There is a famous Muggle scholar in England, his name is Bernard.

Bernard's colleagues and students believed that, in terms of creative talent, Bernard could win the Nobel Prize more than once. However, the highest honor he received throughout his life was the Royal Society Medal and foreign academician.

Many people have their own theories as to why Bernard did not win the Nobel Prize, and some even proposed the term "Bernard effect".

Pomona thought of him as a Leonardo da Vinci, whose interests were too broad and his mind too divergent, but who lacked the patience and perseverance for fine, in-depth work.

The old bat of Slytherin believes that the most indispensable thing in this world is talented losers, "failed geniuses" abound, and fate is unfair.

Voldemort went crazy, but he was a genius, even though he lost in the end.

Is he not working hard enough? Obviously not, after he was reborn, he didn't even need to sleep, and spent all his time trying to figure out people, but he was still defeated by a newly grown child, twice!

Harry Potter hadn't returned to the wizarding world when the two of them talked about it, and the potions master was still dormant under the protection of Albus Dumbledore, head mage of the Wizengamot, who escaped his trial in 1981 Already lucky.

Lockhart was one of the very few people who achieved both fame and fortune while alive, and he was quite able to liven things up, causing some innocuous chaos in a basilisk-panic school.

It’s just that he is too pushy, and defeating the evil and annoying Potions Professor will make his image more “perfect”. That scene at the duel club broke the hearts of many girls who were strong and brave His idol was defeated so easily.

The dueling stage was not so much used for practicing duels as it was for performances, but the plot was not played out as Lockhart thought.

Snape was just playing with Lockhart, what was even more helpless was that it was Lockhart who found it himself, Pomona couldn't find an excuse to mediate, and she didn't want to mediate, he wanted to show his own Dressing taste also pulled her for comparison. Look at her witch robe, which is covered in mud. "Star" Lottat's outfit looks so good.

So she had no sympathy for Lockhart when Severus beat him all over the place.

She pretended not to hear when the other teachers were discussing in the break room, and Albus said: Neutrality is not silence, when you choose silence to be neutral, you are already on the side of the oppressor.

That time she was on the side of "The Oppressor" Severus, after all, he was only capable of bullying members of the Anti-Dark Arts League at school.

After leaving school, former Death Eaters and dark wizards will continue to be beaten by reality.

Voldemort had a sweet mouth, he complimented Slughorn, and Slughorn was pleased with the student, while Severus did not have such a good reputation.

Explosive liquid is far less complex than Felicia, young Severus is far inferior to Slughorn in terms of knowledge and experience, but the slippery and sophisticated old slug lost to "Lengtouqing". Laghorn was disgraced. Not only did he resign, he even withdrew from the social world and studied potions at home alone.

It is almost an instinctive physical reaction to long for something that everyone is vying for. Every year when sales are on sale, there are always people desperate to buy it. Muggles rush into the store to buy things that they are usually reluctant to buy. Goldfish with their mouths wide open fighting for food.

In Greek mythology, heroes compete for the beauty Helen. Beauty is a scarce resource, and it is also an instinct to compete for her.

Nietzsche said that what people ultimately love is their own desires, not what they want.

Even if Helen doesn't want to be a "prize", it's hard for a woman, especially a beautiful woman, to escape the fate of being a "prize".

People who suffer have no right to be pessimistic. If a person who suffers is pessimistic, he will not have the courage to face reality and the strength to fight against suffering. As a result, he will suffer even more.

She liked Nietzsche precisely because of this sentence.

The BBC has a TV program called "Golden Balls". At the beginning of the program, four contestants participated. After a series of human fights, there will be two people left at the end. At this time, the host will give two people two golden balls. , one says "Equal Divide" and one says "Steal", and they have to choose one of them.

If they all choose to share equally, then the bonus will be divided in half.

If one person chooses to share and the other chooses to steal, then the person who chooses to steal will get the bonus alone, and the person who chooses to split will get nothing.

