Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 971 Love at Home

Someone asked Mother Teresa, how to practice unconditional love?

Mother Teresa said: Go back and love your family. To love is to allow the other person to be who they are.

——Biography of Mother Teresa

In Italy, priests are not so uncommon, you can even meet them when you buy a pizza.

But at this moment, the pedestrians on the street focused their attention on a nun.

There was surprise and admiration in those eyes, as if she was a star, and even if she passed by, she would continue to look around. Veronica briefly met the eyes of passers-by, then lowered her head like a frightened mimosa, and shifted her gaze.

Whistling at a nun was rude, but the Italian boys yelled at Veronica anyway, and she gave them a sour look that only made them happier.

"Idiot." Veronica whispered, but her footsteps were lighter. There was an accordion player on the street corner, and he was playing a romantic tune. The tune was tender and lingering, and many people were listening.

Veronica didn't want to join in the fun, so she just walked over.


She heard Uncle Fabio's voice.

She followed the sound and found that he was in the crowd watching the performance. He looked up and down at the nun's dress on her, and his mouth was open from ear to ear in surprise.

"Why are you here?"

"What's with your clothes?"

The two said in unison.

The person next to him turned his gaze to the two, so Fabio directly took Veronica away from the crowd and went to an alley with few people.

"What are you thinking?" Fabio asked after thinking for a long time.

"Isn't the restaurant busy?" Veronica asked him left and right.

"answer my question."

"I said I was going to be a nun."

"Oh, how old were you at that time? Are you 8 years old!"

"Just because I'm young so you don't take my words seriously?"

"I wanted to be a singer when I was 8 years old, look what I'm doing now?" Fabio said angrily.

Veronica knew that Fabio could play the mandolin, which was taught by Diego's grandfather, but it is now put in the attic to eat ashes, and Fabio has not played since Diego was kicked out of the house. played.

"Do you remember the picture album that grandma showed us?" Veronica asked Fabio, "Do you believe what she said is true?"

"What is true?"

"Those fantastic animals, and wizards."

Fabio sighed, looking even more anxious.

"Have you ever wondered why those three spells are called the Unforgivable Curses?" Veronica asked before Fabio could speak. "Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus and Imperius."

"Stop talking about this, let's go home." Fabio calmed down, he reached out and tried to grab Veronica's shoulder, but she broke free.

"Can you forgive Grandpa?" Veronica asked.

"There are many things you don't know."

"I know." Veronica said, looking him in the eyes. "You guys avoid talking about him, but sometimes you slip up. We've all heard it."

Fabio covered his face with his hands, and asked after a while, "Why did you suddenly think of saying this?"

"Have you ever wondered why grandma never remarried?" Veronica asked sternly. "Have you ever asked her if she wanted to be buried with someone in particular?"


"They are all old, have you ever thought about letting them meet in your lifetime?"

Fabio was speechless, looking up at the sky.

"You can't forgive him, can you? Because of his past mistakes."

"It's pointless to say that now."

"From a human point of view, when Jesus was crucified, it was a complete failure, but Christ said that it was a success. What is noble in the eyes of man is abominable in the eyes of God. It is not God's will that goes smoothly. God's will is not to use people. It's fate, you are his only son, uncle."

"He came to see you?" Fabio said sullenly.

"No, no." Veronica thought of the old man who said that his family members were all killed in a car accident, and they were dying of illness, and they didn't forget to gamble for entertainment. They lied dishonestly, "I went to a nursing home yesterday, and my grandma is about the same age as them. , It’s time to think about these issues.”

"That's what I should think about. What do you know about a child?"

"I know, that's why I reminded you, what were you doing just now?" Veronica said confidently.

"I need to rest, can't I listen to some songs!"

"You can talk to someone. How long has it been since you went to church to confess, Uncle?" Veronica paused and continued, "If a grain of wheat doesn't fall to the ground and die, it is a grain. If the ground dies, it will produce a lot of grains, besides, I just made my first wish, and there is still a chance to go back on it, you don’t need to worry about my affairs, there are more important things that need you to take care of.”

Fabio looks at Veronica with new eyes.

"Don't let your mother see you wearing this, she will cry." Fabio said quietly.

"My clothes are stained with cream, and the nuns lent me their clothes." Veronica showed off her new dress to Fabio like a little girl. "How do I look?"

"It's beautiful." Fabio praised, "You look dazzling, like a morning star in the sky."

"Thank you." Veronica reached out and hugged Fabio.

Fabio also hugged Veronica and patted her on the back.

At this moment, the buskers outside the alley had already performed to a stage, and the onlookers began to applaud, as if they were celebrating a great victory.


Mills sat in a patrol car and came to the hotel he had booked.

To be precise, it was not booked by him, but by the secretary of the diocese, who was responsible for investigating the haunting of Room 64 in this hotel.

In the words of that vampire, if you go on a business trip, you have to earn back the money for the air ticket.

After waving goodbye to the patrolman, Mills walked into the century-old hotel.

Tourists who come to Los Angeles basically go to Hollywood and Universal Cinemas, and this hotel is a little far from there.

From the decoration of the hotel, we can see its former glory, but now the number of tourists is not much, like a twilight beauty, although the charm is still there, it has lost its attractiveness.

After entering through the revolving door, what Mills heard was the melody of the piano, and he had expected to hear the Hotel California.

Liver-red marble looks like sausage on a pizza, geometric shapes outlined with golden threads that look like brushed cheese, no one is at the counter, Mills pulls out nicotine gum and walks away while observing the terrain past.

"What, where do we stay tonight?" Trish and Mills became anxious after asking three hotels that there were no vacancies.

If Mills was alone, it wouldn't be so much trouble, he could make do with the car, as he used to do when he was stalking prisoners.

But Tracy said that long-distance will cause problems whether it is love or marriage, so she quit her job as a school teacher and followed him to New York.

Finding a house is very troublesome, either the price is not right, or pets are not allowed. Unlike the suburbs of New York City, there are large yards for them to play, which makes Mills feel very anxious, but because of Trish, his My heart soon calmed down.

"It's a good thing he didn't kill your dogs," the priest in the nursing home said to him. "I brought them."

Those few golden retrievers really brought him comfort, but their lifespan is only about ten years, and they are all old dogs now.

Mills also doesn't know if he will keep dogs after they die. If they do, they will die again in a decade or so.

Humans will find humans as partners, perhaps for this reason, life expectancy is about the same, but he is not sure whether to remarry.

With a "ding", he rang the bell in front of the counter.


Said a woman behind the cabinet, as if hearing the doorbell and coming to open the door.

Trish called the police. If she was scared, the policewoman who answered the phone would have noticed. She might want to make sure David knew John Doe and not open the door to strangers, but the lock was easy to pick, even if John Doe does not have the door-opening spell like Voldemort, but he can also break in

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