Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 984 The Hermit's Father

A close friend of the Pope, Baducci has a long-term lease at the Paul VI Hotel. The conditions there were much better than the small windowless room where Joseph lived. Not only did they have a separate bathroom, but they also had windows and desks. The room service brought them Italian coffee and snacks.

"I didn't expect that I would be treated like this." Joseph said, looking at the food on the dining car.

"Human civilization begins with etiquette. It is my quality to receive you. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"No, thank you, I prefer to drink water." Joseph refused, "What kind of pastry is this?"

"Baba Rum Cake." Baducci took a small fork and started eating directly, he seemed very hungry "Please forgive me, I haven't eaten since last night, and I haven't had a good rest, wait After we finish talking later..."

"I'll go by myself." Joseph said with a smile, showing his white teeth, "Why do you have to make yourself so tired at your age?"

Baducci also smiled at Joseph.

"A quote from Paul VI is included in the General History of the World, 'Our age is an age of problems, a time of great problems. Under the magical influence of technology, everything is undergoing transformation, if we are willing to live Open your eyes, every day there are problems waiting for us to study and solve', I am willing to open my eyes, so I will solve the 'problems', even though I am old in your eyes."

"Tell me about that Romanian monastery, don't beat around the bush, and save yourself some trouble."

"Before that, please take out your exorcism cross."


"As you said, save some effort." Baducci reached out his hand to Joseph, who hesitated for a moment, and handed over his own olive wood Benedictine cross.

Baducci took it and looked at it in his hand, and was not in a hurry to return it to Joseph.

"Humans have always had a strange talent for devising torture. The execution of prisoners in ancient Rome was performed as part of a show in the Colosseum. The same is true for the crown of thorns on the 'Holy Son'. In fact, they don't have to do it. , but those Roman soldiers found it funny, so the crown became a painful curse later on."

"You want to discuss causality with me?"

"In the dark age, people invented more ways to torture people. Many castles have special dungeons and interrogation rooms. Have you ever been to those places?"

"No." Joseph said after a moment of silence.

"Then have you read the life of St. Anthony?"

"Of course I did."

"Then you should know that Anthony also accepted the 'temptation of the devil' like the Holy Son, and he also fought many devils. The T-shaped cross is now called the Anthony cross, but earlier, it was called For the 'True Cross'." Baducci returned the cross to Joseph. "The last character in Hebrew in Hebrew represents Moses holding up the wooden staff with a bronze snake. Moses listened to God and put the staff on the ground. If you hold the snake's tail, it will become a shepherd's staff. The 'rod and snake' unites to discipline God's people. In a Romanian monastery, Father Gordon used it to drive away the servants of the devil. The blood of St. Anthony sealed the summoned devils, and the Benedictine cross is just similar. It is no problem to use it to disperse some unsuitable demon soldiers, but it is useless when encountering those legion commanders."

"It is written in the book that the purpose of the devil to intimidate and seduce people with various shapes, beasts, and sounds is to make people fear and give up resistance. We can win with faith and the holy name of the cross. If we are afraid, If you are timid and intimidate yourself, you will fall into the attack of the devil. It will intimidate us twice and make your heart miserable. On the contrary, we must exercise our faith and look to Jesus. The devil will be ashamed and run away when he sees the strength and courage in us. .If you are timid in the day of trouble, your strength is small. Tell me about the story in Romania, Father Gordon sealed the devil, and the story is over?"

"No, that's not the case. There were three people who entered the monastery to investigate the suicide."

"Suicide in the monastery?"

"A nun committed suicide. She hanged herself at the gate of the monastery. The villagers who delivered daily necessities to the monastery found her. The 'Frenchman' was also one of the people who entered the monastery to explore the secrets."

"Who is the other person?"

"A nun." Baducci ate another piece of cake, and then went on to say, "A trainee nun to be precise. She hadn't officially made a vow at the time. Her name was Irene, and she was the only person alive in the incident that year."

"The 'Frenchman'..."

"He died, he returned to Canada after being possessed by the devil, and later he met the Taylors."

"I thought Father Gordon had sent the devil back to hell."

"Mostly yes, but Valleka is cunning, it split a part of itself, possessed the 'Frenchman', and left the convent with him, he was supposed to occupy the bodies of the nuns, I forgot to tell You, the convent where the accident happened is a convent, and all the nuns live in it, so the Vatican will assign Sister Irene and Father Gordon to go together."

Joseph's eyes widened.

"I heard you could see different things when you were young," Baducci asked.


"Then you should know that you are not the only person in the world who has extraordinary abilities like you. Irene and all the nuns in the Romanian monastery are similar to you and have strong inspiration. In the middle ages People hunt these girls in the name of 'witches', but some of them are still protected by us. Anthony taught us that as long as we pray, fast and trust God, we can defeat the devil immediately. Prayer is the core of spiritual warfare and Necessary weapons. Since the Middle Ages, the nuns living in the mountains have been praying all the time to seal the unholy power. Until World War II, when the bombs bombed the monastery, the ancient seal was destroyed, and Valeka was about to return. The human world, but it cannot appear in the human world in the form of a spirit body. It must be attached to something. The best targets are those nuns with strong psychic abilities. In order to stop it, other nuns died. Sister Victoria is In the last one, she chose to commit suicide and hang herself with a rope at the gate of the monastery. In other words, it was a kind of 'sacrifice' until the arrival of Father Gordon, Sister Irene and the 'Frenchman' who came to investigate. Neither he nor his retinue left that monastery."

"Those followers?"

"Being sacrificed by the Duke to his villagers." Baducci took a deep breath, "You still remember what I told you just now, many castles have dungeons and interrogation rooms, and those people were tortured to death while they were alive , After death, he will be driven by the devil. Once Anthony went to the grave, the devil led many followers, and these followers beat Anthony severely with a whip, causing him to fall to the ground. The pain was so painful that he could no longer speak, as if he was dead, I guess Those people were whipped to death, and those who died tortured will make you experience the same punishment as them."

"God." Joseph murmured.

"I just read your dossier in the archives, young man, you are very ambitious, but you have to know that Europe is not the United States, those little ghosts are far from the real demons, you will vomit when you think the demons are capable Two nails?"

"No." Joseph said with a pale face, "I have also encountered tyrannical ones."

"And then you lose, it's that ex-US Army sniper, right?"

Joseph said nothing.

"The Holy Father told me that he always believed that 'the Jew is the elder brother', how much do you know about alchemy?"

"Uh, I know about ouroboros."

"Jesus will be sentenced to death because the judge thought he was a liar, just like the snake that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The cross with the crucifix of the Son is no different from the single snake staff of the World Health Organization. Healing snake." Baducci said, "Snake has many meanings. Some people think it is a symbol of evil, and some people think it represents mystery and wisdom. Pharaoh thinks it is the patron saint of Egypt, and hermitism is a faction with desert characteristics. , 'hermit' means 'desert' in Greek, 'monk' means 'celibacy', the hermit in the desert cave lives an extremely severe desert monastic life, and the monastery you stayed in before is the collective hermit of Pachomiu. I have met many people in the monastery, and some of them are like you, who feel that they don’t need to study and improve because of their small achievements. They are trapped in the game of power, forget to practice, and the end result is death. If If you don’t want to die, then you’d better learn something now, otherwise if you go to Albania like this now, you will never return like them.”

"Aren't you afraid of my repentance?"

"Of course not, I think you also know that the Holy Father once expelled a priest, do you want to be the next one?" Baducci opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Dear priest, this is the Vatican, live here People here have been playing tricks and tricks for a thousand years, do you really think your little tricks can work in this place?"

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