Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 209: Harlott Repentance

Chapter 209 Harlot's Repentance

"It was an old American wizard who helped a village get rid of the werewolf. He looked a little ugly and had no taste in clothes. But he was indeed a powerful wizard, and he was also very good. I just chatted with him casually and he Tell me everything." Lockhart clenched his fist again.

He said with difficulty, "But after defrauding his experience, I gave him an oblivion spell and attributed his experience to my own."

"In addition to the old American wizard, there are also the witches who expelled the Wanlun female ghosts, and one after another wizards like them. They were deceived by me into the experience and under my forgetting spell."

"I am a complete liar. Not only do I lie, but I am also proud of it. I take the experience of others as I have, in exchange for fame and respect for others." Lockhart clasped his head with his hands in shame. Said.

"If it weren't for this attack, I would have almost died, if I hadn't walked around in life and death, I might have cheated like this for a lifetime." He was in a daze, and then immediately said, "No, it won't be like that. I will sooner or later. Lose your life in a deception, just like this time."

"Even if there is no basilisk, there will be other monsters, or a wizard who was attacked by me. One day, I will be discovered by others. In fact, I knew the result a long time ago, but I can't stop it anymore." Luo Hart sobbed.

Since ♂long♂wind♂wen♂ learned, w≧ww.cf※wx.n↗et from the first time he cheated others' experience, he couldn't stop. He knew he would die from such an experience sooner or later, but he couldn't help it.

Just pretend to be friends with other people, just ask them a few more questions, and forget everything in the last one, and you can get everything. Gaining fame, gaining wealth, gaining respect, these things for nothing, have made him unable to stop.

"I don't know if I should be fortunate or regret that I didn't die." Lockhart said blankly.

"Since I have embarked on this path, I have no retreat. I may die in the hands of a wizard, I may die in an adventure, and I may die with a reputation."

"At least you are still alive. The wizards are not a group with good memories. In fact, it only takes a few years to pass, and not many people will remember you." George said flatly.

He couldn't talk about Lockhart's experience, a liar, a shameful person. But so what, there has never been a shortage of such people in the world, and even such people have always been popular. Whether Lockhart became more vigorous or enlightened, nothing would change except himself.

"Maybe if I die this time, they will remember me." Lockhart murmured, "But what's the point? After I was petrified, I didn't feel anything, I didn't know anything, or even a little sense. No. If you die like this, is it with fame or humiliation, what is the point?"

"I think fame is the most important thing. People's eyes keep me excited, and I do my best to pursue fame."

Lockhart spread his hands and stared at them blankly. The slender fingers, all carefully maintained, looked like a young man. He said, "In the end, I almost lost the power of a wizard. , I can't even protect myself."

"When facing the basilisk, I didn't have the strength to resist. In a moment, I felt like I was floating and almost dead. I think I acted worse than a student."

"Today, when the principal announced the news of my resignation, I heard that students and teachers were all calling for good. If it was before, I could deceive myself and pretend not to hear. But now, I can only admit what I am." Lockhart lowered his head and said discouragedly.

"In fact, no one knows me at all, in fact, no one really knows me. What they see is an illusion that I deliberately created, a halo and illusion full of illusions. There is no real Gidro Lockhart at all. "

After Lockhart finished speaking, he paused. He took out a diary from his pocket and handed it to George, "This is the only thing I can be proud of. I modified and perfected the Forgotten Charm. Thank you for destroying the basilisk. Avenged us."

"I'm leaving here, I'm going to find the real Guidro Lockhart." He stood up and said with emotion.

"Maybe you can consider staying in school to increase your strength. The recovery of strength is always easier than being out of nothing." George said lightly. Since he received Lockhart's gift, he also intends to give Lockhart something useful. Suggest.

Lockhart paused, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No, I don't need me in the college, I need to change the environment to calm down."

Maybe the college is indeed a safe and kind environment, but his classmates and teachers have a fixed impression of him. Now that he has planned to change, he is not willing to stay here now. At least he didn't plan to return to Hogwarts until he found the real Gidro Lockhart.

"Well, I wish you a smooth journey."

Now that Lockhart made the decision, George didn't want to interfere. He also took out a thick notebook from the shelf and handed it to Lockhart, "You have been away from school for so many years, I guess you might need it. "

This is a student's notes written by George. Courses from grades one to seven are recorded and analyzed. It is now a standard reference book for mutual aid agencies.

"Haha, after becoming a professor, I became a student again." Lockhart took the notes and simply read ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and said with emotion. He put away the notes, these are indeed what he needs.

Seeing Lockhart's fading back, George couldn't help feeling that people would always change because of major experiences. After Lockhart first tried to deceive others' experiences, it was difficult to resist this temptation. Simply get something for nothing, enter the upper class in one step, and become famous in a flash.

As he said, once he got these, he couldn't leave it behind. He couldn't turn his head back, he could only watch himself drift away, toward the abyss, and toward death.

But on the other hand, he is not unable to turn his head back, everything is just that his heart is sad and his bad habits are hard to change.

This time of life and death, all fame, all admiration, could not allow him to support the basilisk for a second. Facing the test of life and death, the fear of death finally reminded him that he was a wizard, or a wizard who could not even protect himself.

People pursue money, wealth, power, and power. After all, they are all to protect themselves and to make their lives better. If wealth can't make people live better, who cares about useless things.

(To be continued.)

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