"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous form of magic you will study at Hogwarts."

"Anyone who is mischievous in my class, I will ask him out and never enter my class. This is my warning to you."

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and Malfoy in front of him, and said with a serious expression.

Ronald raised his hand and looked at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall noticed Ronald, and said, "Mr. Weasley, do you have any doubts?"

Given that Ronald raised his hand to ask questions instead of asking suddenly, interrupting her was giving Ronald a chance.

Harry, Hermione, Malfoy and others all looked at Ronald, also curious.

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Ronald felt a little shy and embarrassed for a moment, especially the question he wanted to ask, and he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

Professor McGonagall looked at Ronald and said, "Mr. Weasley."

Ronald's face was a little hot, but he still gritted his teeth: "Professor McGonagall, I think Professor Kate's elemental magic is more dangerous."

Harry, Hermione, Malfoy and the others heard what Ronald said, and immediately started talking about it.

"Elemental magic really seems to be more powerful and dangerous."

"When does Professor Kate's class start? Professor Kate is so handsome. I can't wait to see him."

"Elemental magic is very destructive!"

"I'm suddenly looking forward to the Elemental Magic course. I don't know if it will be interesting. I hope it won't be as boring as the history of magic."


Hearing the students' discussions, Professor McGonagall frowned, then adjusted his glasses, and said, "Mr. Weasley, your perception is very good. It is a powerful and dangerous magic."

"Okay, what we are going to learn today is Transfiguration"

Professor McGonagall has not formally contacted elemental magic, so she dare not speak nonsense.

As a result, Professor McGonagall changed the subject, and the students began to study Transfiguration in earnest.

It was a great class, with Professor McGonagall turning the table into a pig, the lamp into an eagle, and back again.

Harry and the others were all attracted, eager to learn from him right away.

However, they soon discovered how difficult it was.

It takes a long time of training, it's not as simple as waving a wand and chanting a spell.

But among these people, Hermione became a special existence.

What others couldn't do, Hermione did. She turned a match into a needle, and was praised by Professor McGonagall.

Every Wednesday night, they will learn to observe the sky with a telescope, learn the names of different stars or the orbits of planets.

Also take herbal medicine lessons with a fat witch named Sprout, learn how to grow exotic plants and fungi, and learn what they are used for.

What Harry hated the most was the history of magic. There was a lot to write down, and it always messed up what was written down.

One of their most anticipated magic classes was Defense Against the Dark Arts, however, Professor Quirrell was a complete joke. ..

Whether it was the way he spoke or the experiences he told, it seemed to Harry and the others that it was a joke, and no one believed it was true.

The one who taught the spell was Professor Livy, a wizard who was surprisingly small in stature.

In class, he needs to stand on a pile of books so that his head can go beyond the platform and let the students see his head.

Interestingly, in the first Charms class, Professor Li Wei seemed to have a special fear of Harry Potter, no, it was excitement, he screamed excitedly, and then collapsed from a myocardial infarction.

Of course, he didn't die, he was just too excited.

After school that day, Harry Potter, Ronald and Hermione came to the auditorium for dinner.

"Hey, that's Professor Kate!" Ronald shouted excitedly when he saw Kate Lyle sitting alone in a corner.

Hearing this, Harry looked quickly, a little excited.

"Maybe we can sit with him and ask about elemental magic." Hermione said with some admiration as she watched Kate Lyle enjoying the steak elegantly.

"That's a good idea!" Harry laughed when he heard that.

The three of Harry came to Kate Lyle and asked nervously, "Professor Kate, can we sit next to you?"

Kate Lyle looked at the three people in front of her and said with a smile, "Of course there is no problem."

Hermione was a little excited, sat down quickly, and said, "Professor Kate, what kind of magic is elemental magic? Is it easy to learn? What conditions are required? It is said that its destructive power is very powerful?"

"and also……"

As soon as Hermione sat down, she burst out her desire for knowledge and curiosity, and asked Kate Lyle for a while, as if there were a hundred thousand whys, and she wished she could tell them all.

Harry and Ronald looked at Hermione who was shooting like a machine gun, their little faces turned pale.

Hey, are you a hundred thousand why?

Kate Lyle looked at Hermione and said with a smile: "Hermione Granger, you are a smart girl, but also full of curiosity, I see a shadow in you, you will become a powerful magician."

Hermione heard Kate Lyle's praise, her exquisite little face was flushed, a little excited, and said, "Really? Professor Kate!"

"Of course." Kate Lyle nodded and said with a smile: "Although my course has not officially started, if you are interested, you can sit with me after dinner."

"I don't mind opening a small stove for you."

Hermione, Ronald and Harry immediately became excited when they heard Kate Lyle's words.

"Of course there is no problem." Harry said excitedly.

Ronald said happily, "Professor Kate, do you know that we are looking forward to your elemental magic."

"Everyone is discussing elemental magic, so that everyone is not in the mood to learn other courses."

Kate Lyle smiled slightly. In the past week, he had heard a lot of such news, and even some professors began to joke and complain to him.

Of course, they are also curious about when Kate Lyle will officially start classes.

The three of Harry ignored the fact that they couldn't swim at night.

Especially for a rule-abiding person like Hermione, the same is true for elemental magic.

"The classroom of elemental magic has basically been completed. I will prepare for two more days, and maybe the day after tomorrow I can officially start the class."

"Hope you guys are off to a good start."

Kate Lyle smiled at the three of Hermione.

During these times, Kate Lyle didn't do much.

When you have time, have afternoon tea with Dumbledore.

During Professor McGonagall's break, discuss the f*ck Guss.

Of course, what interested Kate Lyle the most was discussing potions with Snape.

The last thing is to follow up the elemental magic class and his own small western-style building.

Yes, at this time Kate Lyle was already living in her own small mansion, the decoration inside was exquisite, luxurious and very clean.

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