Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 976 “god ends here”

Many famous paintings in history are the inner images of the creators, so they peep into the deepest secrets of the human heart through their own creation words, such as Raphael's Madonna in the Chair, and "The Nun" is such a painting.

At that time, the female artist was sitting in front of a clean canvas looking for inspiration, when she suddenly saw the silhouette of a nun clearly.

A voice told her again that she had to complete this work, with blurred brush strokes, black and white tones, the girl's pale face and slightly closed eyes, the overall atmosphere was as tranquil as a dream.

At the same time, the painting also has a sense of depressing fear. The female artist spent a month to complete this portrait, which was exhibited at the Venice Biennale. Her work has attracted a lot of attention and is very popular. It sold out quickly.

The first buyer was a single female boss. She hung the painting on the wall of her bedroom. The mysterious figure was moving, and when she wanted to fall asleep, the sound of footsteps and moving objects would always come to her ears, so she dismissed the weird painting.

The second buyer, a young Wall Street investor, hung the painting in his living room, and this time the nun walked right up to him, and he could even "smell" her. odor. He woke up from his sleep, ran to the living room to check, and found that the peaceful nun was no longer in the canvas.

He was frightened and passed out in the living room on the spot, and he was not found until the maid came to clean the next day.

At first he thought he was dreaming, then it happened several times, he finally broke down, and the painting was returned to the female artist.

However, the painter himself suffered from auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, hallucinations and other symptoms due to a mental breakdown due to excessive appreciation of oil paintings.

Later, like Van Gogh, she was admitted to a mental hospital, and her works were sold for the third time. As for who sold them, no one knows.

This painting has a very bad reputation, so good people once analyzed that the paint on the eyes of the nun in the painting is very thick. There is nothing in the daytime, and it looks like the eyes are closed. When the angle of light changes at night, the eyes of the nun are not "Opened", but this assumption can no longer be verified, because the original painting has been bought anonymously, like Leonardo da Vinci's "Salvator Mundi", some people say it is in a Swiss art collection Some say it was bought by a Russian fertilizer merchant.

Four hundred million US dollars is not a small amount. How can a fertilizer seller make so much money?

The development of Siberia was a long-term national policy of the former Soviet Union, which reached its climax in the Khrushchev era.

Russia was the first to develop military industry in Siberia, and later began to develop agriculture. To realize mechanization, chemicalization and water conservancy, the businessman selling chemical fertilizers just caught up with that good time.

Leonardo da Vinci's painting had many copies during his lifetime, and it is not easy to identify it. Master counterfeiters will even look for antique paper, antique wood boards and paints hundreds of years ago. Da Vinci's "Beautiful Princess" sold for 100 million US dollars at the auction of Christie's auction company, but it is a fake painting, which was done by a British forger.

It’s hard to say whether to spend 400 million yuan to buy the authentic work of the master or pay the tuition fees. After all, the bottom board of the fake "Beautiful Princess" is the desk board of Queen Victoria's time.

Those who pay tuition with money are considered lucky, and some pay tuition with their lives. In the eyes of Nakamura Yuki, the painting "Nun" is similar to "Ghost Doll Hanako" and "Annabelle". Japanese dolls are very well done. Exquisite, almost fake, often with "spirits" attached to it, similar plots can often be seen in Japanese ghost movies.

It's strange to see it rarely, and it's just like that when you get used to it. The body is the container of the soul, and the "spirit" possesses the doll as an adult's body. Voldemort also used the original body potion to possess a relatively weak body. Harry's blood and Wormtail's hand were brought back to life.

Sirius' mother attached her own soul to her portrait. This is different from other portraits in the wizarding world. Sometimes people create some creepy things. The painting of "The Nun" may bring big news to everyone in the future. Trouble, but that's none of Pomona's business, there's still a werewolf problem to deal with back in England.

Even if the "Werewolf Act" is revoked, it is almost impossible for werewolves to obtain "human rights". After the defeat of the dark wizard, the wizard lost its deterrent power, and werewolves and goblins began to move around, intending to overthrow humans.

Even though she said so, when she was drinking coffee at the Flora Cafe, she couldn't help following several suspicious priests coming out of St. Mark's Church.

She donned the invisibility cloak, followed them into a motorboat, and headed out to sea.

Their handbags are full of various crucifixes, holy water, and the like, looking like they're on to something big.

She sneaked into the cab and took a look. It turned out that they were going to Boveilla Island.

In fact, the two of them can drink coffee in the hotel, so why do they have to go to Flora Cafe?

Pomona felt 10,000 regrets in her heart, but luckily she didn't bring Yuki Nakamura with her.

Although the new city government of Venice intends to develop the plague island into a tourist resort, the former mayors installed a lot of floating sensors near the island. As long as a ship approaches, it will send out a signal, and the coast guard will come soon.

The priests and the police spoke Italian, and Pomona did not understand a word, and the ship was soon let go.

Pomona couldn't help wondering, how did other people get to the island?

Lazaretto can be understood as a maritime epidemic prevention station. Lazaretto Island, where Pomona once visited, was also used to isolate patients, but that island is far from the dark atmosphere of Poveglia Island. Just like the sun and the torch, Pomona felt the biting cold even before the boat approached, and even with the sun shining on her body, she couldn't feel any warmth.

As the boat gets closer to the island, you can slowly see the buildings on the island. Near the pier is a red brick church, and the tower that is said to have been used by Dr. Paul to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Despite the lush greenery of the island, Pomona couldn't wait to leave. The place reminded her of Azkaban, even without the dementors around.

The monks murmured prayers, and after the boat docked, they went ashore with their handbags.

"Are you going with me?" Voldemort asked.

"How do you stop possessing?" Pomona asked.

"It's not easy to find you, you are well hidden, if it weren't for the Dark Mark on Severus' arm, I can't believe that someone would live in such a wasteland."

"You manipulated Wormtail to attack me?"

Voldemort didn't answer her.

"I want to kill Severus, but I can't wait that long," said Voldemort a long time later.

Pomona had nothing to say about that.

She is now a "hostage" and what's worse is that no one can help her.

She hoped that Severus would ignore Voldemort's threats and get him a potion of rebirth, so that the devil could return to the world.

But this is her wish, whether it can be realized or not depends on Severus Snape, a person who has been resurrected from the dead, even Necromancy can only summon Yin corpses, and only two people can be resurrected from the dead , one is Jesus, and the other is Lazarus who was resurrected by Jesus. Both of them borrowed the power of Jehovah, but when Lazarus was resurrected, Jehovah borrowed the hand of the "Son of Man".

This is a miracle and the foundation of faith. After all, the dead will be resurrected by "God" after the final judgment.

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