Mills rummaged through every corner of the room, including the mattress, and the clean room became messy, as if it had been ransacked.

"Come out, you monster!" He shone the flashlight under the bed, gnashing his teeth, but there was nothing under the bed except dust, so he could only get up in frustration, intending to continue searching in the room.

Just as he straightened up, his keys fell out of his pocket, with a very fancy bunny keychain on it.

The keychain didn’t belong to David. When Tracy was young, she liked to read a British picture book. The main character of the picture book was a rabbit. The author buried a rabbit jewelry inlaid with gemstones somewhere, and the clue was in the picture book. inside.

The jewel was probably worth several thousand pounds, but it caused a sensation in Britain. People rushed to buy the picture book that was said to have clues, and even Americans participated in the treasure hunt.

Most people did not find it, but some people saw the business opportunity and made exactly the same cheap jewelry for the distressed parents to coax children to play with. Sapphires were replaced by blue tourmalines, and platinum became galvanized metal, because It's faded with age, but Trish still loves it, and according to her, the bunny legs bring good luck.

Mills picked it up and stroked the "sapphire" on it.

Not long after, he heard a "rustling" sound from the cloakroom. He followed the sound and looked over, but saw nothing.

"Mr. Mills... Oh my god!" The waiter couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw that the room seemed to have been ransacked by robbers.


Mills motioned him to silence, then tiptoed over.

He put his ear against the wall, and the sound seemed to be coming from the wall, so he knocked on the wooden board, most of the places were solid, and there was an "empty" sound from the back of a wooden board, but to open the A wooden board needs to be moved to remove the safe.

"Come give me a hand," Mills said to the waiter.

"We checked the safe and it's empty."

"I want to move the safe. I can't move it by myself."

So the two worked together to move out the heavy old-fashioned safe.

After the safe was moved out, Mills knocked on the safe again, and the "empty" sound became more pronounced, as if there was a hidden door behind the safe.

He tried to remove the board, and a blue lizard ran away in panic.

It's really not a small lizard, it's almost as big as a weasel, and if it were a gecko, it would be in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Mills took a look inside with a flashlight. There was a tin box in the dark compartment. Because it was old and full of dust, it looked very old. He took it out carefully.

"Be careful!" said the waiter.

"I know." Mills said impatiently, and took out a pair of gloves from his jacket pocket, which he had picked up in the hospital before, and took out the tin box after he put it on.

"When I was young, I liked to eat this brand of biscuits." The waiter looked at it and said, "Who hid it in the wall?"

Mills didn't answer him.

Selling cookies is often a girl's first exposure to the business world, and every January the Girl Scouts of the USA don uniform to sell cookies to friends and family.

The cookies, which typically come in carton packages and cost 25 cents to 30 cents a dozen, are often eaten by Mills dipped in chocolate sauce.

He opened the tin box carefully, and there were a lot of coins in it. It looked like a child had used it as a piggy bank.

Mills fiddled with the silver coins at will, and finally found a silver box on the bottom floor.

It is shell-shaped with several Chinese characters on it, which looks very oriental.

The box smelled the same as Mills had smelled before, and he tried to open the silver box, only to find it closed tightly, like a jam jar that wouldn't open.

"Need help?" the waiter asked.

"No..." Mills was halfway through speaking, and suddenly felt that there was a problem.

He didn't call the main station at all, how could this waiter come here by himself?

So he looked over.

The other party actually had the face of a rabbit.


Like a drowning man emerging from the water, Mills gasped.

At this moment, he was still in the messy room, but the safe was still in place.

To move it, Mills needed help, but he wasn't going to call the people in the hotel, who gave him the impression that they had something to do with it.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and he took it out to look at it. It was an email from someone he didn't know, but he recognized the title. It was an appraisal certificate about rosary materials. Obviously, technical The people in the group worked overtime again.

He opened it and read it. This is not a complete report, but a brief explanation. The beads on the rosary are not only made of human teeth, but also shells.

There is no shortage of young and strong young men in the police station. Tomorrow, he can ask O'Sullivan to borrow two of them.

He walked over to the phone and dialed the front desk number.

After a burst of elegant piano sounds, about ten seconds later, the phone was connected, and a sweet female voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Help me transfer to your manager. I'm a resident of Room 64." Mills said.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The front desk said, another elegant piano sounded, and the person who answered the phone this time was the manager of the hotel.

"Do you have any registration records for previous occupants here?" Mills said. "Also, this room has always been like this. Has it been changed before?"

"There are registration records, but they are all stored in the warehouse. You need to look for them." The manager said, "Our hotel was renovated in 1963. The heating and heating are controlled by the air conditioner. The previous fireplace and the cloakroom next door have been connected. .”

"You mean the cloakroom used to be a fireplace?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, I'm all right, oh, and remember to find the register tomorrow."

"Do you want all of them?"


"Okay then, I'll arrange it."

"Thank you." Mills finished politely, and then hung up the phone.

"Damn it, I forgot to ask the guy if he left a suicide note," Mills cursed.

"Be careful, inspector, the last resident jumped off the building after staying in this room for two days."

The advice given by the hotel manager before leaving seemed to sound again.

Mills looked at the closed window, and the raindrops made a crisp sound on the glass.

He didn't hear the sound of the waves, and the well-scrubbed windows reflected his own face like a mirror.

Let's talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow. The most important question is how to spend tonight.

That keychain was the only thing Mills took from that home, and if you go back, it's the first scene where Trish was murdered.

"I wish it was a horrible nightmare, honey." Mills looked down at the keychain, looking down in frustration. "When I wake up, you're still alive."

No one answered him, no one hugged him and said "it's all right, really".

He stood alone, as if caught in a painful memory, and gradually wept uncontrollably.

Everything would have been different if he hadn't gone to New York, or if Trish had stayed on teaching in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

There is a movie called The Butterfly Effect, in which the male protagonist tries everything to be with the female protagonist, but no matter what he does, the result is not satisfactory.

The best way is for him to pass her by and become a passer-by in each other's lives.

He needs alcohol, he wants the feeling of soaring like a fairy and forgetting everything, but unfortunately there is only sober tea in the small bar.

Every cell in his body was crying in pain.

Perhaps, like a homeless man, it is a good choice to find a place on the side of the street to spend the night casually.

Anyway, he has no home.

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