear Mr. Potter, please take the express train bound for Hogwarts at King’s Cross Station on September 1st ~www.NovelMTL.com~ In a few weeks, third-grade students can visit Hogwarts as required De, a consent form is attached to the letter, which must be signed by your parent or guardian.

Attached is a list of books for the new school year, your loyal Vice President Professor McGonagall.

Visiting Hogsmeade on the weekend, it was great, Harry knew it was a completely magical village. You know, in addition to Hogwarts, he has also been to Ron's Burrow.

George seemed to have the idea of ​​inviting him to play at home, but he was too busy to make a formal invitation. Harry was embarrassed to ask for a visit.

Thinking of this, a large crow flew in from the window and landed on Harry's bed. Harry didn't need to do it himself, he gently pecked the buttons of his feet with his beak, and untied the package.

Although it looks like a large black crow, it is not a crow, but a rare crow. It is a pet specially raised by George, and like its name, it is a messenger.

"Happy birthday! Harry Potter!" a rough, hoarse voice came from the raven's mouth.

Harry froze for a moment, and immediately thanked him hurriedly, "Thank you, messenger!"

The raven nodded again, made a few cooing noises, then spread its pitch-black wings and flew out of the window into the boundless night sky.

Harry silently watched the messenger go away, and every time he saw George's messenger, he couldn't help but startled. The cleverness of the messenger far exceeded his imagination. Harry didn't expect that he could still speak, although he seemed to prefer his own language, usually cooing.

The messenger melted into the boundless night sky, and Harry didn't think much about it, and with anticipation, opened the package George gave him.

(To be continued.)

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