If both choose to steal, neither of them gets it.

This is a logic problem similar to the "Prisoner's Dilemma". The difference is that the two parties can communicate before making a choice. Therefore, there is often a scene in this program where one person tries to persuade the other to choose an equal share, and tries his best to ensure that he will also share equally. However, Except for the time at the beginning of the show, the later result is often that the two people who had agreed to share equally regretted and chose to "steal".

Past experience tells the audience that after listening to other people's promises, people who choose to "split equally" will often lose everything, while being a "thief" can have everything. The audience will not sympathize with the person being manipulated, but admire the superb liar speech.

There is a British proverb that everyone has a skeleton in his wardrobe.

Morality and society are always entangled in distinguishing between good and evil. Education also emphasizes being a good person and guarding against bad people. But in fact, even a good person hides a devil in his heart. Once we give our absolute trust to someone, it is tantamount to giving ourselves His fate was handed over to "Satan".

There are no absolute good and bad people in this world, only "people who act like good people" and "people who act like bad people".

"Good guys" are only "good guys" in certain situations, such as the usual Lockhart, who slipped faster than anyone else when he was asked to deal with the basilisk, and was caught by Harry.

In another scenario, if a "good guy" has the power to commit violence without fear of being punished, the "Satan" in his heart may wake up and transform from a "good guy" into a devil.

This program interprets the "Prisoner's Dilemma" to the extreme. Nash Equilibrium said what is the best way to do it, but people often choose the bad choice. As Murphy's Law says, there was no player on this program who won a bonus. .

However, there is a person, his name is Nick Kerrigan, he told Abraham Hessen, who reached the finals with him, that he would definitely choose to "steal". Don't even think about it, if Abraham chooses "split", he will split the prize money after the show.

This unprecedented situation surprised the host and the audience, and Heisen was even more shameless, but Kerrigan would not budge, so there were only two ways to stay in front of Kerrigan, or don't pay a penny, Choose to steal, or split, and pray that Kerrigan splits the prize evenly.

How would Abraham choose? Everyone was extremely nervous, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, Abraham finally chose to "split equally".

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, the host signaled Kerrigan to show his ball, but Kerrigan did not "steal" as he said in advance, but chose to "split equally". People split the bonus equally.

Many people like to engage in off-the-desk transactions, and it is not used to suddenly talking about them in broad daylight.

Yangmou refers to conspiracy. In places where there is no sunlight, poisonous weeds grow and thrive, which makes people surprised-it turns out that there are such things in the world.

Many people now know a famous saying: gold always shines.

Shakespeare once said that what shines is not necessarily gold.

There is a famous Italian saying that gold does not always shine.

Gold is the same as the moon, it is reflected light, it is the product of the birth of stars, and it cannot undergo fusion itself.

Even if you have a unique skill, if no one finds you, and you have been buried in the mine without a chance to "reflect light", when the years pass by and time has annihilated everything, people are not like gold, who have eternal time. wait.

Nietzsche can also mislead people, and what he said is not always right, "gold always shines" is what he said.

This year, the BBC voted for the most popular philosopher, and Pomona was suddenly not sure if she would give him her vote.

As for who to vote for, that's what Pomona and Severus are discussing - who's your favorite philosopher.

Under the romantic and beautiful scenery of Venice in the daytime, is there any more serious topic than this?

But under the table, she was rubbing her ankle against his pant leg again.

The human who was younger than her indulged the mixed-race Veela to mess around.

Humans grow up quickly and age quickly, but they are constantly pursuing strength in a limited time.

She suddenly wanted to freeze this moment forever, so she called the waiter and took a group photo for the two of them.

Compared with ordinary honeymoon couples, their photos are less.

It's just that other people's group photos are for sweet memories, but she feels that their group photos are the same as fishermen's photos when they catch big fish.

Who is the fisherman and who is the fish?

That's a real problem.

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