On both sides of the glacier, there are many fir trees.

The hoarfrost hanging on the tree was blown off by the north wind, just covering the footprints left by the animals just now.

This is the wilderness, the frozen snowfield of the northern country, and those who can survive here are unyielding beings.

A group of wolves were running in the snow, their breath turned into snow particles and stuck to the bristles as soon as they exhaled, they snuggled together for warmth, the wolves had weird expressions on their faces—they were laughing , A group of wolves are actually laughing.

She couldn't help shivering, and woke up from her sleep. At this time, she was in the carriage of the train, the sun was shining outside the carriage, and Severus was reading yesterday's Daily Prophet.

The front page was facing her at this time. A Muggle apartment in Kensington was set on fire. The murderer might be a werewolf. In addition to the eye-catching title, there were also several photos. These people were all wearing prisoner's clothes. clothes, she thought she was seeing a photo of Azkaban's collective prison escape more than ten years ago.

"Where are we?"

Severus folded the newspaper, revealing his too pale face.

"It's time for you to change, we're coming."

Pomona suddenly had a strange feeling.

"What's wrong?"

"The Hogwarts Express," she said, smiling. "It's time for us to change into our school robes, Snape."

"Aren't you awake yet?"

"Have a sense of humour, Severus." She stretched, then sat hunched over as if deflated. "You never reminded me to change my school robe when we were in school."

"I thought you were a ghost." He stared at her and said "I never saw you get in the car."

"You looked for me?"

"Yes." He looked into her eyes and said "We've all been looking for you."

She suddenly didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

Padfoot was bigger than the wolf in her dream just now, and he and James were the main forces against Lupin the werewolf, and thanks to being a big dog, he could swim across the icy waters of the North Sea.

"When did you wake up?" She put away the blanket covering her body.

"Just now." He said perfunctorily, returning his attention to the newspaper, "After the arson attack, the Muggle rich man called for the vacant houses in Kensington to be used by the affected civilians. We will have many new neighbors when we go back. "

Pomona remained motionless as if petrified.

"Are we still going to live in Kensington?"

"Otherwise where do you want to live?"

She doesn't want to think about it.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked.

"I didn't know until I got to Turin." Severus said coldly.

The Muggle dining car is not like the European special train. There are chefs cooking live, all of which are buffets, and it is especially crowded at meal time. For dinner, they still eat seafood sandwiches made by Pomona herself.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a hippogriff," she moaned, rubbing her belly.

"Think about how we found Palodo. The doctor only described the approximate location to me. Turin is not a small city."

She didn't continue to ask, she got up and began to change clothes.

At about 7:30 in the morning, the train arrived at the station, and she got off the train dragging the "painting box". Many people looked back at the two of them along the way.

At first she thought that her dress was too weird, or that the old bat's dress was too weird, but then she realized it after thinking about it.

Both of them are pale "Brits", they don't have the temperament of artists, but Italy is a very artistic country, the scene is like a "white collar" going in and out of an office building carrying a picnic with pink polka dots Baskets are just as out of place.

With a thick skin, you don't know me anyway, Pomona took Severus's arm and walked out of the train station calmly.

In addition to the shroud, Turin is also home to Juventus, economically Turin is the third largest city in Italy after Rome and Milan.

It is very close to the Alps, and many streets are lined with arcades. Like many cities in Europe, there are not too many noisy large stores here, and some are just well-designed small shops.

The pace of life in Turin is much faster than in Venice. It is difficult to find open restaurants in Venice in the morning, but there are many in Turin. The Piedmont region is next to the mountains, and the food is mostly meat. Pomona is passing by When I was in a small shop, I bought a large piece of pork, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.

After she bought these things, Severus took her to a small roadside shop and ordered mashed potatoes, sausages, fried eggs and chickpeas.

Italians find seafood considered vegetarian, which is hard to understand, but when she bites open the sausage casing and the gravy overflows in her mouth, she understands why Italians feel that way.

The calorie content of fat is much higher than that of seafood, so it looks a bit greasy, but she likes this taste, as if she has returned to the snowy Scotland.

On the first day of school, the children eat sweets in the dining car for lunch, and the opening banquet is so rich that few people fall asleep immediately, especially the freshmen, who have to cross the Black Lake and see Hogwarts Castle for the first time The feeling is very shocking, like in a dream.

First impressions are very important. It was also the first time for Pomona to visit a wizarding village in Italy, and she wondered whether she should bring a gift, but this concern quickly disappeared.

They have to find a place first!

After breakfast, they Apparated to the northwestern suburbs of Turin, that is to say, they went into the mountains.

Apparating with Fantastic Beasts was risky, but the extreme cold made the cockroaches sleepy in the "painting box" so nothing happened.

Turin is a charming city not suitable for tourism. Fortunately, she had the foresight to buy a lot of food, otherwise they would have to hunt by themselves. There is no one around here. There is only a holiday cottage far away, and the grocery store is even worse. Gone.

"What shall we do next?" Pomona asked. If she searched aimlessly, she might not be able to find the village for a year or so.

Severus pulled out his wand, then stood on the side of the road and lifted it up into the air.

"You thought the Knights bus would come here?" she said sarcastically.

A horse's neighing sound suddenly echoed in the mountains, and after a while, a carriage rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed.

This is definitely not an ordinary horse, its speed is much faster than that of a car, and the carriage it is pulling is not like the kind of cart used by herdsmen to load pasture, but rather like Beauxbaton in the Triwizard Tournament The kind of carriage they use, except that they use rune horses.

She took a step back, trying to avoid the rampaging horse, but it suddenly stopped in front of them.

The driver who drove the coach had a beard and looked a bit like Hagrid, except that he was much shorter and had small eyes like mung beans.

"British?" said the coachman in accented English.

"Can you take us to Palo Alto?" Severus asked.

"One Galleon per person."

"I don't think so."

While the two of them were bargaining, Pomona noticed the horse.

In Norse mythology, Odin had an eight-legged god horse, Sleibnir. The rune horse was very strong and had beautiful, golden hair. This one was gray. Not only did it not have a beautiful appearance, it even The wings shrunk and it looked like it had six legs.

It looks like a Graling, except that it can't fly, and it makes up for it with its incredible speed, and ordinary people can't drive this carriage.

After a while, they negotiated a price, 10 Sickles each, and the two of them got into the car.

There was no expansion spell used inside, just a very ordinary carriage box with polished leather cushions and brass handles.

As soon as the two of them sat down firmly, the carriage started to move, the scenery outside the window flew by quickly, and occasionally Muggle cars passed by, but the rugged mountain road did not cause any obstacles to the carriage, and occasionally the Graling would soar into the air, It's like riding a roller coaster.

Not long after, the carriage stopped.

"Here we are!" shouted the coachman from outside.

Pomona looked out the car window and indeed saw the entrance to a village that looked like any ordinary medieval Muggle village.

Severus got out of the carriage first, then reached out to help her out of the carriage.

"I wish you good luck." After collecting the money, the coachman said to the two, and then drove away.

"Are we really in Palo Alto?" she asked uncertainly.

"I think so." Severus said, staring ahead.

Pomona followed his line of sight and found a tree with a plank nailed to it, on which was drawn a hand, pointing to the entrance of the village with her index finger, and the hand was written in Spanish insincerely. "Welcome to Palo Alto" was written crookedly in English, Italian, and English, as if it was difficult to find someone who could write well.

"It's really like a dream." Pomona whispered, pulling the painting box, walking on the cobbled path, the wheels made a dull sound in the silent village.

Some people say that seeing a black dog is an omen of death, so does dreaming about a wolf count?

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