Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Malfoy vs. Neville

In the lounge of Gryffindor, Harry Potter listened to the cheers outside and looked at the scene outside through the crystal ball. He couldn't help clenching his fists, his face was filled with laughter and excitement.

This is Gryffindor!

A feeling of identification from the depths of his soul made Harry Potter very comfortable, and thus strengthened his idea of ​​defeating Malfoy.


Kate Lyle came between the two, suspended in the air, and said with a smile, "Decola Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, are you two ready?"

"Ready." Malfoy said confidently.

Kate Lyle immediately looked at Neville.

Neville took a deep breath, looked at Malfoy firmly, and said in a deep voice, "Ready, professor!"

Neville was greatly encouraged by Ronald's cry and Gryffindor's support, so at this time, he didn't want to let them down either.

"Since everything is ready, let's perform the ceremony!"

After Kate Lyle finished speaking, she flapped her silver-white wings and soared into the sky. At the same time, a magic barrier enveloped the entire duel field.

The existence of the enchantment is to prevent the magic in the duel from attacking outside the arena and hurting the audience.

Neville and Malfoy looked at each other, then held their wands up in front of each other, and bowed to each other as a sign of respect, and then they each took ten steps back.

This is the etiquette that needs to be strictly enforced when dueling between wizards.

"Thunderball Curse!"

As soon as he stopped, Malfoy cast magic on Neville without hesitation.

Although Neville was half a beat behind, he still waved his wand and formally accepted Malfoy's challenge.

"Earth Wall Curse!"

An earthen wall rose to block the incoming thunderball, and Neville also took advantage of this opportunity to retreat quickly.

Malfoy saw Neville who was retreating, with a wicked smile on his face, he hurried to catch up, and shouted, "Neville Longbottom, you are not only a liar, but also a coward."

Neville did not launch a counterattack against Malfoy's taunt and provocation, but quickly hid behind the stone, and then moved again.

Everyone looked down at the arena. Malfoy might not know what Neville was thinking, but as the audience, although some people still ridiculed Neville as a coward, more people were looking forward to it.

Because, they understand, this is definitely Neville's strategy.

Malfoy came to the outside of the messy stones, looked at Neville who suddenly disappeared after following several times, and was stunned.

At this time, he also realized that the other party wanted to use the stones to play hide-and-seek with him.

"Neville the big liar, do you think I can't do anything to you because you're hiding in there?"

"It's useless, I'll catch you, I'll let you experience the wonderful feeling of being zapped by lightning."

"You can't hide, these stones can't hide your bloated body."

"You just wait, I will step on you with a perfect score."

At this time, Malfoy was like a lunatic who was a bit self-indulgent, moving quickly among the stones, while stimulating Neville who was hiding with words, while quickly catching Neville's figure with a somewhat weird and exaggerated expression.

On the audience stage of Gryffindor, Hermione Ronald and others stared closely at Neville who was moving.

According to their battle plan last night, Neville would use the earth wall to cover Malfoy's sight, and then launch a sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, under Kate Lyle's shot, stones that could confuse the view appeared directly in the arena, which was also convenient for Neville.

Now, whether Neville can seize the opportunity and defeat Malfoy depends on Neville himself.

"To stab!"

"Thunderball Curse!"

At a certain moment, Neville suddenly rushed out from behind the stone and attacked Malfoy who was looking for him.

Malfoy reacted extremely quickly, immediately cast a spell, then quickly hid among the stones, approaching Neville in another direction.

After all, Neville was a little fatter, and his reaction speed was half a beat slower, and the thunder ball just hit it.

Neville was sent flying a meter and hit the ground, screaming.

"Merlin's underpants, Neville has been hit, ten points off his bracelet of fate."

Ronald looked at the big screen, looked at the bracelet of fate that belonged to Neville, and ten points were directly deducted, and he exclaimed nervously.

"Neville, run!" Hermione shouted even more anxiously.

Because, Malfoy seized the opportunity and was approaching quickly.

Neville's face was slightly pale and he was a little flustered, but he got up quickly.

"Thunderball Curse!"

Around the corner, Malfoy spotted Neville and quickly waved his wand.

Unfortunately, Neville dodged and ran again.

Neville burst out of the small universe and ran very fast. At the same time, he circled around, looking for opportunities, and released magic.

"To stab!"

The ground thorn exploded from the ground, and Malfoy's face changed suddenly. He wanted to dodge immediately, but it was too late.

In order to chase Neville, he never expected that Neville would suddenly shoot him back.

Malfoy was knocked out, and then hugged his feet, feeling a sharp pain.

There was no bleeding or injury, but the feeling of being attacked by magic was real.

Malfoy, ten points!

In the Gryffindor lounge, Harry Potter saw that Malfoy was hit by Neville, he immediately clenched his fist and waved excitedly, shouting, "Yeah, that's great!"

Seeing Malfoy in pain, Harry Potter felt a bit of joy in his heart.

This also means that Gryffindor may be winning.

Malfoy looked at the score of the fate bracelet, which became ninety points, and his face was slightly ugly.

Neville, who was supposed to be in his hands, actually made him feel such pain, and he was deducted ten points. This is simply unforgivable.

I want to give full marks to the one who tramples you under my feet!

"Great chance!" Ronald and Hermione exclaimed when they saw that Malfoy had been recruited.

However, Neville's next performance disappointed them very much.

Because Neville did not continue to attack at this time as they planned, but hid behind the rocks and gasped violently.

"Merlin's big underpants, you won't have that damned old problem?" Ronald shouted angrily, holding his head in his hands.

The first-year Gryffindor lions howled even more.

The perfect routine was left behind by him.

Malfoy clenched his fists and ran again with a somewhat ferocious expression.

"Neville, I swear, I absolutely want you to look good."

Malfoy was furious, and with his wand in hand, he rushed in again.

Thus, Neville and Malfoy kept chasing and counterattacking among the messy rocks.

The students in the auditorium, watching the battle between the two, breathed nervously and stared closely.

Among them, the students of Slytherin and Gryffindor were the most active, cheering for their players.

On the audience stage in the professor's seat, professors such as McGonagall, Hagrid, Flitwick, Snape, Dumbledore, etc. were all attracted by this atmosphere, and they were a little nervous about the battle between the two.

Among them, Professor McGonagall is most concerned.

After all, Gryffindor had lost to Slytherin in Quidditch for three consecutive seasons, which made her look forward to Neville's ability to defeat Malfoy and win glory for Gryffindor.

Unlike Professor McGonagall's reaction, Snape looked very calm, as if he had a winning chance.

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