Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 195: responsibility

Chapter 195

Dumbledore turned his gaze to George again. His eyes were scrutinizing. He said meaningfully, "What surprised me more is that you are only twelve years old, and you can destroy his conspiracy and methods, your talent. Not to lose to him at all."

"Maybe my talent is not as good as him, but my vision is far beyond him. When he was still calling himself the heir of Slytherin, when he was still plotting investigations and opening the secret room."

"I'm already thinking about how to make the magic world better and more energetic. How to let the students of the magic world get a better education and a more convenient life." George said decisively, and he looked back at it unacceptably. Looking at Dumbledore's gaze, he didn't care about the gaze that seemed to penetrate the heart.

At this time, you can't shrink back, the battle of beliefs, the battle of will, and you can't lose if you lose, let alone he won't lose.

"Including your mutual aid agency, and your partnership with Arthur?" Dumbledore calmed down and asked softly.

"They are still just a handful of seeds, just a bud. But they will eventually grow into towering trees, and even support the entire Hogwarts, support the entire magic world." George said unceremoniously.

Unlike a wizard whose vision is limited to the magical world, he really has a lifetime of life, a lifetime of life in the world of ordinary people.

He established his own thoughts and concepts there, and he would never take it for granted that wizards are really superior to ordinary people. Wizards who cannot progress, and the magic world who cannot progress can only be slowly eliminated by reality.

"I wish I could see that time soon." Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

Listening to George's words, Dumbledore had some expectations, and the magical world had been silent for too long. The once powerful and glorious magic world has now been maintained by an old man like him. Such a magic world is too old and too fragile.

The confident, young and energetic student in front of him allowed him to see what he used to be, the changes in the magic world, and some different futures after many years.

"What about after this?" Professor McGonagall asked softly. She wanted to know what happened next, how they defeated the basilisk and how they defeated Voldemort.

"Ginny accidentally discovered the magic book left by Voldemort. She was bewildered by the memory of Voldemort hidden in the book. He invaded the soul, controlled by him and opened the secret room. Fortunately, she was alert in the middle of the book. Lost in the abandoned bathroom." George said in detail about his birth this year.

He turned his gaze to Harry again, "Harry found this magic book, a special connection made him think that the magic book contains secrets. When he came to ask me, I left the book."

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore both looked at the scar on Harry's forehead, and thoughtfully, it seemed that Harry and Voldemort did have some special connection.

"I recognized the black magic in the book, solved the magic in the book, and knew Voldemort's plan. Although Ginny had thrown away the book, the basilisk continued to attack under Voldemort's original instructions." George Continue to add.

"It seems that Voldemort's order should include that if you expose yourself, let the basilisk speed up the attack. No wonder the basilisk attack has speeded up recently, and the target is no longer just mixed blood." Professor McGonagall nodded.

Voldemort didn't care who the victim was, nothing could restrain him. When he realized that he had failed, he would only spread fear crazily, not caring about anyone's life or death.

It was precisely because the Slytherin pure-blood student encountered an attack that immediately caused other careerists to become flustered, and hurriedly sent Dumbledore back to the college.

"You should trust the teacher a little bit, not just take the risk when you know the information." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but whispered. She had already guessed what was going on. The students got the news and sneaked into the secret room at night. , Fought the fierce and terrifying basilisk and defeated the basilisk.

"Of course we trust the teacher very much." George would not admit that he lacked trust in the teacher, he immediately defended.

"After all, the basilisk has hidden in the school for many years. It will definitely not know anything about the school. We found important information and immediately took action, afraid of leaking the news and being escaped by the basilisk." He said righteously , The high-sounding reasons, as long as you need, you can find a lot of them casually.

"In the bathroom where Myrtle is located, we used snake language to open the mechanism hidden in the pool. From there, a large pipe led to the secret room deep underground. We killed the basilisk in the secret room and put it Make a specimen and come back." George skipped the details of the battle vaguely.

Professor McGonagall didn't care about George's ambiguity. She said that George couldn't, so she looked at the others with a slight reproach, "Fortunately, there was no injury."

"This is really not to blame the students. Our protection of the school is too weak, and we are too ignorant of the school's hiding. It is our negligence to let the students maintain the safety of the school." Dumbledore also came to the end.

He turned his gaze to Ginny, "Miss Weasley should go to the school hospital immediately. She should undergo a complete and detailed examination. Although she seems to be in good condition now, a big cup of hot chocolate is a relaxing training. To help her recover as soon as possible."

Ginny stepped forward ~www.NovelMTL.com~ bravely raised her head, stammered, "Professor Dumbledore, I made a mistake and deserve to be punished."

Dumbledore appeared very polite and comforted her, "This is the negligence of the college. This is a painful torture for you. We should apologize to you. The college will not punish you. You are younger than you are. Longer, resourceful wizards will also be deceived by Voldemort, this is not your fault."

He looked down at Ginny, blinked his blue eyes kindly at her, and continued, "Mandrakes will mature in a few days, and the victims of the basilisk will soon wake up. Everything It's all right."

Ginny's face was joyful, and she was a little surprised, but she immediately said firmly, "Thank you, Professor, but you must be punished if you do something wrong, so that you can correct your mistake and start over."

Her words made Dumbledore's eyes light up, and he looked at the little girl with some admiration.

"What you said surprised me. This is not something a simple child can say. I really want to apologize to you this time. I shouldn't treat you as children completely." Dumbledore said solemnly. He bowed to Ginny.

To be continued.

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