Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 965 Taibai and Chang Geng

The ability to make choices quickly and confidently when an individual is under stress can mean the difference between life and death.

It seems that the devil may indeed be in the details.

- evolutionary psychology

California, also known as the Golden State, is not only famous for its gold production, but also for its gold rush.

The Hollywood film industry has gone through a long process from the earliest silent films of Chaplin to the current special effects films, among which "Western films" occupy an important position.

Even today, there are kids who dress up as cowboys on Halloween, as you can often see in western movies, the town is in the hands of an evil villain, and a passing cowboy shooter takes care of it, sometimes the villain The mayor, sometimes the sheriff, the hero always needs a "bad guy" to set him off.

By the time Mills was a "rookie," Zodiac's time had begun to wane, but in his prime, there was a well-known serial killer in California who committed at least 12 murders and 120 burglaries And crimes against women, including kidnapping, torture, only when he was covered up in Zodiac, rock and roll and the anti-Vietnam War movement sweeping the country, few people in other states knew about it.

He is called the "Golden State Killer" by the FBI, and the folks call him the "Nocturnal Madman", just like a monster in a fairy tale.

When Mills joined the force in 1986, he suddenly stopped committing crimes. At first the murderer targeted women living alone or with children, but starting in 1977, he would break into the empty house even when the husband was at home.

Kneeling in the United States will not get sympathy. "Guns" are part of American culture. It is not illegal to use guns to kill robbers who break into your home and protect your own safety.

But not every American supports this point of view, and some people choose to support the ban on guns. These homeowners without guns can only catch robbers with guns in their hands.

For a bastard who entered the house intending to "play the husband" while the owner was not at home, and later killed his wife and children, and cut off her head and put her head in a courier box, and placed it in front of Mills, Mills It is difficult to choose to forgive like a "saint".

Priests or priests are more concerned with psychological suffering than doctors, and doctors are more inclined to treat certain neurotic symptoms with drugs, at least in the sanitarium where Mills stayed.

There is also a church in the nursing home, but the priest is often absent. Protestant pastors are often married and have to bear the expenses of a family. They cannot have the financial support of the church like Catholicism.

Catholic Jesuits know all about psychology, at least the exorcist who came to Mills did.

They often chat in front of the cross without the crucifix, where there is usually no one, and Joseph helped him far more than the psychiatrist.

Afflicted people tend to go to doctors rather than priests, but doctors often don't say anything about the ultimate problems of the soul.

Personality abnormalities and schizophrenia need to be diagnosed, and many "measurement tools" need to be understood, and it is still in the scientific research stage and has been used by courts.

It's easy to make mistakes, just like in the movie, the last integrated personality of the serial killer is not a prostitute, and the psychiatrist was also killed.

The murderer in that movie would continue to kill until he was taken out by a sniper, and Mills killed John Doe to prevent more murders from happening, although this was not mentioned at the time and in the court debate.

John Doe is not crazy, he is just "broken", whether physically or psychologically, he should be isolated from ordinary people, such as a mental hospital, instead of continuing to be neighbors with ordinary people.

Neighborhood relations in big cities are very cold, who knows what kind of people live next door.

It's a miracle that John Doe's neighbors were not selected by him. This may be because his house is too weird. Once there is a murder, the police will knock on the door to see if the neighbors have seen any suspicious persons. Anyone who saw his house would be suspicious.

A wolf in sheep's clothing hides among the sheep, and it is difficult to find it easily.

Who can tell which is a philanthropist and which is a criminal just by looking at the photos.

When Mills and Anthony returned to the police station, O'Sullivan was leading the robbery victim to identify the suspect.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Neither Mills nor Anthony interrupted his work, sitting on the bench at the elevator entrance, where handcuffed suspects usually sit, so it is made of strong metal, covered with large and small dents, It looks like it was smashed like this.

"Do you know Peter Reilly?"

"What?" Mills yawned.

"Peter Reilly, the young man who was accused of killing his mother," Anthony said. "He found his mother in a pool of blood after mass in church on Sunday, and he believed that if he told the truth, the police would release him soon." Go, so he gave up the right to use a lawyer, which is undoubtedly a wrong choice, and the four policemen took turns interrogating him, and they tried to convince Peter that he killed his mother."

"You think I'll do the same to Scat Davis?"

"You're not a policeman anymore." Anthony rubbed the bridge of his nose "Where do you live tonight?"

"none of your business."

"It's not easy to get a taxi at night in Los Angeles, or are you going to ask your co-workers to drive you back?"

"I can ride in a patrol car."

"Well, whatever you want."

So the two had nothing to say.

Peter Riley stayed in prison for 20 years, until the judge who tried him died, and found the interrogation records in the judge's cabinet, and he was released from prison after extorting a confession.

The four officers at the time, one who was a polygraph operator and one who claimed they had found ironclad evidence of Peter's murder. They did everything they could to dig deep into the subconscious of the boy who had just turned 18, and made him write a confession under the bombardment of exhaustion and persuasive interrogation.

Neither judges, prosecutors, nor the police believed that a person would admit to a crime without violence, threats, or torture, so when Riley's lawyers asked to withdraw the confession, they all chose to dismiss it. .

Twenty years later, Riley's alibi was found in the main prosecutor's file, which proved Riley's innocence. In the end, the court dropped the charges, and all those involved in the case were fired. Still at large.

"Social psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles did an experiment. If we watched the conversation between two parties as a bystander, then we can clearly see which side's face, and we will think that the side that sees the face is dominant. "Anthony said dryly at this time, "For example, you and your friends are in different places in a coffee shop and observe a couple talking. You can't hear their conversation, you can only see their faces and expressions. After a while, the couple is going to watch a movie. You sit behind the woman of the couple, and you see the face of the man, so you feel that the man has been in the dominant position; but your friend is sitting behind the man, He looked over the man's shoulder and saw the woman's face, so he thought that although the woman looked weak, she was leading the way, and she must have suggested going to the movie."

"Oh hell, what does it matter to me that they go to the movies?" Mills yelled impatiently.

"The location of the camera will affect the psychological feeling, and no matter how many times you have watched the surveillance, whether it is watched by experienced law enforcement officers or ordinary citizens, as long as you can't hear the sound and make judgments based on the picture alone, you will think that the camera is aimed at the crime. The suspect has emotions of guilt, guilt and remorse, and this 'thinking' has 'unshakable persistence', when the camera was pointed at Peter Reilly. So, people who watch the surveillance but can't hear the voice I think that Peter Riley is guilty, guilty, and remorseful, and this is one of the reasons why he was convicted." Anthony said calmly, "The focus is the reason. Grabbing that person's attention tightly can affect that person's subsequent judgment and decision-making, you can't trust your police instinct too much, David, the investigation needs to be objective and fair."

"You don't need to teach me!" Mills wrapped the windbreaker tightly, and then leaned on the armrest of the chair and fell asleep soundly.

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